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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. Using an oximeter when we had Covid.   Our dr recommended checking every 6 hours.  I am so glad we did!   I had 'silent hypoxia' and would not have known how ill I actually was if I hadn't been monitoring.  I was never out of breath, even when climbing stairs or vacuuming.  I did feel very lethargic and ended up needing oxygen for five days.

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Quill said:

    Yeeeessss. It was preparing for our daughter’s wedding that finally (finally!) made me realize it. He was complaining about certain decisions that would be preferable to practically everybody. At some points I thought, “Oh. I get it; his baby girl is getting married and it’s outside of his control, so he’s picking on stupid things that *are* within his control.” 

    Is he open to you calling this out?  We've obviously had a lot of 'my brain works differently to yours' conversations in the last year since my dd's autism diagnosis, and a few more of 'Dd is more like you than you'd like to think LOL!'

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  3. 11 hours ago, Quill said:

    I realized that when dh is being very negative and difficult, there is usually anxiety at the heart of it. I don’t know why it took me twenty-seven years to get it, but I’m glad I realize it now. 

    I'm not an anxious person myself, so it also took me a very long time to recognize and deal with in my family members.  I still find it very hard to actively listen and not immediately go into problem solving mode.  That seems to be my default setting.

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  4. I didn't learn any new skills at work, but got to apply the managerial and technical skills I have in a new area of the business.

    My crocheting speed increased.

    I learned to proof-read my daughter's university papers to check that the correct style rules (mostly Harvard or APA 7th depending on the course) have been correctly applied (these cover formatting, in-text referencing, reference lists, etc).  

    I tried a few new recipes in the hopes of improving my cooking skills, but I make 'functional' food - tasty enough because I'm following a good recipe, but I just don't have the aptitude to be creative in the kitchen.   My eldest daughter, on the other hand, is an absolute wizz.  She can open the pantry, haul out whatever's there and creates amazing dishes.

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  5. 56 minutes ago, regentrude said:

    No goals here. Hence no progress. 

    That's me too.  

    Its not really a goal, but I have tried to make a habit of crafting more.  Its relaxing and even small projects are satisfying.  I learned to crochet during the first lockdown last year and have about 5 squares left on a double bed granny square blanket, then I need to google how to stitch it together.  I've not set any deadline for myself, hence the very slow progress.   I've left it aside and then get going again in spurts.

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  6. 38 minutes ago, Ditto said:

    You know, it seems all my "goals" could really be put under "conquering fears",  and I am so proud that I am doing that, even if it is turtle pace slow.

    You should absolutely be proud of yourself for conquering fears - the first step was the hardest!

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  7. 13 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

    My son came over and climbed up on the roof to put lights up on the house for me (something we haven't done for the last few years). My husband built me a new set of risers for my growing collection of light-up critters. And I now feel like I have "enough" outside lights for the first time in ages.

    (I also included a gratuitous picture of the dog posing with the critters while decorating was still in progress.)

    Inside, we put up the tree this week, and my husband surprised me with the electric fireplace unit I've been wanting since we bought the house. 

    I feel done decorating at this point.





    Your light display and the critters are magical!


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  8. This year I really appreciated my close friends and family.  I'm not sure if she is the first to say it, but I love what Esther Perel says that "the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life".  I made a point of nurturing some fledgling friendships.

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  9. This question has really thrown me  – I’ve done a lot in the last year, but have I really accomplished anything?  There’s no “big achievement” to note down.  Nothing really tangible or measurable.  As Regentrude says, “just doing the normal”.

    But, at the same time, at times during the year, doing the normal took SO much energy – physically to recover from Covid and emotionally to stay positive and hopeful.  It is been particularly draining to carry the emotional burdens of my loved ones through some scary medical diagnoses and disappointing life experiences.

    Should I be disappointed in myself for not achieving something big, or is it OK in this phase of life to do what it takes to keep strong relationships going and create a supportive family unit and be there for my extended family?  Should I be thinking of big goals for myself for next year, or is the goal of supporting those who need me 'enough'?

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  10. 1 minute ago, Granny_Weatherwax said:

    Overcoming my mental obstacles and finally (after 4 years) finishing a professional certification and then going on to complete a second (related) certificate. Now, if I can take the next step and actually use those certifications, I'll be happy.

    Well done and congratulations on achieving your certification!  

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  11. Does getting through the year with my sense of humour intact count as an achievement?  It has  been a trying year as far as family health goes - both Covid and other serious health-related issues and I am the carer, motivator and keep-it-all-together-er.

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