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Posts posted by Hannah

  1. My first reaction was "Why are they mocking poverty?".  I do find it troubling.  If I saw a person wearing this I'd think that they had absolutely no empathy for people who live in poverty. 

    The ludicrous prices make it even more so.  The price of the destroyed sweater is more than the old age grant a person in my country gets to live off in a year.  And the golden shoes is more than a child grant for a year.  

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  2. Business flights from South Africa are always at least 5 to even 10 times more expensive than economy, so just not worth the price.  I've flown business for work a few times and it is definitely much more comfortable and I can actually get a bit of sleep, but not a luxury I'm willing to pay for.  I'd rather go overseas more often to visit my family who live in Europe and Asia.  Points on credit cards here are nowhere near as good as in the USA, there just isn't enough competition between the service providers.

  3. January has been a mixed bag goal wise.

    Making stuff.  I completed my Covid crochet project, so a good month for crafts.

    Relationships. I made online coffee dates and caught up with a number of friends which was great.  I also made two weekend dates with one friend in another city whom I hadn't seen in person for over 6 months and another that came to visit at home.  

    Daily walking.  Walked first thing for 31 days straight.

    2l of water per day.  I didn't make 2l every day, but it is becoming more of a habit

    Healthy eating.  I used the electricity outages we had as an excuse this month (it was really bad- we went nearly 3 weeks with an 8 hours on, 8 hours off schedule), but no excuses for February. Meal planning has to be done by Sunday night and no processed food in Feb.

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  4. My first craft goal of the year was to complete the "Covid Crochet Project". It is done!  

    Many hours of Zoom meetings put to productive use practicing my new skill.  We go back to the office tomorrow and I will have to revert back to doodling during meetings!

    Covid granny squares.jpg

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  5. Week 2 feedback.

    My daily walk is going well - 16 consecutive days.  It is becoming a habit to get up, put on exercise clothing and walk out the door.  

    Healthy eating - We are still on an 8 hours on - 8 hours off electricity schedule due to the storm damage to the transformer at our local substation 10 days ago.  When it is on, we're getting lower than required voltage, which affects appliances. Temporary repairs are only going to be done by 25 Jan.  I am using this as an excuse to postpone menu planning and serious dieting till February.  

    Drinking 2l of water per day is going well.

    My granny square blanket is still on track for finishing by month-end.

    I had scheduled a 45 minute Zoom chat with a friend who has moved to another province and another with my sister, so maintaining relationships is going well.

    • Like 6
  6. 2 hours ago, Stacia said:

    I basically edit their 'god' stuff out of their statement (in my head) & respond to the remaining stuff that was said.

    This is what I do too.  We move in circles where Christian religion is assumed.  I basically 'smile and wave' at the God stuff and respond to the rest.  

    My children have ridden for years at a yard that pre-covid did a quarterly barbeque.  The custom is to pray before every meal.  The host will 'nominate' someone to pray.  When it was my turn I said "Lets take a moment to close our eyes and be thankful for the food we're about to eat".  Counted 5 seconds off in my head and said "Thank you" to end the ritual.  I honored the custom and really didn't want to make waves with personal statements about religion.

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  7. 2 hours ago, katilac said:


    Also, everyone with family wedding rings they intend to pass on: please make it clear that they aren't obligated to accept it. Maybe they have something different in mind. Maybe they just want something of their own. Or maybe, like me, they would never want their dh to look at them and be reminded of Grammy, lol.

    I inherited my mother's engagement/wedding ring when she passed on when I was 18.  The nurse in the hospital just gave it to me saying, "this should go to the oldest daughter" and my father did not object.  He gave my sisters special gifts of similar value when they turned 18.    It has only just occurred to me that Dd might not want it!  The stone and gold have value, so she can have it altered should she want to.


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  8. No issues with groceries in South Africa at the moment - the curve for this wave has turned here already.  There are problems with imported items though due to global shipping delays and these affect industry, including electricity production. 

    We were unfortunate that the transformer in the local substation was damaged in heavy storms and repairs are lagging due to availability of spares in the country.  For a week now we have had electricity on an 8 hours on, 8 hours off schedule - 8am to 4pm, 4pm to midnight and midnight to 8am.  The voltage is also lower than it should be.  There is only one state-owned electricity company in the country.

    • Sad 10
  9. Week 1 Report

    Walking - Success

    Walked every day this week, just under 3 hours total

    Goal for the year:  Daily walk of at least 20min.  Get up and walk before even thinking about it. (rain and cold is no excuse!!)

    Weekly: 3 hours minimum per week

    Eating/Cooking - Fail

    We have not had electricity for 5 days and facing a few more until the transformer at the local substation is fixed.  Our generator runs lights, computers and fridge, but not the stove, so meal planning and healthy eating has gone out the window and we've had fast food.  

    Goal for the year:  Lose 20kg by eating Keto 

    Drink 2l of water per day 

    Weekly:  Menu planning completed by Sunday night. Try out one new recipe each week.

    Handwork/Craft - Success

    Granny square blanket is on track to be completed by month end. 

    Goal for the year: Create stuff! 

    January:  Finish the granny square project I’ve been doing on and off for the last 18 months.

    Relationships - Success

    Phoned a friend I've not spoken to in a very long time for her birthday.

    Set up time to chat to a long-distance friend or family member at least twice per month.

    • Like 6
  10. DD22 is at university.  We pay her fees, rent, cellphone contract and car insurance and she gets a fixed amount each month for all other expenses.

    DD17 gets an allowance for clothes, gifts, cosmetics, entertainment, etc.  She packs her own food for school from the pantry, but if she chooses to pay for lunch at school that's also on her account.  She uses the basic toiletries available in the house. 

    Dollar amounts are much less than in the US, but so is cost of living.

  11. DD22 has just come off it after 9 months and her skin is clear for the first time in years - she tried every other remedy before Accutane. 

    Her side effects were nose bleeds for which she had to use nasal spray and very dry lips.  No depression or other mental health issues.  She does horse riding and made sure to wear UV protective clothing and a special sun visor around her riding helmet. 

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    • 2022 GOALS

      I’m setting a low bar, but my biggest goal is consistency – I want to establish healthy habits. 


      Goal for the year:  Daily walk of at least 20min.  Get up and walk before even thinking about it. (rain and cold is no excuse!!)

      Weekly: 3 hours minimum per week


      Goal for the year:  Lose 20kg by eating Keto

      Drink 2l of water per day

      Weekly:  Menu planning completed by Sunday night. Try out one new recipe each week.


      Goal for the year: Create stuff! 

      January:  Finish the granny square project I’ve been doing on and off for the last 18 months.


      Set up time to chat to a long-distance friend or family member at least twice per month.

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