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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I'm drooling over the thought of being able to read 300+ books a year when my children are older and my brain isn't slowly leaking out of my ears. That would be lovely. I'm kind of embarrassed by my 83 books read this year when I intended to read 125+ which is a typical goal for me. Alas, lots of babies in and out of the house this year equals sleep deprivation which does not make for good reading. ;)


    I'll have to come back more with goals and such! But I'm about to go to bed and dig into Kim Harrison's Every Which Way But Dead.

  2. I think part of my Kindle issue is that I don't have the physical sensation of the paper under my fingertips nor the smell of ink which grounds me. Despite that, I still managed to talk myself into buying the rest of the Hollows series by Kim Harrison with the early birthday money my mom sent home with me today. *laugh* You can't fight it when it's often 50% cheaper than a paperback. 

  3. My kids are all young yet but I hope to be with my grandkids weekly. I'd like to be a professional grandmother who is available whenever my kids need me to help out. 


    My Dad sees the kids a couple times a year and he lives the farthest away. My mother and her husband see the kids about once every 4-6 weeks and they're a 5 hour round trip. My in-laws live in town and it varies. Sometimes they'll see them once a week, sometimes they go months without seeing them.

  4. I tested out my theory that I can focus better on a paper book and it is very much true. I finished Asylum and Sanctum in 2 days. After, I went back for The Golem and The Jinni. I got a chapter done before my mind started wandering. Hmm. I like the instant factor of the Kindle and the cheaper books but I might have to look for more paper books in 2015.



  5. Amy, I just snorted water out of my nose. It's a beautiful Christmas tree menorah! 


    Stacia, I bought 101 Two Letter Words for my mom. As an avid bookworm and a Scrabble junkie, I think she's going to love it! 


    Eliana, I remember enjoying Picture of Dorian Grey immensely when I read it as a teen. The rest of my class was reading Lord of The Flies and I had read it four times for other classes so I asked the teacher if I could read something else. He assigned me Picture of Dorian Grey instead. I should revisit it as an adult.


    I keep hearing about Tana French. Might be time to look her up. I think I am going to read more poetry in 2015. I barely touch it lately though I was a fan of terrible, terrible poetry as a teenager. Y'all should throw suggestions my way.


    I took a Kindle break and started Asylum in paperback. I'm almost done with it and I started it last night. Yay for paper books and for a little YA fluff. I also picked up Sanctum because you just can't buy one book in a series. That's just crazy. :p I'll go back to The Golem and The Jinni after the paper book break. 

  6. Catching up on this thread. I have still not moved past The Golem and The Jinni. Every time I start reading, I fall asleep. Not the book's fault. ;) My husband and I were discussing how we should start choosing books based on the length in this season of life because he tried to get through The Historian and didn't have the time to finish. I told him I felt his pain because The Golem and The Jinni should have taken me 3 days and it's been 2 weeks? More? *bag over head*

  7. I really want to curl up in a blanket with The Golem and The Jinni. Alas, not gonna happen for another 4+ hours! It is my darling second daughter's birthday today. She's 5 and unbelievably big and sweet.  :001_wub: As soon as the baby finishes up his bottle, there is a cake cooling that will be ready to frost and decorate for my birthday girl. 

  8. I picked up The Golem and The Jinni tonight and am enjoying it. Not terribly far into it but it does tend to grab you. Of course, still poking through Ten Ways To Destroy Your Child's Imagination and desperately wishing we could buy a house in the country. ;) My kids are outdoors plenty but there's nothing like being able to explore out in the woods or on acres of land. 

  9. So far I've done:

    Dishwasher emptied and breakfast dishes done.

    Bottles washed.

    Basket of laundry folded and put away.

    Beds made and house tidied.


    To do:

    Lunch dishes... the kids are just finishing up.

    Vacuuming the playroom that is a wreck. The kids get to pick that up though. 

    Dinner dishes...

    School. Oh so much school and I have no idea how to get to it with 4 extra kids in the house who aren't doing school...


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