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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. I agree. Always try to keep to the pain meds schedule, especially in the beginning. I think I replied to you before, as I have had several extensive hip and pelvis surgeries. That deep bone pain is the most excruciating, and the only way to manage it is to keep pain levels subdued...catching up is a beast. Best of luck, I know you guys have a long road ahead of you. My heartfelt sympathy and best wishes headed your way.
  2. *snort* You wear it out and about but not at home?😄 Lol, if I wore it at home hubby would probably take it as a personally engraved invitation since he has often shared my one-sided laughter:)
  3. Five Stars for Quill! I just did, but her 4 stars aren't budging. Need backup, ASAP!
  4. Yes! I am not sure if the combined work of LikeaPalooza, the Star Brigade, or whether the likes were added back just to get us to cease and desist...or if it was a random glitch. Enquiring minds want to know! Woo hoo! The funny thing is all the visible likes for every post now:) Ladies, our work, however, is not complete until every poster who cares has a five-star rating:)
  5. One sneaky way I have started: pick a person, any person and go to their profile. Give them 5 stars. Then use the friend pictures and make sure they all have five stars. One one of those profiles, make sure all THEIR friends have five stars and so on and so forth. It isn't a perfect system but works much more quickly if you have limited star-distribution time. Sort of a friends and family network! Of course, this will never reach everyone so we must find ways to widen the circle of starsâ­
  6. As hubby took the kiddo off this morning to give me a much-needed break, I decided to find something useful to do. What better way, I thought, to start the morning off right than to generously and randomly play star fairy. After donning my 4 yr olds tutu and tiara, I picked threads at random and got to work showering some astro-love. Now I am depressed. Such a daunting task! WHO is going about giving perfectly lovely Hivers 1 star ratings?! It is appalling. I am afraid, Star Brigade, that we have a long and arduous task ahead of us. This is so much bigger than all of us! Leaving fellow Hive members to suffer in silence is NOT okay. Time for more coffee.
  7. Another successful mission completed! Any other star-poor souls we can save from the depths of social despair?
  8. Another 5 star for Miss P, but she is still stuck on 4 stars. This is unacceptable results for the Star Brigade! Wake up and put those fingers to work (carefully!).
  9. At this point I would even settle for knowing it was intentional, and not just a fluke. If the powers that be decided on a change, that is something we will all have to adjust to I guess:) But I just have to KNOOOWW:)
  10. Not liking! A bit of silly is the best.
  11. Maybe he isn't feeling the love. Totally by accident Managed to tap the admin profile on my phone today. Somebody actually had the gall to one-star admin! Maybe if we bombard with 5 stars we will have better luck in pleading the case for visible likes:)
  12. Dd is allergic to the Penicillin family, as am I. It can be very frightening to watch your baby suffer through a severe reaction:( I am glad she is doing better. One thing: with a reaction that severe our ped also told us to avoid the cephalosporins, as they are closely related. Unfortunately, a substitute pediatrician did not think it was an issue and insisted that only a small percentage of the population are allergic to both. I know now that to be untrue, but I did allow them to prescribe them. The reaction was much less severe, but scary nonetheless:( A bracelet is a must. I am also allergic to morphine, and even after discovering that fact during a hip surgery, multiple discussions and having it in my records I was once administered morphine when I had a kidney stone.
  13. Me too! I really love British Cider. Cold, crisp, and bubbly. Hubby bought me a soda machine with seltzer and a tart apple juice? Perfect. It wasn't the drink (even though occasionally the alcohol in it was a bonus!) but the cold refreshing bubbles:)
  14. Ooh, no words of wisdom on the cravings really, but after 20 years I would imagine it is much more than a physical addiction. It is going to take a long time I would guess. I just wanted to say congratulations for finally conquering it and making the decision to do something positive for your self! Woo hoo!
  15. I don't know, but if your five star rating takes a sudden nosedive, you will know the reason for it😒 Although, that should now and forever be statistically impossible😄 However, should it happen to do so we shall all take immediate and decisive action on the star front...
  16. Oh yeah, baby! Unfortunately, the song underwent a miserable attempt at modernization:( https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yr83YRkbXpw Here is the original 1970's version: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dFzhjnjXc2o
  17. Weebles have been resurrected. Our local children's museum had the most amazing traveling Weebles exhibit...one exhibit for each state with hands on activities. And featuring Weebles. They sold all the Weebles toys in the gift shop. This was only a couple of months ago. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003CRCQLO?pc_redir=1408169949&robot_redir=1
  18. Aw, thanks! Back at 'cha! And now that Shinyhappypeople is back to five stars hopefully her love and worth in the forum will be reaffirmed:)
  19. This deserves very visible likes!
  20. It's a swizz. A monumental joke. After careful experimentation and much, much too much repetition I am convinced that you can only rate a person's profile 1 x per day...although it SHOWS that you have votes five-stars to lead you on, it only seem to actually count once. Which means possibly that vindictive Ms. Twitchy Fingers may visit repeatedly for the purpose of downgradingðŸ˜
  21. Aw, Shinyhappypeople posted in the updates that someone one-started her profile. Can we all please bombard her with 5 stars to show her a bit of love? With a name like that the world will fall off its' axis if she stays sad:(
  22. Is there a possibility of purchasing or borrowing a caravan/travel trailer? I can't imagine just moving from house to house, trying to school, and everything else. If you can rent your house out, you could live in the caravan for he year...traveling in it to family and hubby, but stopping to see National Parks, museums, etc. If you get a Parks pass and a membership to a science museum on the AST list they have reciprocal agreements so it costs very little if anything to visit the other places. This has the added bonus of giving hubby a place to stay away from roommates when you visit. Obviously not optimal, but what a great adventure and opportunity to travel and learn hands-on.
  23. Ha, I meant that sort of tongue in cheek. I would hate it as well:)
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