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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Robin, I read the In Death series one after another when I was on bedrest with my fourth child. I started having the weirdest dreams in Eve's world.


    Bill Bryson is great. He makes me belly laugh in several of his books. His bear story in A Walk In The Woods made me wake my husband because I was lauging so hard.


    Almost done with Anansi Boys. I haven't had a ton of time to read so it feels like I'm taking forever with it. Hopefully I can finish it tonight but it was a loooo-ooong day so I might fall asleep reading. Going through a homeschooling book too called Plan To Be Flexible. Not bad. 

  2. Praying for everyone dealing with health issues with family. *hugs*


    Still reading Anansi Boys but it's been such a long week I haven't had time to do much. Introverted me is so very burned out on go, go, go, go and do more stuff and go, go, go some more. I really need a few hours to sit in a quiet room with a book.

  3. Aggieamy, You know you're a book nerd when you see the tea photo and then start reading the book it is sitting on... I didn't even think about it, just tilted my head and then started laughing at myself.


    Stacia, that's interesting that you're a vegetarian who is getting more vegan as the years pass. I went vegetarian at 11 and we were a vegetarian family up until this past January. I did a sugar detox diet which was a ton of meat, meat, meat paleo and was surprised to find that I felt better eating meat after having my fourth bio kid. My kids still mainly eat veggie.


    Eliana, you know I'm going to have to look up Deep Secret now...


    Violet Crown, haha. I love Sons of Anarchy.


    The Ocean At The End Of The Lane was fantastic! I stayed up way too late reading it because I didn't get to pick it up until 10:30pm. So good. I was wigged OUT by some of it though which is weird. I read a lot of horror so things don't usually affect me but that one made my skin crawl in parts. Anansi Boys is next up. 


  4. My husband and I celebrated our 8 year wedding anniversary yesterday. The first thing we did was hit the library where I paid off the fine and got a stack of Neil Gaiman. It shall be known as the Summer of Neil. ;) Stardust, Anansi Boys, and The Ocean At The End Of The Lane. I also grabbed The Last Time I Saw You by Eleanor Moran, Life Drawing by Robin Black, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers by Tom Rachman, Last Night at the Blue Angel by Rebecca Rotert. My husband grabbed Introduction to Historical Linguistics by Anthony Arlotto simply because it smells wonderful.

  5. Finished Damien Echols' Life After Death which cemented my thought that this man is emotionally stunted at the age that he entered prison. Definitely a fascinating read though!


    In the middle of The Graveyard Book which is so much fun that I cannot wait to read it with my kids. They should be old enough in a year or so! I'm glad I bought it. I also picked up Michelle DeRusha's Spiritual Misfit.

  6. Finished Yours For Eternity and have concluded that the authors are likely stuck at 16 and need some intense therapy.  :blink: Of course, I just grabbed Damien Echols' Life After Death from the library and I'm curious enough to read that one too. 


    Finally finished Written In My Own Heart's Blood as well and it was meh. I liked it but I wasn't enthralled with it. I'll continue reading the series but I hope she winds it up soon. It feels like the storylines are going in circles with the same thing happening to a different character in each book. 

  7. I bought it a year or so ago when I had a small baby, 1, 3, 4, and 5 year old in the home. I thought it had a lot of helpful ideas but it wasn't a life changing book for me. However, I'm generally pretty clean and try to keep only what is needed with a larger family in a small house so I didn't start with overwhelming piles of clutter either. I should actually pick the book up and re-read it before this school year starts to see if anything new sticks out for me.

  8. That teapot is adorable!

    I still have a few hundred pages left of Written In My Own Heart's Blood because I got distracted with Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book and Damien Echols and Lorri Davis' Yours For Eternity: A Love Story On Death Row. I picked up the Echols/Davis book at B&N when I was killing time during a parenting visit for the baby. It is quite possibly the most bizarre, roll your eyes at, yet fascinating enough to suck you in book I've read in a while. I may frequently exclaim, "What in the heck is WRONG with these people?!" Funny enough, I just watched Devil's Knot on Netflix which is based on the West Memphis 3 which includes Damien Echols. 


    The Graveyard Book is spooky fun and I'm glad I bought it even though it's a children's novel. My kids will enjoy it in a few years and I think the story is entertaining. 

  9. Introverted and definitely not. When DH officially proposed (we had decided that we were going to marry when he accepted a teaching job across the country. He proposed with the ring a few weeks later), we drove up to Northern Michigan and went camping at an isolated campground deep in the woods. We took a walk in a birch tree forest and that's where he dropped to his knees to propose. Not a single person was around other than the two of us and that was perfect for two introverts. 

  10. We just got home from a trip up North. We rolled in, got the kiddies fed and in bed, picked up a bit, started the masses of vacation laundry, and I sent my husband to grab our sweet foster baby from our friend's house where he stayed when we went to tromp around in the woods at a hunting lodge. It's good to be home! While we were up at the lodge, I read Neil Gaiman's Fortunately The Milk because I was trying to talk my 12 year old nephew into reading it. He wasn't interested so I read it and then kept reading bits out loud to him. He did leave with it. ;)


    I'm almost finished with Written In My Own Heart's Blood. I love the characters but it feels unnecessarily long and like we're dragging things out a lot in this one. I'm thinking it's about time to wrap up the books but now that Starz is putting out the TV series next month, I don't foresee that happening soon.

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