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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. 19 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

    I need a group. 

    I need a group too.  I started art classes in July and I'm learning a ton from the teacher, but it is making the commitment and setting the time aside to go to class that is leading to the most progress.  I'll also be travelling in the next month, but will just slot in again when we get back.

    • Like 1
  2. On 8/31/2023 at 2:10 AM, TexasProud said:

    Unfortunately there are no adult classes around here even if I were home. 

    Online classes maybe?  Of course doing it in a group is more fun, but just building your skill level back up may be satisfying too.

    • Like 1
  3. I set up 'coffee and a chat' phone dates with friends that live too far to see in person about once every six weeks or so each, for three of them.  When we do start talking the conversation can go on for an hour or more!

    We have a family Zoom date with my parents, their six kids and grandkids every Sunday.  We gather from Africa, Europe and Asia.  It started during the pandemic and has continued.  People might be cooking or doing other things while they chat.  I do sometimes find the timing annoying, but opt out if we're busy.

    My sister who lives in Ireland phones me randomly (using WhatsApp) when she walks her dog - I'm happy to tell her if its convenient to talk or not.  Other than the Zoom meeting, the others only communicate via text.

    I phone my children on the way home from work on most days - they will tell me if they can talk or not.

    Other friends I may occasionally text (via WhatsApp).

    ETA:  WhatsApp can be used on the laptop too, which makes typing easier.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, TexasProud said:

    It really, really stinks for her and all the other 2020 high school grads or heck college grads.  Not a debate. 

    My elder Dd had this conversation just an hour ago. I am visiting the kids on campus. Younger is in her first year (sorry I still don't know what US term is) and elder in 5th year. They're having such a different experience and elder feels a bit cheated.

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  5. On 8/7/2023 at 12:56 AM, DawnM said:

       I just don't know what to do about school.  I have already enrolled him at the new school and feel it is a better fit for him than the school he will go to if he stays here.   

    Is there any way to still go to the new school even if you don't sell?

    • Like 1
  6. Given the length that you plan to stay in the house, I'd do what is going to work best for your family.  It sounds like that will be to tear down the wall and make it into a larger eat-in kitchen.    If I was looking to buy I'd much prefer that to two smaller rooms.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Ginevra said:

    I didn’t, but I stayed in the family room instead of going up to bed, which is for sure what he was hoping for. He even said something like, “Well how about that…I never knew all I had to do to keep you down here with me for another hour is put on some British show.” 

    3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

    We also often sit together doing things in parallel  - one might be reading, the other playing on their phone 

    We also "parallel play". He might be watching a movie and I will sit in the same room, often facing away from the television, and work on a craft or play on the computer.

    • Like 10
  8. For years genealogy has been a keen interest, but I've pretty much done what I can there on our own and other's trees, including an overseas trip to visit archives.  The word 'passion' would probably be too strong. 

    My youngest left home for university in February and I also found myself floundering.  Working full-time, most of the remainder of my time had been taken up by mothering, and one does push oneself to the background.  I made a conscious decision to try new things this year (I like the word dabbling) and I signed up for

    • a 3-hour art class once a week.  Our town is also small, but we do have one lady doing art classes.  I'm absolutely loving it and I've met some lovely people through doing this.  I've never seen myself as 'artistic' or even 'crafty' and the gap between my taste and my skills is still huge, but I've decided to lean into the process and forget about what the results look like.
    • an Advanced Certificate in Financial Coaching from a state university.  It is an online course which includes one week of face-to-face workshops on campus which we had last week.  The assignments are based on case studies of coaching sessions that we do with our 'beta' clients.  Again, it was great to meet the lecturers and fellow students (interestingly all in their 40's and 50's) in person.   I'm not yet sure where this will lead, but there is a huge need for financial coaching and literacy, so I may apply my new skills in volunteering roles.
    • quarterly craft-related workshops at a venue a 2-hour drive away, which two friends and I are doing together.  So far there have been two, one was a mosaic project and the other was where we painted and decorated trainers.  I'd not pursue either of these activities as a hobby, but it was fun doing and we make a day of it, with a nice lunch after the workshops.

    As far as gift-giving, our extended family only buys for the children and only if we happen to be together, which doesn't happen very often as we all live on different continents.

    For Dh and I we have been focusing very much on experiences and consumables in the last few years.  The kids have asked for luxury items and we agree a fixed financial amount for a birthday or holiday and they can choose what to purchase.  For her graduation gift, Eldest Dd chose an air-fryer LOL!!

    • Like 4
  9. 3 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

    That’s a thought. The table is such a good quality, high end set, though. It’s the perfect size for a small space……

    If Ds is in college, it may well be that it won't work for his next place.  Also, if they are still of an age that they want to go on trips with you and their schedules are aligned, I'd jump at it.  Ours would love to do family vacations still, but their schedules are making that very difficult at the moment.

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