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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I've never been so glad to be a newb in my life. I had to remove a total of 2 pictures. It must stink to have to spend so much time to remove a ton of photos. :( 


    The Best Yes is compete and it was fabulous. Tune In is dragging for me and I might just stop reading it right now and revisit it later. Toying with finally picking up Rothfuss' The Name Of The Wind that has been sitting in a pile of books for months now. 


  2. 4 for my oldest three kids (girl, boy, and girl) but they all knew their letters by the time they turned 2. I don't know how or why because all we did was read and point out letters we saw when we were out and about. My newly 3 year old is nowhere near ready despite doing the same stuff so I'm fairly sure he'll be a later reader.

  3. Jennifer, I hate it when that happens!!


    Still reading Lysa TerKeurst's The Best Yes. Started the second book in Kim Harrison's witch series called The Good, The Bad, and The Undead. Jen Hatmaker's Tune In is still on my list but I haven't picked it up in a days. I probably should do that. Instead I keep looking up spooky stories.

  4. That reminds me that I have the Book Thief in my to-read pile as well. Hmm.


    Dead Witch Walking did pick up. I'm about finished with it and might even pick up the next in the series. I finished Season Of The Witch which was entertaining for sure but I'm not that impressed with the author. Lysa TerKeurst's Your Best Yes is great. I actually put it into play this morning when I said no to a call for a foster daughter. I've been waiting for a daughter for years. This one was being reunified with bio family in a month or two. I couldn't put my family through another good-bye that quickly. I can't do it to myself. So, we wait and pray that God will bring that daughter who is meant to be ours. I'll just be sad and eat too much chocolate today to get over having to say no even if it was the best choice for our family.

  5. Lila does cause a lot of confusion. My almost 5 year old is Lila Evangeline. Everyone is like, "Leela? Lou-la? Lill-a?" No... LIE-la. LIE-la, y'all! Unfortunately, when she was about a year and a half, my church added two more Lila/Lylas. So much for having an uncommon but known name.

  6. Stacia, I'm going to have to add The Supernatural Enhancements to my list.


    Michele, are you finding Dead Witch Walking hard to get into? I've been reading it on and off (mainly off) for a couple of weeks and still am not much more than 100 pages in. I typically love this kind of stuff!


    Finished Lois Lowry's Son and Michelle DeRusha's Spiritual Misfit. I liked Son but I felt like I've read it before or something and forgot about it? I dunno, I'm pretty sure I haven't but it seemed familiar. DeRusha's Spiritual Misfit made me laugh out loud in parts because it hit home.


    I'm almost done with Christopher Knight's Season of The Witch that I bought yesterday when my husband and I stumbled upon Chillermania which we thought would be some kind of silly house or horrors or something. Instead of it was Johnathan Rand/Christopher Knight's little bookstore in the middle of nowhere Michigan. I bought the first three Freddie Fernortner books for my almost 6 year old son who needs to be encouraged to jump into a series of chapter books and came out with Season Of The Witch for myself. I also got Lysa Terkeurst's The Best Yes and my friend left Jen Hatmaker's Interrupted for me.

  7. I think I'm going to do Lois Lowry's Messenger and Son. I forgot I was doing a free trial of Kindle Unlimited and those are both free on there. I remember loving The Giver and Gathering Blue when I was younger. Which are also free on Kindle Unlimited.

  8. I may have thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was dumb until I saw Neil Gaiman stripping down to do it. *shifty eyes* Rowr. 


    Dragging through Dead Witch Walking. Not impressed but I feel like I should finish it, as always. I'm kind of in a reading rut and feel like I should grab something new today from the to-read stack. 

  9. Eliana, that entire post is droolworthy from the beautiful baby to the marvelous book collection!


    We're sending our sweet foster son to his grandparents on Friday morning. Such a bittersweet thing as we love him and will miss him but he so desperately needs to be bonding with the people who will likely raise him. I pushed hard to get him moved to his grandparents sooner rather than later because it's just what he needs. So I'm grateful for the two months we had with him and pray that he thrives with them. :)


    I've decided that I don't particularly like Neverwhere. I know. This is the first Neil Gaiman book that I'm not feeling. It's weird. I'm going to push through a few more chapters and then I may give myself permission to just skim the rest but it didn't suck me in like the others did.

  10. Slowly meandering through Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison and Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. If only I had more time! It's been pretty hectic here with not much time for reading, sadly. I always get in a few pages but it's literally only a few pages before I crash out hard these days.


  11. I've just now started allowing mine to play outside when I am not out there at 6, 5, 4, and 2. They are closer to 7, 6, 5, and 3, birthdays are all coming up quickly. However, when they're outside they are as a group and bare minimum two have to be out there together. The windows and the front door are open so I can see and hear them wherever they are. I also check on them every, oh, 10 minutes but honestly someone is always talking to me through the window if I'm inside doing chores or taking care of the baby. I get paranoid sometimes because you don't often see kids playing like this even though we live in a neighborhood jam packed with kids.

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