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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. You can read the whole article here: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304198504579570231173457524?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304198504579570231173457524.html


    It's infuriating to me that Medicaid refuses to cover certain procedures and medicine. What it covers seems to switch monthly and it's very hard to push through even the most basic medications needed such as acid reflux medicine for an infant with GERD. As a foster parent, every foster child who enters my home has Medicaid so we do have experience with it ourselves. Oddly enough, I've known people who say that they just had a prescription filled that Medicaid refused as as little as a week before. Not a fan that Medicaid patients clearly get less medical attention.

  2. The Orphan Train was great. Broke my heart and made me happy all at the same time which is a wonderful quality in a book. Plus, it's always a win when the author can make me actually want to punch a character in the face... ;)


    Started reading Amanda Blake Soule's The Creative Family. Apparently she's a blog writer and my friend sent me home with two of her books saying that I'd love her because she's a hippie mama like I am. We'll see about that!


    I can't figure out how to resize my picture without it being all grainy. *pout* C'est la vie! I'm loving seeing what everyone looks like. This was a great idea. 

  3. And Only To Deceive was just added to my Kindle list. I can't help it, it sounds great and for only $1.99? Who can pass that up?!


    I'll finish up The Orphan Train tonight and I am loving it. I was worried that I'd be a little sensitive with it seeing that our foster son went home three weeks ago. As much as it makes me want to pick him up and love on him, the story is delightful and makes me want to continue to foster so it's a win/win.


    Ack, that picture was too huge. Need to resize. LOL

  4. Finished Midnight Crossroad. I'm kind of bummed because I was hoping for an original story and it's not. New characters, yes, but it's pretty much a story taken from the Lily Bard/Shakespeare series. Maybe it'll spin off from that into its own story in the next two books? I'm sure I'll read them because I can't start a series and not finish.


    Starting Christina Baker Kline's Orphan Train. 

  5. I mentioned in the other thread that I finished Blood and Beauty. Then whipped through The Fault In Our Stars in 4 hours instead of sleeping. *lol* I started Charlaine Harris' Midnight Crossroads and I hope it's good. I've enjoyed pretty much everything she's ever done so here's hoping! I'm going to take a hot bath with it right now. Might be another up too late kinda night... but seeing that we're stuck at home with really not much planned seeing that we finished our school year, I'm okay with that. ;) 

  6. Well, that was dumb. I stayed up until 2am finishing Blood and Beauty. I told myself I'd read a chapter of The Fault In Our Stars then crash out because the kids are usually up around 7:30am. 4 hours later, I had read the entire book. Eeps. I should probably try to go to bed now... thankfully my husband is cool with me sleeping in on the weekends.

  7. I do like fantasy but it's something that I'm expanding more with lately because it's not always my first choice of genre. So this should be interesting for me! Everyone I was chatting with today were reading it for a book club. So, of course, I had to go buy it too just because I was curious and will probably end up with them when they're discussing it. 

  8. Now I feel like I should get some bookmarks but I know my children would just run away with them. Most of the time, I try to remember what page I was on but I'll confess that I am a dirty dog-earer. *shame* I also crack spines sometimes. I try not to crack them but I definitely do stretch them. 


    Man, I was out with some friends today and we were talking books. I came home with The Name Of The Wind and The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss. Tossing them on my stack of To-Be-Read books but my husband might get to them first if he can't find American Gods. I finished reading it, handed it to him, and he set it on a shelf. Four hours later, he was looking for it and it was nowhere to be found. Note those children I mentioned above... *sighs*


    Almost done with Blood and Beauty. I feel like it's taking me longer to get through than it should. It's an interesting story and when I'm reading it, I'm going through it at a good pace but it doesn't compel me to pick it up like others do. A week to get through a 500 page book seems a little much.



  9. I did read it and I enjoyed it. I don't use NFP anymore because my husband chose to get a vasectomy seeing that my pregnancies are life threatening high-risk. But it was a humorous read and she really met people in the, "Uuugh, this is driving me nuts but I know I need to keep using NFP" spot. I didn't expect that I'd be teary over some of it but it was a good read. The Kindle edition is a bargain too.

  10. They get super pushy here! They gave me a 5 minute schpiel and when I said I wasn't interested they pushed until I hollered we were a vegetarian family. Which we indeed were at the time but sheesh. Just a no should have been enough. 

  11. Somehow dachshunds always end up in their owners' bed... no clue how but they do. We're getting a dachsie puppy on the 31st and I'm sure once she's potty trained, she'll wind up in our bed. Our 45lb Husky/German Shepherd mix often ends up in our bed these days but sometimes she chooses her crate instead. Which I'm fine with because the butt always wants to sleep on top of my legs instead of in an open spot.

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