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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. Just now, Not_a_Number said:

    Ah. So not a very long term thing yet. I hope they make it work. 

    I believe they will.   We live quite far apart, so time spent together is for a few days at a time and I don't think they can keep up appearances  I've seen them twice since they've reunited and there is definitely a change in how they interact.  The tone is gentler and they're less reactive. Somehow both seem to think more of how the other might be experiencing the conversation.  They've also become aware of each other's triggers.  They were both really committed to making it work and they do enjoy each other's company.


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  2. I'm sorry that you this is happening to you. 

    We have very good friends who lived separately for about 8 months for this reason - the dynamic in their marriage was no longer working for them.  They did agree that they loved each other and could see themselves getting old together, but that time apart was needed to heal themselves and was necessary for the relationship - childhood trauma and dynamics playing out.  They are reunited now and it seems to be going well.   

    They went to therapy both separately, as a couple and as a family (young adult sons).  They spoke daily.  Dh and I were their confidants and probably the only people outside of the family who knew what was happening.  The Dh moved to another country for a few months and framed it as being for work.

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  3. On 1/20/2023 at 1:44 PM, MEmama said:

    Learning about his diagnoses and internalizing that he is not in fact "broken" has helped him tremendously (also, medications!!!).

    Just a comment on getting a diagnosis.  Dd was diagnosed with ASD aged 17.  It made the world of difference to her understanding of herself and the 'not broken' aspect was huge.  

    • Like 3
  4. My younger daughter got her matric (final-year of school) exam results and she has been accepted to the university course of her choice! We were very worried that her mathematics mark would not be good enough, but she did it!!  She starts 13 Feb.

    We will be empty nesters this year.

    • Like 13
  5. 6 hours ago, kristin0713 said:

    I always kept one binder per year that included the most important school work and art. Art or projects that were too big to fit into the binder, but I thought were important, I took a picture of and printed the picture for the binder. 

    We also have a binder per year- a 50 sleeve page protector kind for selected pages of work, art and certificates. I kept everything in a box during the year and then put the file together to wrap up the year.  It was for record-keeping should we have been audited by the education department.  Now they're all in a wooden chest in the living room that we use as a side table.  We had fun looking at it when younger Dd finished school in December.

    There's also one small crate of Story of the World crafts that I"m sentimental about throwing away.

    All are marked clearly and easy to toss once I'm gone. 

    • Like 2
  6. South Africa - I know Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Jehovah's Witness, Seventh-day Adventist as well as all other Christian denominations - all colleagues at work.  Friends are mostly Christian or no longer practice religion, but a very good friend is a dedicated Buddhist as is my sister-in-law from Taiwan.

    • Like 1
  7. Another vote for flexible.  I also think that doing something familiar while your kids still need a lot of your time means that you have the mental capacity to deal with their needs.  It takes a lot of energy to start in a new job and even more in a field you're not familiar with.  If you've done social work before, even many years ago, you will know what is expected and the learning curve would not be so steep. 

    You can always start qualifications or training for your 'later-years career' once you're back in the stride of working and feel that you have the time, energy and money for it.  

    • Like 3
  8. My eldest moved out for university in 2019, then we got bonus time with her during Covid and online learning and she's living on her own again now.  Youngest is starting Uni next month.  It is going to be very quiet here without her.

    I've enrolled in a university course for myself.  I'm hoping to change careers completely when I retire from corporate life and this is the first step towards qualifying to do that.

    ETA:  Eldest lived an hour away and both will be about 1h45 away this coming year, so we will hopefully see them very often.

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  9. As others have said, it depends on family culture, resources available,willingness to share rooms/tents, etc.

    In our family we'd probably say "sure, there's space for another mattress on the floor...or if you'd like better, go ahead and book here".  My daughter's are still both dependent, but I did recently do that with my sister who tagged along. 

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  10. On 1/3/2023 at 2:41 AM, TexasProud said:

    So here is the nook in my bedroomimage.thumb.jpeg.c10e4e26f0c941d26b36e4a568ccbdbc.jpeg with the books in the small bookshelf

    This looks like a big enough space for a desk and a larger bookshelf? You could make a basket you need with items for your quiet time to do that elsewhere, but leave the majority of work books and supplies here?

    • Like 3
  11. Another Bosch fan here.  Ours is at least 7 years old and still cleans perfectly.  We have an open plan kitchen living area, so wanted something quiet and it is.  It has a filter and no 3rd rack, so probably an older model.

    Adding:  We never rinse anything before putting it in the machine, just scrape off the plate /pot/dish and in it goes.

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