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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Our kids are 3 months, 3, almost 5, 6, and 7. The youngest is a foster child and we've had a foster baby at almost every point in time for the past 2 years. We've been pretty much non-stop baby stage since we started having children 7 years ago. We also have the added fostering drama with bio families, workers, visits, etc. 


    I agree, the evenings are for us. The kids need to be in bed by 8pm at the absolute latest so I can have at least two hours with my husband to chill out. We have to make intimacy a priority or else it's going to get shoved to the side because we're exhausted from parenting littles. Sometimes it gets shoved to the side anyway and has to be picked back up again. ;) I agree with the poster who said that DH does a huge chunk of parenting and the housework too so we can have said time in the evening to not stress about the chores that need to be done and so one of us isn't burnt out from doing it all alone. Date nights are a plus and we try to take one weekend away per year so we can remember who we are *without* the children. Funny enough, spending time with our friends and on our hobbies makes our marriage stronger as well. 





  2. I totally got thrown off last week and didn't get much of anything done other than visits and a court date for the wee babe. I'm still reading Hounded by Kevin Hearne and Ten Ways To Destroy The Imagination Of Your Child by Anthony Esolen.


    Ten Ways is found here: http://isibooks.org/ten-ways-to-destroy-the-imagination-of-your-child-ebook.html and it's still free with the GHC coupon code if anyone is interested! You can get it in any e-reader format you need. 

  3. Mumto2, I love that series. You'll have to tell me your reaction to the main character finding love. Haha. 


    I finished Moms Who Drink And Swear. Well, "finished" by skimming the last 25% of the book because I couldn't take it anymore. Also done with Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full.


    I am not sure which book to start today. The four on the list to choose from are The Golem And The Jinni, The Goldfinch, Name Of The Wind, or Hounded (The first in the Iron Druid Chronicles). Which one should I start? Keep in mind that I'm all new-mom brain foggy and if I have to use my brain too much, it might not work out well. Haha. 

  4. It is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. It tears your heart out and stomps on it repeatedly. You'll be busy, you'll be exhausted from dealing with social workers, child workers, licensing workers, CPS workers, bio parents, etc, etc, etc... but it's all worth it for the child or children that you're caring for. I swore up and down that I'd never be a foster parent but I wanted to adopt. God must have thought that was funny because we've been fostering for 2 years now. I wouldn't change it for the world. I'll take bio parents screaming obscenities in my face if it means that for right that moment, there is a child who is safe in my care. A child who is being loved. A child who is gaining the trust that they need to succeed in life. So, yes, if your husband is on board too, it is 100% worth it.

  5. Hyacinth, the titles made me laugh out loud too.


    Phoenix, ooh, that room sounds positively swoonworthy.


    I thought that Moms Who Drink and Swear would amuse me. Instead I'm just kind of annoyed with the author's ridiculous rants. Good thing I bought it when it was one of those $1.99 deals and didn't pay full price. I'll give it a few more chapters and then I might just give myself permission to shelve it. Wooo, growth in reading. ;) 

  6. Ali in OR, he's foster but if he becomes available for adoption, he'll stay permanently.


    Mumto2, I read it simply to complete the trilogy. If you have nothing better to read, pick it up. Otherwise, it was rather boring and your time could be filled with something more entertaining!


    You ladies are all so sweet. I'm the one who is blessed by these children. I learn so much with each one who comes into my home. They're all so very special in their own individual ways and I'm excited to get to know this little one more. He's already settling in well and my bio kids are already madly in love. I may be as well.  :wub: All right, I better shut my laptop and head to bed with a book so I can get a little reading time in before drifting off to dream.

  7. Finished Blood Magick and am almost done with Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full. Started reading Moms Who Drink and Swear on my kindle last night because I couldn't use my brain at all and it seemed like good fluff. We welcomed a 2.5 month old baby boy into our home on Friday so I'm definitely entering the sleep deprivation stage. Therefore, I need fluff. ;) 

  8. Mom-ninja, mmm, brownie cookies. I don't buy the teens being awful thing. I'm looking forward to the teenage years.

    Shawneinfl, that is a good one to start with. Stardust and American Gods are good too. American Gods is the first Gaiman that I read.

    Jane, I totally fantasize about homesteading. Someday, someday... I actually planted a garden this past summer so I'm making baby steps at least. Oh, and I canned peaches if that counts.

    Robin, I'm excited about A Series of Unfortunate Events being a Netflix show. I hope they stay true to the books. I'm right there with you on Blood Magick. This entire triology feels like the same material that she's done a million times before but every now and then I just have to pick up a Nora Roberts book anyway.


    Almost done with Blood Magick and I'm debating between actually reading Name Of The Wind or The Goldfinch. I try to switch between Kindle and paper books every other book or so which would mean that Name Of The Wind should be the book of choice. We'll see which one wins out or if another rises to the surface because I did tell a friend that I would read Don Quixote with her as we're both starting to go through The Well Educated Mind.

  9. Michele, you reminded me that I have The Goldfinch on my Kindle waiting. Should I dive into it after I finish the Nora Roberts waiting?


    Robin, I'm with you. I love series. I fall in love with the characters and enjoy watching them grow and change as the series moves on. I'm all about the paranormal/romantic suspense too. I also am going to crack open Blood Magick tonight because it was waiting for me to finish The Historian.


    Mom-ninja, oh no! Your poor DS. I hope this week is smoother for you.


    I finished The Historian which I enjoyed very much but I agree, it could have been shorter than it was. My husband said something about checking it out himself. It should be interesting to see what he thinks about it because he's been on a huge sci-fi/fantasy kick with lots of Patrick Rothfuss, George R.R. Martin, and The Wheel Of Time books. 


  10. I am enjoying The Historian and still wishing I had more time to devote to it! *lol* I had grand plans of taking the day off of school with the kids so I could read it on the couch today. Alas, the kids were like, "Mooom! I am boooored! I have nothing to do!" So school work had to be trotted out against my will.

  11. I finished Jen Hatmaker's Interrupted and Jen Wilkin's Women Of The Word. A little over 100 pages into The Historian and I wish I had more time to devote to actually sitting down and reading it, I've been doing a chapter or two every evening before crashing out. 

  12. I used to strictly limit screen time. For the past 6 months or so, I've been letting them self regulate. They do turn off the computer and go do other things. They're still creative enough that people point it out in public situations and comment on that. I have no concerns with it as long as they DO walk away from the computer at some point in time and pick something else up. Most of the time they'll watch an episode of something or a couple Lego short videos and then go play, drag out the art supplies, grab books, etc. I did a media ban for a few days at the beginning of the week because they were starting to argue over which show to watch but that's the first time I've limited it in a while.

  13. I've read 73 books so far this year. I'm currently reading The Historian, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full by Gloria Furman, Women Of The Word by Jen Wilkin, and I'm supposed to be reading Jen Hatmaker's Interrupted but I cannot get into it for the life of me and find myself reading other things instead. Second Jen Hatmaker book this has happened with and I'm starting to think that I just don't like her style even if she came highly recommended by most of my friends.


    I would dearly love to read more of The Historian today buuuut crazy mom did a media ban today because the kids were fighting like cats and dogs over who got to choose a movie this morning so I said no movies or computer at all if we're putting it above our relationships with siblings. Now it's loud children wanting to do 50 million messy things because darn it, they are creative kids. They're doing Sculpey clay creations and homemade playdough for the littlest. I can only focus in spurts which just isn't enough for The Historian. ;) 





  14. Hmm, now I know who to ship my 3 year old off to when he's driving me batty. :p We're taking a lazy day here because it's supposed to be co-op day but said 3 year old's muscles were so sore from vaccines yesterday that he was waddling. Add to that the fact that I have come down with a bit of a cold and that's a recipe for a day at home in jammies with no responsibilities. I'm halfway through Dead and Alive and hope to finish it up today.

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