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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. On 12/18/2022 at 6:11 AM, Rosie_0801 said:

    According to the moderators, there is no hierarchy here that gives some posters more or less right than others, to be annoying. (Ya know, within board rules and triggering that sinking feeling in the stomach of the mods as they think they see a train wreck coming.)


    I cannot think of anyone here who I would say communicates unsuccessfully, but this is also a rather diverse community that is affected by the trends of the wider world. We have people aged across several decades, we have people from a collection of countries, diversity of and within religion, across the political spectrum, different neurotypes, different family sizes, different costs of living, educational styles, educational priorities,  different sexualities and who even knows what other subgroups we have, line dryers v electrical driers? People who do v don't put their shopping trolleys away? With all that variation, what does successful and unsuccessful communication even mean? Agreement? I'm sure we would all laugh at that, since unanimous threads are rare enough that someone always points it out. No hurt feelings? We can't even talk to our nearest and dearest without hurt feelings sometimes.

    We are a community of people trying to raise our kids to get out and have a reasonably decent life, knowing there are some things we can do do help that along, and knowing there are some things that are just plain out of our control. We are a community of people who are glad when things go well for each other and each other's families, and think it is commiseratingly sucky when things don't. We are a community of people who are generous with our experiences, to make things that little bit easier for those who need to know the things we found out earlier. No individual has experienced everything, but between us, we know what it is like to half crazed from sleep deprivation, to be estranged from family, to have lost someone important, to want to punch a boss in the face, to wish we could sleep through the holidays, to regret that it really isn't okay to feed our kids nothing but peanut butter toast forever, to know with absolute certainty that we did teach our kid such and such so why are they telling the neighbour/their grandma/the librarian/ the cashier that they've never heard of maths before and they don't know how to spell their own name? We know what it is like to have been there and done that, and we know how it feels to say "Woah, that is so far outside of my experience I don't even know what to say other than ((hugs)), so ((hugs))."

    Probably, if someone on here is annoying us, they're sleep deprived, hormonal, have chronic pain, a deadline due, two kids who are supposed to be at opposite ends of town at the same time, are really really enthusiastic about the topic for some reason and will probably feel better tomorrow or next week, and hopefully not any later than that because, for goodness sakes, can't a body catch a break?


    Unless SWB says otherwise, each one of us is allowed to be here.

    Love this Rosie! ❤ 

  2. 39 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

    We have Life 360 so if anyone is worried they can just check location.

    Dh and I and our girls do too.  Life 360 adds to our layers of security which also includes avoiding driving more than a few kilometers at night as much as possible (I'm in South Africa, so not always safe to do so).

    When we're travelling we generally let the other know when we're going to sleep and may have a quick chat before that if its convenient.

    • Like 2
  3. Does fil dispense reliably?

    Our pharmacy offers a packaging service to the nearby retirement home for all  medication per patient. It is blister packed like this by day and time that the medication needs to be taken, so very easy for the carer to dispense or track. (Ours has the option to write in a date too).

    Somehow the fact that it comes from the pharmacy makes it more acceptable to the elderly than a container someone has counted out on their behalf.

    • Like 5
  4. My niece came to visit and we did Harry Trotter and Hermione at the yard's Halloween party on Saturday. 

    • Like 7
  5. Nobody local. 

    My two sisters and I are close, but they live overseas.  It has been lovely seeing them again as they visited after the pandemic.  It makes a huge difference to have the time to visit in-person vs online conversations.

    Two good friends have moved away - one emigrated to Australia and the other to another province a 2-hour flight away.  She'll be visiting next week and I look forward to some good conversations.   We Zoom weekly, but its not the same as in-person and we've been saying "I'll tell you all when I see you".

    I have a local friend that I've known for years, she also homeschooled and I still see her at least twice per month.  We share 'stuff', but they have different worldviews and although we fully respect each other's differences,  it never feels as if the connection is quite the same.  

  6. 5 hours ago, Tap said:

    That my boyfriend of 5 months and  i just survived 2 weeks of terrible, very high level stress hitting from 5 different directions at once. We came out stronger and more unified as a family than ever. It is such a different relationship to me than my xh of 30 years. I never had someone walk beside me an be part of a functional team before. ❤️

    That sounds amazing Tap! Excited for you too!

    • Like 1
  7. 10 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

    but recognising it as a sign of self medicating for something, and offering counselling like I've heard of somewhere in Europe doing. (That's the theory, I don't know what happens in practice.)

    My cousin in the Netherlands works in health care of addicted teenagers.  It is technically illegal to use, possess or sell drugs, even soft drugs, but they do have a "tolerance policy", so it is overlooked if quantities are small.  Possession of is usually treated as a misdemeanor.   Criminalization and marginalization of drug users is avoided as much as possible and help is offered (and offered by National Health) at every interaction with authorities.  


    • Like 4
  8. For.  There is no sense in criminalising it.

    Here, the Bill for Private use is still being revised.   If it goes ahead it will allow possession of 600grams of cannabis per person in private, and up to 1200 grams per household as well as 100 grams in public.  Individuals will also be allowed to grow a limited number of plants for private use.

    You can use cannabis for medicinal purposes if bought from a registered distributor and with a medical use card.

    There is a ban on the advertising of tobacco products in South Africa, but not on alcohol.  



    • Like 4
  9. In the corporate I work in most emails start with Good day XXxx and jump right in.  Emails mostly end with Regards, Y.  Hi Xxx would be a bit more informal to a colleague I know better.

    Interestingly, my daughter's university communication to fellow students and lecturers is a lot more 'flowery' and starts with pleasantries and ends with Kind Regards. 


    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Scarlett said:

    It is not wrong to take the money and use it for whatever you see fit.  You are already giving back in the form of the free rent to those in need.  You are much too hard on yourself.  If you were rolling in the dough it would be different.  But you aren’t.



    This is the Universe giving back to you for what you do for others.

    The givers want to to make your life a little easier, however that looks now. You don't have to justify how you spend it.

    If they are that good at researching who you are and where you live, they probably also know it's an old post, and still felt you deserve their contributions. 

    • Like 1
  11. 41 minutes ago, QueenCat said:

    Right. I just talked to dh about this, so I could respond. Those details aren't typically given until an offer is made. It's proprietary information and something that they don't want competitors to know. My husband conducts interviews and makes hiring decisions. He is mostly telling them about the job and learning about them, so he can determine if they are a good fit for the position. An HR rep is typically in attendance but only gives a salary range and tells them that they will have medical/dental/vision/etc. options but no the details. Those are given in more detail in an offer letter.

    It is the same in the large corporate where I work. I have been on the panel or the hiring manager in close to 300 interviews (both internal and external candidates). Interviews are for finding the person with the right technical skills, social skills and experience.

    If it comes up, the HR practitioner will tell the interviewee that the company does offer benefits, but that details of salary, benefits, conditions of employment, etc will only be discussed with the preferred candidate when an offer is made. 

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

    Thanks.  Mine is more like older dd's.

    I just asked about her current routine. She said "Wash with sulfate free shampoo and use  a scalp massager brush to work it in well, conditioner squished in then washed out completely. 
    Curl cream and sometimes gel. All applied on wet hair. Plop dry hair on a t-shirt. I only use the scalp massage brush when ĺ wash, otherwise finger comb. 

    I tend to rotate products, but am currently using Cantu shampoo, Two Oceans conditioner, Umberto Giovanni Curl Mousse and Gel".

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/16/2022 at 6:53 PM, Laura Corin said:

    Thank you. When do you brush or comb? I live somewhere quite windy, and although I wear a snood or a hat, there are bound to be tangles.

    We only use our fingers.  As soon as I brush or comb it just becomes a frizzy mess.


    This is younger Dd's hair.

    And this is older Dd's


    A very windy day just to show our curl structure...






    • Like 3
  14. To answer the OP's question.

    My parents lived on my uncle's property when we were little for about 18 months while my parents built our house.  My mom would source everything during the day and Dad would build for a few hours after work and on weekends. 

    We had a caravan (camper) and attached tent and we had to walk  around the back of the house to get to the bathroom inside the house.  I was about 6 at the time and still remember jumping from flag-stone to flag-stone on the path from our camper to the house to avoid the puddles caused by the rain.  My parents also converted an outbuilding into a type of living room where our living room furniture stood.  We took a different path to get there.  The area we lived in has winter rain, but temperatures are fairly mild - going down to about 10 degrees Celcius during the day (50 F).

    My sister in Ireland just had my cousin's daughter stay in the camper parked in her driveway for a semester while attending university.  Keeping the camper heated was a challenge and she basically only slept there.  Doable with the right clothing and bedding.  My sister also didn't mind having her in the public areas of the house nor her using the bottom bathroom and shower.

    I think you need to think about how much of your home Dd and family will be using, and would you mind having them there?  Different personalities also come into the mix.

    Do you have private spaces to retreat to?  Is there a bathroom available that they can use?  What about washer/drier? (I recall that my Uncle and father installed a washer in the bathroom that we used in their home).  Would you allow them to use your kitchen?  How often?  I think you all have to have a frank discussion on how you see the day-to-day practicalities working out.




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  15. You will have to experiment a bit with products and methods that works for you. 

    My daughters and I all have curly/wavy hair, but the textures differ a bit.  Elder Dd's is thicker and more wavy and her hair goes limp with heavier products, while younger Dd and I have finer, more frizzy hair and need the heavier products to keep it in check. 

    Our basic routine is to wash in the shower using the 'squish to condish' method (basically scrunching the conditioner into the hair for moisture)- Elder Dd rinses out all conditioner, but younger Dd and I find that leaving some in lets the curls 'clump' more.  I then add a curl enhancer that I leave in as well.   We then use either a t-shirt or a micro-fibre towel to wrap around our heads to absorb the water.  I don't use a comb or brush.

    I sleep on a silk pillow-case with my hair in a "pineapple" on my head.  In the morning I use a spray bottle to define the curls a bit.  Elder Dd sleeps with wet hair wrapped in the T-shirt, but I want my hair to be dry before bed.

    I can't advise on UK products, but try to find 'curly girl approved i.e. sulfate free, silicon free, etc.  You can add the product name into a website like curlscan.com.   

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