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Everything posted by Kerileanne99

  1. If the likes will stay invisible, at the very least we also need an invisible dislike button. That way you would get a private notification: so-and-so dislikes a post you made. Unpleasant, but infinitely more honest and upfront. I actually bet it would cut down on the issues as much of them (like one-starring vindictively) would be a much-more transparent process.
  2. Ah, but LikeaPalooza is an important social experiment. Tonight at least, there are those who read and those who do:)
  3. Very interesting! I wonder what the style will be. Dd is very, very infatuated with Greek Mythology at the moment and I am pretty tired of the same books:) I preordered it so am looking forward to it...
  4. Something to help you waste some time:) http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/525136-cussing-gets-mom-arrested/
  5. Yes. You have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click on the Full Version tab. Then you will see all the stars:)
  6. Yeah, really for that amount and that distance you will be fine. Especially in a cooler...although of course you don't put dry ice in an airtight container. Regular coolers will be fine. Do bring in air periodically by putting down the windows for a minute or so. CO2 is heavier than air so having the windows open for a minute will really help to circulate fresh air.
  7. Ooh, my likes are back! Lets see how long they last... ETA: all of 6 seconds of fun. What a let down😩
  8. Interestingly enough, an email arrived in my inbox this morning from the Texas Homeschool Coalition Association. They state very clearly that they advised the notification be sent and the repercussions. How dumb can you get? http://www.thsc.org/2014/08/effect-of-el-paso-case-on-home-schoolers/
  9. Quoting myself because I think an experiment is in order. After giving Calandalsmom 5 successive 5-star votes the overall rating did not change...so either she has a lot of votes that are averaging out (so each vote has a tiny effect) or even though the system shows you have rated it again (as opposed to the thread ratings which do not allow a second vote). I propose an experiment! Can everyone inundate Calandalsmom with 5 stars so we can test this? Enquiring minds want to know😄
  10. Statistically speaking the more votes a persona has overall, the less of an effect each successive vote will have. It is an average. But the more five-star votes a person gets, the more negligible a vindictive down-grade will be.
  11. All is not lost:) Keep checking back. I just gave you five stars--five times, lol.
  12. If you go to settings and then My Notifications, a whole list of them pops up...but a little tab also appears to the left above My Notifications called Notification Settings. There is a whole list of useful notifications. Who knew?
  13. Drats! Alas my likes are STILL out from last night. No magical regeneration😩 Hhmm, I think we should make an honest effort to see if a quota exists for five stars. You know, if we stock up on them the next time Ms. Twitchy Fingers comes along her vote will have no real effect...impotent twitchy fingers.
  14. Aww. If it makes you feel better I just gave you the star high-five. Who knew you could personally go to a profile five times in a row to give them five stars? It is so wrong that it is only possible to rate a thread once, but if a person were so inclined to tag an individual they could be sweet or nasty ad nauseam. Just so wrong.
  15. You are hereby assigned to personally give out 100 5 star ratings and 100 likes as penance:) Is it possible to overload the star and like systems? If the forum crashes tonight, we will all know why. Bwaahaaaahaaa.
  16. Twinkle, Twinkle little Star Tells us just how worthy we are Five if popular, one if not, Are you gold or green like snot? Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Passive agressiveness from Afar:)
  17. Ah see, a new method of peacable protest. But why stop in the forum? we can help validate the rest of the world. Every single American just needs an official invisible like button with an identification number. Imagine the societal impact, lol.
  18. Report it immediately if you think it is a possibility. Really. We had this happen to us when we were moving, and it was only because we had a copy of both a police report (which is pretty pointless other than to have it on file unless the person is caught!) and the PO report that we were able to get the original check (cashed) written off by the bank and a new check issued. We were told that without those it is possible to open an enquiry but the process is longer:( Also...one electricity bill was also stolen. Usually we have all our bills on direct pay but because of the move had temporary stopped that. The electric company waived the late fee when we could show that we had reported the issue. ETA: one other thing the CC company told us. If you report when you think mail has been tampered with and there later becomes an issue of identity theft, they have an immediate record and a starting point.
  19. And why is it, that if the visible likes are MIA in the name of board peace is the 'rate the thread' monstrosity still there?! And just as an added note: I purposely used that question mark/exclamation point today because in all my 37 years of ignorance I never new that the combination actually has its own name:) Interrobang sounds soooo cool!
  20. You know, I actually submitted random samples of Alex's work this summer. I haven't actually seen the work of other kids at the school so I don't really know what they thought of her handwriting. Personally, I see it as fine. She loves to write stories and picked up cursive very, very quickly as well. This is the sample I stuck in the folder at the beginning of summer as she had done it a couple of days prior. I don't, however, actually know that the copies of her work were actually shown to this teacher. Maybe I should check that! ETA: have to attach the picture from the computer:(
  21. This is exactly how her school has been described in the 2 years we have been contemplating it. We toured several times, met on several occasions to see if it would even be an option. Now that she is actually enrolled I just feel like her actual teacher is maybe even a bit biased, if that makes sense?
  22. I think I will eventually have to put together some groups for Alex. I think right now she is just at that perfect in-between age. It seems like every.single.group or class we have found goes VERY strictly off of the school district cutoff of Dec 1st. And even if there WAS any flexibility with the minimum age (I have found exactly 1 that would consider it!) I have been told that the point is moot anyway as kids that are officially kindy get priority, for obvious reasons. There are wait lists! I have dreams of putting together a couple of groups, but am not ready medically to take anything else on. My kid is so high energy that she gets anything/everything I have:). I am having yet another hip surgery this year, so maybe after that.
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