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Everything posted by lionfamily1999

  1. Thought of another one! I would not let my kids go an entire day without eating (they may go hungry for part of the day, but not the whole day). <----- totally willing to beg and borrow
  2. This definitely depends on your point of view. Personally, all these stunts irritate the bejeeminies out of me, but I know some people eat this stuff up. IOW, I'm with you, it's foolishness, but it will raise money for the charity, because there are people that enjoy this sort of foolishness.
  3. I think I understand what you mean. I was going to post something similar here earlier. Premarital sex is no worse than a fib, it's no worse than envying someone else's stuff. How much emphasis is put on it does seem extreme, but it's also personal. Don't we all have our 'pet sins?' This is horrible, terrible and very bad and you will burn in hell for eternity if you do it! I know people that put the emphasis on drug use, our bodies are holy temples, etc. Then, there's the ones that focus on what kind of sex you have. The truth is, none of these are 'better' or 'worse' than murder. The emphasis could be misleading.
  4. Sweeping generalization. Lots of people aren't shallow, lots of people couldn't care less about what someone is wearing, whether or not they're fat, skinny, tall or short. Lots of people reserve their judgements for the person's character. Most of the men I know dislike super thin women, preferring the figures of those that have a. some meat on their bones, b. something "going on," and c. curves curves curves. It's funny, because I do not think that someone deserves to be ogled just for existing. Now, if you're talking about some overly loud, overly obnoxious person, sure, they WANT to be ogled. Some mom, that wants to have a nice day with her family, not so much.
  5. I use ask.com. I find it easier, and I can specify for child content (click on 'for kids').
  6. I recently cut down from one to two pots a day to two to four cups a day... my brain is SO protected!
  7. I am very proud of where I live. Historically, we're pretty signifigant (not that many know of us). I love the trees, I love the old families that have been here forever. I love that the local grocery store will still give you groceries on credit and the owner has been known to run off with fussy kids so they could find a 'present' to reward them for being so precious. I love the river, even after DC has dumped tons of sewage into it. I love all the ponds and lakes and creeks. I love the state park with its miles of trails and especially fossil beach. I love the cliffs. I love the fact that my kids (and most of the folks who live here), feel like George Washington is THEIRS and we only shared him with the rest of the country. I love that you can drive from one end of our county to the other in a little over an hour and see the landscape change from riverfront to tidewater. I love the Coke bottling place in Montross. I love Northern Neck Gingerale (and refuse to drink any of the stinky competitors, except Carver's). I love that I can walk into the local restaraunts, see tables full of people I've known since I "was knee high to a grasshopper," sit down and eat at any of their tables and have wonderful conversations. I love that these people can tell my kids what a sweety I was as a child :) I could go on....... but that's enough already ;)
  8. I think it depends on the reasons surrounding why you have one. IOW, if you want one to be "cool" or "cute" then you might repent its presence later. Then, I think regret is usually based in perspective. Mine is just a reminder of the silliness of my youth, dh's are starting to fall out and every one has a great story to go along with it.
  9. Can you get your blood sugar checked? My dad lets off heat after he's had too much sugar (he's diabetic), you can feel it coming off of him.
  10. I have one, a greatful dead bear on my thigh, that I got when I was 15. It's held up incredibly well and I used to want to get it redone, but now... well, I like it the way it is. Dh has Sonic on one arm, eagle on the other, dragon on a bicep, and a wierd design around one wrist. Most of his are like mine (indian ink done with a needle, but he was more creative and made a tattoo gun, mine was just a needle, lol). I want to get another one this fall, we're talking about getting matching ones for our 10 year anniversary :)
  11. Full nudity, topless women, tassles, thongs (but then, I'm generally against thongs). I DO have sons, but I don't wear a bikini. I'm one of those fat moms, with the stretch marks, that worries that one of those judgmental moms will bash the heck out of me the second I remove my t-shirt. I'm one of those moms that is TERRIFIED that some judgemental mom is going to get snarky with me, because I don't look good in a two piece. Ironically, I'm one of those moms that doesn't look good in a one piece, but I wear it, because I enjoy swimming with my sons. Here dh had me thinking it was all in my head, wear what's comfortable, when you're at the beach, wear a two piece, get a little sun on your belly, nobody's gonna care............ well, thanks for reminding me how catty and rude women can be. Seriously, maybe one day I'll join you. Or, hey we could go on unhealthy crash diets and get waxed together (since that's the new complaint). Then, we could get Skellator skinny AND be hairless and just have them bash us because our hair style doesn't go, or our nails are funky. :grouphug: :iagree: (I hear an Amen) (and again) As for hair... really, was no one ever told, "don't worry about whatever so and so is doing, worry about yourself." I don't shave that often, I wore short today with stubble, woohoohahaha and I did it in a grocery store (evil music) and there were children... and women and men and incredibly..... NO ONE WAS SCARED, SCARRED OR INJURED!
  12. Ds bit, because it hurt the person he was biting. IOW, dd doesn't want to share, ds bites, dd drops the toy. Ds doesn't want a bath, ds bites, bath is put off while Mom attempts to regain her composure. He bit, because it helped him get his way. On biting, when dd was little and bit, my mom said, bite her back, so she knows it hurts and she won't do it again. Well, it worked, she didn't bite any more, and I STILL feel guilty for having bitten her. When ds came along, I just could not stomach biting him. Thankfully, our youngest never got into biting. For curiousity's sake, do you ever spank?
  13. Shew, I saw this earlier and wondered if I was the only one that is so sick and tired of people dictating what others should wear. Hey, big girls in bikinis, NICE TAN. That is all.
  14. Lol........ eh, I have those days too. At least you weren't snarky, I've had clueless days and been snarky.... crow is not a taste I enjoy.
  15. I'm reading this and I'm thinking....... I'm not the only one?!? I asked, begged and pleaded for ds to be put into special ed. Not because he was slow, but because he was frustrated with the slow pace in the classroom. I got laughed at. I've had people say I'm doing him a disservice by pushing him forward, onward, upward at an excellerated pace. He's flourishing, but what I should be doing, apparently, is forcing him to stagnate at grade level. I think part of the problem is that it makes average kids appear slower or less than. My nephews are INCREDIBLE kids, but my sister sees them next to my dc and wonders why they aren't where my dc are. Maybe it's because giftedness is based on comparison, it makes it hard for some parents to stomach the comparison. You don't feel like you have to compare your kiddos to Einstein or Edison, but if it's the dc next door... that's a different ball game.
  16. For years, dh's grampa slept on the couch. When he got cancer, his doctor's threatened to turn us in for elder abuse, because he told them he doesn't sleep in a bed :( I understand someone finding the couch a. more comfy and b. more convenient.
  17. But, she can and has and they did not respond. Look at the post I responded to before. I cannot believe that they would just shrug after she SHOWED them that others were paying less.
  18. Janna, this sounds EXACTLY like what my boys had last week. :grouphug: Hopefully, it will clear up soon. We dosed, often with fever reducers, popsicles (did better for their fever than the medicine), and cool baths.
  19. Lol, I would've never put Charmin as cheap. I was thinking the sand paper they sell one roll at a time. The worst we've ever used was boating tp. Augh.
  20. That's nuts! Most places has pro bono attorneys (trying to think where I found mine) that work cases they feel are important. You might try finding one of them, I'll talk to my mom and see if she remembers how she found them, I would guess it's the same sort of spot, regardless of county (one particular county office, or something). I'll get back to you on that :) How do they justify you paying so much?
  21. Normally, spanking is a last resort in our house. However, we have faced things where we resorted to a spanking and it did not work. Then, we have to get more creative, or more consistent. For instance, older ds was a biter. I tried time-outs, removing him from situations and finally, spanking. At first, spanking did not work. We tried soap (bite this, then), did not work. We tried a lot of other things, nothing worked. Then, I told him, when you bite you will get a spanking immediately (normally, I'm all for waiting until everyone has calmed down). It took about a week, and probably seven to ten spankings, before he realized I was not joking. He stopped biting, for the most part, although we've had it rear its ugly head on occassion, now he might start, but he catches himself before the bite. With dd, she's old enough to ground, with meaning, we don't spank anymore. Losing her tv, computer, game privledges will stop her from doing most everything. Youngest ds, I've found, takes time-out much harder than either of my older dcs. Spankings, for him, are mostly ineffectual. Remove him from the group, force him to sit quietly, and he rethinks his actions pretty quick. IOW, it hasn't been too often that spanking has not worked for one thing in particular, but I do have one dc where it does not compare to time-outs, one that is, imo, too old for them, and one for whom spanking is the final attempt for correction, and (for the most part) it has worked.
  22. For the throat, I've always used super hot drinks with LOTS of lemon. It stings, but it would let me talk for a little bit. Poor guy, I hope he starts feeling better soon. Maybe it's time to strap him into bed and force him to sleep for a few days (insert shrug, half smile, and a few quizzical marks). And more :grouphug: for you.
  23. Woolybear - it's not that it's so strong, it's that the paper is so cheap it reinforced it after years of sitting on the shelf :lol: I would not take a job that would lead myself, dh or my children to question my morality. I would also, probably, not sell the house.
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