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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. This is so sad - a life wasted unnecessarily 

    US man innocent after decades in prison

    In the longest known wrongful imprisonment case in modern US history, an Oklahoma man has been declared innocent after nearly five decades in prison for a crime the court now says he did not commit. Glynn Simmons, 71, served 48 years, one month and 18 days for the murder of a store clerk during the armed robbery of an Oklahoma City liquor store in 1974, wrongfully convicted after a witness lied on the stand. His lawyers are now considering litigation against the state to compensate Simmons for his time in prison.

    Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/oklahoma-man-declared-innocent-after-five-decades-prison-2023-12-21/#:~:text=Dec 21 (Reuters) - In,Michigan registry of such cases.


    • Sad 12
  2. 9 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:


    A lone gunman has opened fire in a university building in downtown Prague, killing at least 14 people and injuring more than 20 in Czechia's worst mass shooting, according to police and the city's rescue service. 



    The Czech government declared Saturday a national day of mourning to honor the shooting victims.  

    • Like 3
  3. 34 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

    She sounds very unhappy.

    She does.  It may be that she has the need to control one aspect of her life and make everyone 'stick to the rules' - even though she may be the one making them - because other areas of her life are falling apart.

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  4. 7 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

    Praying for your familhyy, HANNAH

    Thank you Chris

    4 hours ago, lmrich said:

    Praying for your family to have a joy-filled Christmas! 

    All the ideas here are great. We love board games, too. I  picked  up glyphics on clearance and it is such  an easy and clever game: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Creative-Everybody-Experience-Different/dp/B0BHJBY298/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1OSIWJP27LRR3&keywords=glyphics+board+game&qid=1703170939&sprefix=glyphic%2Caps%2C272&sr=8-3

    I am going to try to  make some holiday themed cards for  our family. 

    I would decorate the room with homemade snowflakes and lot of lights.  Do you have any  battery operated candles? They make a lovely glow. 

    Thank you Imrich. It may be too late for us to get the game, but I love the idea of homemade snowflakes.  That's also something we could do there.

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, pinball said:

    I’m sorry your husband and all of you are going thru this. It’s tough any time but particularly hard at holidays.

    I hope he’s better soon.

    Thank you for the good wishes @Pinball

    11 hours ago, Kassia said:

    All great suggestions.  I hope the day feels special to all of you and that he's home soon.

    I agree that the suggestions are all great Kassia.  My brain had gone completely blank on this.  Thank you @Kassia for the good wishes

    5 hours ago, saraha said:

    Came back to say praying for your family and hope the day is special and fun

    I appreciate that @Sahara.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, TechWife said:

    Christmas music - bring a Bluetooth speaker

    decorate the room this week - paper chains, cards, garland, etc.

    serenade the nurses, unit secretaries, other staff with Christmas carols. 

    bring something to share with the staff if you can - beverages would be great. Here there tends to be a lot of food around in the break room, but usually just coffee & water to drink. Flavored sparking water, diet & regular soda, sparkling grape juice, sparkling cider


    He is the only bed occupied now in a room of four, so we can definitely bring in the Bluetooth speaker.

    The staff might run if our family starts singing LOL!, but we will definitely bring them chocolates and beverages on the day.  Also for the high care staff on Christmas day - I got to know all of the shifts better than I would have wished.


    • Like 3
  7. 10 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

    We’ve found that most hospital tvs hook up just fine with a Roku or Firestick, so you can play Christmas movies or music in the background (if you have streaming services already).

    We did games, presents, snacks.  Everyone show up in Christmas jammies or other holiday wear? 

    The TV is one of those mounted in the roof, but we are seeing how we can take in a big screen to attach to the laptop.

    We are going to take a ticket to ride game - fun, but not too hard, wear green or red, and I'm going to find silly hats today.

    • Like 3
  8. 11 hours ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

    it helped all of us to re-frame our thinking from "wish we were home" to "so glad we DO get to celebrate Christmas at all" . . . 

    and my practical suggestion: make a list in order of dh's priority so if he gets tired / wants to sleep, he still got to do the items at top of list. A list can also help build anticipation. 

    battery lights for wheelchair wheels / IV poles

    We are indeed very very thankful that he has pulled through.

    Prioritizing is a great idea, and I love the idea of battery lights on the IV stand!  There's a plug point right behind it.

    • Like 3
  9. 12 hours ago, saraha said:

    Last year we hung all the Christmas cards mil received in her room, hung bright tacky tinsel and dollar store decorations.

    Could you have dh give you a few things for you to pick up so he can wrap and hand out gifts of his own?

    We have a little wire tree with tinsel that will go along.  I'll go and find some silly Christmas hats to wear.

    We could definitely do this.  Luckily we bought gifts in November already, so I could wrap them on his behalf.  I don't know if he'll be strong enough, but asked him to write us each a short letter.

    • Like 3
  10. Dh had major surgery at the end of November, with a long stint in high care, and we are facing the fact that he will most likely still be in hospital on Christmas day.  At the moment he is still getting intravenous feeding and is restricted to sipping a special protein drink. We hope that he will be on clear fluids on the day.  He has said that he won't mind seeing us eat, so we could do a bit of a picnic.

    Besides taking in a small Christmas tree and opening gifts together, what else can we do to make it a special day?

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, freesia said:

    Does anyone else get a little thrill of pride when these kids that we’ve “virtually “ watched grow up graduate? I remember when your kids were little, Laura C!

    Absolutely!  I remember when Laura was in China!  

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