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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. My siblings live on other continents, so we only exchange gifts when we happen to be together for Christmas or a birthday and even then we're flying to be together and usually extending the vacation, so the items need to be small.  We usually try to add a paid activity that we all attend as well.

    Our Christmas is usually only direct family - dh and I and the kids, and now elder Dd's boyfriend for Christmas Eve.  We do the gift exchange after dinner as this is the tradition I grew up with.   On Christmas day we used to go to the in-laws, but they have passed away.  Elder Dd will go to her boyfriend's family this year.

    When the kids were little they'd get one large gift and about five smaller ones from us.  We also followed the wants, needs, wear, read recipe, with sometimes two in a category, depending on budget.

    Now that they are older its mostly larger items that would be nice to haves.  One child got a gift card for a washing machine as this took away the need to go to the on-premise laundromat.  The other will get a lot of better quality than she'd otherwise have got photographic equipment for her university course.

  2. 6 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

    I’d go with multiple Microsoft Teams or Google calendars. 


    4 hours ago, City Mouse said:

    I’d use Google calendar because I can access it on all my devices.



    4 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:


    So I use my work Outlook calendar for most planning.  I dislike that that makes a lot of my personal stuff semi-public to my employer, so I tend to code it or be very cryptic in notating it. 

    I use my work Outlook in a similar way to Carol. It links to my phone, so always accessible. I use the inbox zero method (as best I can), so also mail reminders and lists o myself.

    Others in thr organisation can see that time is blocked out, but not whether it's a meeting or time I've blocked out to work on a task or appointment etc.

  3. A sandwich is made with square pieces of bread.  It can be an open sandwich with only one piece of bread, or a closed sandwich.  

    If the bread is round and the contents is hot, it is a hamburger (veggie burger, beef burger, chicken burger, etc)

    If the bread is round and the contents is cold, it is a roll (cheese roll, ham roll).

    If the bread is oblong and contains a sausage, its a hotdog.

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  4. 8 hours ago, katilac said:

    I mean, if it's not paid, that's why a lot of applicants don't bother doing it. Two hours for every application adds up quick! 

     Just hire your short list for some actual needed contract work! 

    Unfortunately the nature of their work does not usually allow hiring someone for short-term contract work.  

    I guess it can be seen both ways.  The applicant may think they're wasting their time and choose not to do the test and the employer that they're getting proficient and motivated people to select from..

    There are limited opportunities in the country (42% unemployment) and ours is a well-known and prestigious company with good benefits, so even highly skilled tech jobs get 100s of applications and literally 1000's for lower skills levels.   It may not seem fair to candidates, but the company can afford to use this method.  

  5. In our company the data science and programming teams give a 24-hour assignment which they say a good programmer should be able to complete in about 2 hours.  They then have a 30 min Teams interview to assess the interviewee's thought process and how well they can present their conclusions.  

    They do this as they've had too many people with seemingly great resume's, but who can't actually do or present their work.    At least half of the people who make the short list don't bother to complete the assignment.  They always give detailed feedback to each person who has completed the assignment so that they know where their learnings are, or why another candidate may have been better.  

    In other areas there may be a simulation or role-play to assess how a person will handle a particular situation.  

    • Like 1
  6. I always though they were the same thing as well.  Here we refer to a CV.  

    My CV has the following sections:

    - About me:  This is a very brief introduction with years of experience and areas of expertise and interest

    - Education:  Degrees with major subjects (our degrees work a bit differently to those in the US)

    - Other relevant training

    - Work Experience: For the most recent jobs, I highlight major achievements and responsibilities.  I've worked for the same large corporate for nearly 30 years, but have held a number of different positions, so list the ones when I was younger.

    - Volunteer Experience

    - Some people might add references as well.

  7. 16 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

    Since I have to keep job hunting I saw a posting for a Learning Resource Coordinator at a small college and applied. The pay and location is better than the NOLA job. But don’t know if they will interview me. 

    Fingers crossed.

    • Like 1
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  8. 19 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

    I just got offered a job (via email). It’s the library job in New Orleans (didn’t say which branch).

    I think I need to just accept it. It will be a commute when I meet the kids, but I’ll have steady income, a fairly low-stress job, ability to sit a lot, retirement plan and other benefits. 

    Huge congratulations form me as well Heart!  Your persistence has paid off!  Hoping for you that housing and visitation arrangements all go smoothly now.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

    In the bathtub, mostly.  I like to soak.

    I enjoy doing this before bed most evenings.

    49 minutes ago, SKL said:

    I'm curious what position you all find so comfortable that you are able to read in bed for an hour or more.  I haven't been able to do this in decades.

    When I do read in bed its flat on my back with the book held in the air.  I have my cellphone lying on my chest to light up the book.  I'm sure it looks extremely strange, but its the most comfortable position.

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    • Haha 1
  10. I have read your story on these boards from day 1 that you took the twins in Melissa. You have gone above and beyond in advocating and caring for them with so much acceptance and love. I can understand that you had hope that the right care and love could fix what their bio's had broken, but it is in no way a failure on your part that such a miracle has not happened. Plase give yourself credit for the amazing care that you have given and compare the progress to the alternatives.

    • Like 16
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  11. On 9/2/2023 at 7:40 PM, Alice said:

    I wear Lands End yoga pants. I like the cropped ones because I am short so they end up not that cropped. The only thing I don't like about them is they don't have pockets but otherwise I love them. 

    We don't have Lands End here, but I happened to find two pairs of cropped yoga pants in my size in a local Outlet. Made in Lesotho.  They are super comfortable and I'll be sorry when they wear out.

  12. I lived in Holland for a year in my mid-twenties and understand the language although I've become very rusty speaking it.  I like to watch Dutch television and I'm reminded of all of the things I enjoyed while living there.

    - Bicycling culture - from cradle to grave, everyone cycles.  My neighbour was 88 and still cycled to go and get her shopping daily.

    - The direct way in which people speak their mind that also goes with tolerance of other's opinions.

    - How much nudity and sexuality are normal - some very open-minded TV shows shocked me at age 25 as it was completely different to the very conservative environment I'd grown up in.

    - Traditions such as hanging a school bag and a flag out on a student's last day of high school, or putting a straw doll at the front door for a 50th.  The Dutch really like celebrating holidays and changing of the seasons too. 

    - The undrawn curtains and people not caring that you can look into their windows at night.

    - Sports culture, especially football (soccer). 

    - The Dutch don't dub any programs, so you always hear the original language with sub-titles.

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