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Posts posted by Tina

  1. I'm reading that second Kyosaki book. He also co-authored a book with Donald Trump that's very interesting--Why We Want You to be Rich. Talks about there being no middle class in the future, hence you want to be on the rich side.


    There are also some online lessons and such for schools Kyosaki has out there at http://richkidsmartkid.com/.


    Nice to hear that someone else is trying to learn all this stuff. :)

  2. I had lots of magazines when the kids were born, but gave them up for lots of years. Last year I had Shape (I was losing weight, okay? ;) , Simple and Delicious, Organic Gardening and Guideposts.


    My tastes have changed a lot over the years. I've gone from Glamour and Self to Parents to Midwest Living, and now I'm heading into a new phase with Ready Made, Countryside & Small Stock Journal, and Health. Guess getting into healthier whole grain lifestyle changes everything. lol


    The kids enjoy


    Big Backyard

    Boys Life


    Tried National Geographic and Popular Science, but they don't look at them. :(

  3. The soups are my first choice. Then I like to make this:


    ham and potato bake


    3 tbsp butter

    1/2 c chopped onion

    1/2 c sliced celery

    3 tbsp flour

    1 tsp salt

    dash of pepper

    1/2 tsp dry mustard

    1 1/2 c milk

    3/4 c shredded Cheddar cheese, divided

    4 c frozen french fries

    1 1/2 c cubed, cooked ham


    Saute the onion and celery in butter; blend in flour and seasonings. Add milk, stirring and cooking , until thickened. Stir in 1/2 c cheese until melted.


    Layer the potatoes, then the ham in a shallow 2 qt dish. Pour sauce over and bake, covered, at 400* for 30 minutes. Uncover, top with remainder of cheese, and bake til melted.


    4 servings

  4. I'm working on that using TWTM biology suggestions, but wondering about the lab portion. She doesn't show any lab for the high school science classes. I have found lots of experiments online, and I want to include microscope work and at least a virtual frog dissection. Can anyone give me a hand here?? I really don't want to do lots of dissections as ds is not into that kind of thing, nor is he a science major in any sense. Just wondering what we need to do to include a decent lab portion in the class.

  5. My boys are just not that ambitious!

    My 16yos is not a strong reader, but he's working his way through Ben Franklin's autobiography (LL). He's also working his way through the Old Testament and reading Run Baby Run on the side.


    13yo ds is reading Treasure Island (LL8), but wanting to move onto The Hobbit.


    Both are listening to Henty's In the Reign of Terror.


    Dd7 and I just finished The Hundred Dresses.


    Think I'm too busy with dh's bookwork to read lately. Can't even recall what's sitting next to my chair...

  6. Definitely since it's here in our 'backyard'! My mom's real excited to go again, too. I love the renewing of the spirit aspect, tho I usually come home with an armload of books. :)


    When I was a newer hser, going and seeing all the books I'd been reading about was perfect for me. It knocked a lot of titles off of my 'think I'd like to get this' list!


    MN CORE isn't having their conference this year in March since MACHE will be up here. Just a booksale this year, then their conference again next year.

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