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Posts posted by Tina

  1. On 10/10/2018 at 12:05 PM, Garga said:

    I read something a while ago about bucket lists that stuck with me.  It was a suggestion that the bucket list shouldn't only be adventure/travel/experience items, but it would be nice to include some items on the list about helping others.  

    I just now tried to find the article I'd read in the past and can't, but here's one that's sort of the gist of what I'd read.  He's a touch bit harsh at the beginning of the article which turns me off, but I do like the 6 items he lists to add to bucket lists.  Since I can't find the original article, this one will have to do.

    I like the idea of having a bucket list with both adventures/experiences for myself, but also having items that are about doing things for others.

    Yes, it can include things like mission trips or donating a large amount to an organization or similar things. 

    We are working our way through visiting all the presidential libraries. 

    Trips- I would love to rent a big house for a vacation somewhere with all my grown kids and their families-- several times since only one's married. lol

    Quilting. I've started on the fabric collection. 

    Learning about herbal remedies, and other health options.  Recently started learning about homeopathy.

    My mom has a hundred things she's wanting to learn about, and she's 80.  That's the attitude I want!


    • Like 1
  2. I always take a crockpot spanish rice.  Easy peasy.   And one year- for the church salad luncheon no less, I was sick and used orzo instead of rice without knowing it. I have had requests for the recipe.

    I've also bought a frozen lasagna.  Precook at home or let it cook while the church service is going on.


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  3. On 10/3/2018 at 3:09 PM, Kassia said:




    socks (fun, fuzzy, or regular)

    scented liquid soap

    shower poof

    hair ties

    Beauty blender

    car air freshener



    small legos




    Walgreen's had a little Christmas 'lego' set with super tiny pieces I gave the boys last year. lol


    • Like 1
  4. For many years, I gave my kids and my sister's kids candy coated sunflower seeds from Trader Joes, but they haven't had them the last couple years.  The kids miss them.

    I'll brainstorm in this post, since I know I can't be alone.

    I did makeup brushes for the girls last year 

    Makeup remover wipes

    winter or dress scarf

    flat multi- tool

    Looking forward to arts and craft shows: lotion bars, small makeup bags, necklaces 



    little puzzles or games


    deck of cards

    things for cleaning/polishing a car

    car wash gift card

    pillow case with fabrics relating to their hobbies, etc.

    More gift ideas from the past: Camping gear or hunting items. Stuff for individual sports: tennis racket, snow shoes or skis, etc. Smaller things for these activities. Membership to Anytime Fitness or whatever you have Workout clothes Set of towels or sheets, bedding or new pillow. Fast food gift cards, movies or DVD player

    • Like 1
  5. May as well get this started as we're talking about shopping.  :)  Sisters weekend is coming up soon and that's when I really get out shopping for the whole weekend. 

    This is my kids favorite part of their gifts, I think,--seeing what I come up with.  So any ideas ladies?  Thanks!


  6. On 10/1/2018 at 4:25 PM, Sherry in OH said:

    So far I have ideas for stocking stuffers but not main gifts.  Except for dh.  A comedian he likes will be performing locally next spring.  Tickets go on sale before Christmas.  I could get him a pair of tickets, but I do not want to attend the show.  I am not sure how dh would react if I asked him to take a friend instead of me.  

    Ds went to see a comedian with dh a few times.  Not my kind of humor and dh knows it.  

    Everyone's grown here now, tho dd just started college and is living at home.  Don't know that I can keep up with a bunch of ideas for everyone this year.  Time to simplify.  I tried theme gifts- games last year.  Not sure they were a hit; dad's made it back to my house.  And we're really game people!

    Thinking of one of those fold-up wagons for ds and his wife who have a one year old.  Anyone know if those with little kids like these ones versus a regular wagon?

    Need to get brainstorming on their stockings as that's what they really still love finding full.


  7. 21 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

    This is a low FODMAP soup for people with tummy troubles. Quinoa, carrot, and collard green soup. This soup is really very, very good!! It's great topped with a bit of parmesan or mozarella cheese. Editing to add: I would advise to use the chili powder to taste, as it could end up too spicy. I just add a tiny bit and add more at the end if needed. I also mix in a small pinch of cayenne pepper in my bowl just before eating. Just enough to give it a bit of flavor but not hot. So be careful not to add too much cayenne or chili powder. I think the recipe asks for too much, IMO.


    Will it make me enjoy collard greens?  ;)  Think I'll give it a try.  thanks!

  8. 21 hours ago, Indigo Blue said:

    This is a low FODMAP soup for people with tummy troubles. Quinoa, carrot, and collard green soup. This soup is really very, very good!! It's great topped with a bit of parmesan or mozarella cheese. Editing to add: I would advise to use the chili powder to taste, as it could end up too spicy. I just add a tiny bit and add more at the end if needed. I also mix in a small pinch of cayenne pepper in my bowl just before eating. Just enough to give it a bit of flavor but not hot. So be careful not to add too much cayenne or chili powder. I think the recipe asks for too much, IMO.


    I liberally sprinkled the sliced beef for pepper steak with cayenne instead of paprika a month ago.  Luckily it was old cayenne. lol  Dh did actually eat the leftovers, too! haha

  9. https://www.aspicyperspective.com/vegan-creamy-golden-vegetable-soup/  

    zuppa toscana soup, like Olive Garden serves

    Trying to love squash, and liked this one:  https://damndelicious.net/2014/12/10/roasted-butternut-squash-bacon-soup/

    creamy wild rice soup

    hamburger vegetable soup-- don't forget the cabbage, per ds  ;)

    cheeseburger soup https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/cheeseburger-soup/  I think this is the recipe I use



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  10. 20 hours ago, happi duck said:

    I didn't like getting Christmas gifts to stash away for "someday".  My mom did keep an eye out for good deals and had a hope chest for me that I much appreciated when the time came.

    Stuff I could use then *and* into the future was great.  I still have some original artwork I received back then.

    Just my two cents!

    My mom monogrammed the set of towels she gave me before I left for college.  A popcorn maker?  I used mine to make mac and cheese.  But that was a much older popcorn maker. lol

    • Like 1
  11. 16 hours ago, HollyDay said:

    In years past, I have sent her Brighton state "jewelry."  Last year they were out of our state so I got her a key fob from our state

    And thanks for introducing me to this jewelry!  State charms would be good for me and dd.  ;)

  12. What hobbies does she have that there are different choices for here in the states?  Something she'd use but not be able to get at home. Or just something she liked at a gift shop you were at together but didn't buy herself?  

    I like to collect tea towels from the different states I visit.  Or I've gotten tile coasters from some cities/states, too.  Definitely something that screams USA or your state, so she thinks of you when she sees it.  :)   American teas or coffee?  

    You can always send the photos or photo book later.  Perhaps special photos of her and the kids, with some things they did together.

  13. On 10/1/2018 at 2:45 PM, Homeschool Mom in AZ said:

    My senior year in high school I took College Prep English.  We had to do a research paper about what we wanted to do as adults, including interviewing 2 people who actually did that for a living.  It covered what kind of schooling/training was needed for the job, who was hiring, what the current salary was, related fields....

    I had mine read several books about personality and careers/work environments, each from a different angle.  I had them color code each based on their reactions: red for negative, yellow for neutral, and green for positive. Spending time developing self-awareness is worthwhile that this age.

    Yes.  There are books out there on careers without a degree, careers with apprenticeships, etc. 

  14. On 9/30/2018 at 11:49 PM, cave canem said:

    This kid is smart but not at all interested in academics.  First entered public school for 10th grade after homeschooling.  Hated it and wanted to drop out.  Just *hates* school.

    His plans for supporting himself seem unrealistic to us for his skill set--things like starting a company in an industry that seems cool but that he doesn't have expertise in and that most people get a specialized degree for or being a youtube personality. He does not want training in any sort of trade.

    He has interest in being a personal trainer but may be on the young side for that.  There are also some unhealthy aspects to his fixation on the gym.

    Without knowing my kid at all, what do you think your impulse would be in this sort of situation?  Pressure him to finish school?  By withholding something?  Knowing all the reasons we think this idea is terrible has not dissuaded him.





    I would pressure him to finish, but I would head the unschooling route, too.  Maybe he needs to do a 'class' where he researches starting his own business.  What does it take?  Are there places to get help starting out?  SBA or ??  Map it all out.  Research options for becoming certified as a personal trainer.  (My sister did this online, I think.)  What other career options could he find based on his interests?  Physical therapist, etc?  

    Sally Clarkson has some books you could check out for other ideas.

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  15. On 10/1/2018 at 4:14 PM, Pawz4me said:

    Financial reasons -- DH and I worked long and hard for what we have. I wouldn't want to risk that. Of course there's always a pre-nup, but . . there are still legal entanglements in any marriage, and I wouldn't want that.

    I think I'd like being independent more than I'd need a partner.

    I really don't think I'd want the responsibility/work of maintaining a relationship.

    Since women generally live longer than men, unless I married a younger man the odds are I'd just end up being his caregiver.

    Even though our boys are adult, I wouldn't want to disrupt our family. We're close. I wouldn't want to risk losing one single, tiny little bit of my boys because they might not feel totally comfortable around a new person.

    I could probably think of several more reasons, but those are the ones that immediately spring to mind.

    Caveat: I'm 55. I might think a lot differently if I were ten or twenty years younger.


    I am married to a great guy, and can't imagine starting over with anyone else. We have had a great life together.  

    And  it should soon be retirement time.  And as I think about my folks,married very young- 16 and 27-- now 80 and 91-- I see the freedoms my mom would have as a single. She has so many things she's interested in, and would love to spend more time on those hobbles/interests.

    I think there comes a point where the freedom to do as you want- hobbies and things you never get to do, cook the foods YOU like, be in charge of the TV- haha, etc.sounds really good.  My mil had several male friends in her life after she was widowed.  From this vantage point, I see why she didn't remarry.   It would take someone pretty special to make the blended life sound appealing again.


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  16. On 9/26/2018 at 1:50 PM, Tina said:

    We've used Picassa for probably 5 years.  They also have given the students several free pages if the books are purchased by a certain date.

    I'm sorry-- memory issues big time!   Picaboo!  Picaboo is where we've gone to make them!

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  17. We sell a lot of heat pump mini splits in our area.  They work very well here, saving you money on your heating/cooling early in the seasons when you start using them.  There are also systems with multi heads for several rooms as an option.

    And can I suggest switching to a gas furnace if possible?  Much cheaper to run--at least here.  :)

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