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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. The silly girl sat down and did her work just fine for me this afternoon. She even joined us with group work this morning though she hadn't finished her individual work at that point. She tells me that, "My math is hard right now and I don't really like doing hard things but I guess I'll try..." I love that turkey. If I let her skip, brother and sister would die of jealousy. :p Big brother is newly 6 and sister will be 7 in two weeks so they're all very close in age. 

  2. Jane, my dear, you are a brave woman. I would have screamed like a banshee and stomped the life out of that thing.


    Ladydusk, I hope you feel better soon.


    Shukriyya, my almost 7 year old is reading Charlotte's Web and she's in love with the cover art too.


    I finished the second Frankenstein in Koontz's series. I figured out that it was meant to be a triology and I have all three books but Koontz went on to write two more. I'm totally not reading those and pretending I never learned that. :p The third one is much shorter than the first two so I'm sure I can get through it quickly so I can finally crack open The Historian.


    Also, this morning I am debating sending my almost 5 year old to public school because she's driving me batpoop crazy. *shifty eyes* I adore her and I'm not asking anything beyond her capabilities. Alas, anything that Lila did not choose to do is met with a whole lot of kicking and screaming these days. Which I'm used to with having a 3 year old in the house but I didn't expect it to be coming from her. ;) Oh wise homeschooling mothers, how do I allow her to ease back a little if that's truly what she needs and not have her siblings jealous that Lila isn't doing school with us when she has been for the past year? While still encouraging her to grow with her education? (ETA: She's so little that the only requirements are reading, handwriting, and math. She joins us with the rest of the schoolwork but she's not required to do it.)

  3. I'm almost finished with the second book in Dean Koontz's Frankenstein books and kicking myself for starting them. They're not bad but they're not good either. Sometimes I wish I could just put it down and let it go... I have The Historian waiting and I think I'd rather be reading that one! 

  4. I'm dying laughing. Sorry, ladies! I've totally outed myself as a youngster, huh? I have a couple months left yet of my 20s and he's indeed my parents' age. Well, a smidge older than my mother. Doesn't negate the smokin' hotness that is Neil and his brilliantly creative mind. :p


    Robin, I need to get my hands on Mr. Wicker then!

  5. Neil Gaiman is my man crush these days. Who cares if he's old enough to be my father? Certainly not me. 


    Into book two of Dean Koontz's Frankenstein books called City Of Night. I'm still kinda meh on these. Teaching From Rest is beautiful and I'm loving it Makes me feel like I should relax a little with homeschooling because I'm very much push to do your best and check off the boxes. 

  6. Ooh, thanks for the Hot Zone reminder. I've been meaning to read it for a couple of months now. 


    I'm still in Prodigal Son. I keep falling asleep reading it. *shifty eyes* It's not bad, it's just not sucking me in. I'll make a point to read it tonight instead of getting distracted online or with a movie. While the kiddies were doing individual work during school, I looked through their bookshelves and pulled out all sorts of eerie tales to read with them in celebration of Spooky October! We have the Alvin Schwartz's Scary Stories trilogy so that should be fun to read together. I'll admit though, I was bummed that they weren't the original drawings which were scary as hell when I was a child. 

  7. I agree, looking into a tongue tie and/or a lip tie is a good idea. http://www.kiddsteeth.com/2013bookbreastfeeding.pdf This has some good pictures to help give you an idea if your baby might have a tongue or a lip tie. My fourth had a posterior tongue tie and an upper lip tie. Both had to be taken care of before he started gaining weight like he should and he slowed down with the nursing. He was nursing every 45 minutes around the clock and shredding my nipples. *wince*

  8. I know more Brookes than Lilas. Especially with Brooklyns who are now called Brook/Brooke.


    I personally adore Lila. I used it myself. ;) I've met two who are younger than her and one who was in her early 20s. Mine is Lila Evangeline. We do have people call her Lill-a, Leela, and Layla before landing on Lie-la though. 

  9. I have an e-reader too, well a Kindle Paperwhite to be specific. I find I use it and paper books about equally. I'll never give up a good paper book if I don't have to. There's something about the feel of a book in your hands, the crinkle of the page, and the way it smells. Even a cheap paperback smells delightful to me.


    Right now I'm reading Dean Koontz's Prodigal Son and will be starting Teaching From Rest: The Homeschooler's Guide to Unshakable Peace by Sarah Mackenzie. My good friend bought that one for me because it was encouraging her so much in her homeschooling journey. I'm excited about it. 

  10. Let yourself rest and heal. You can worry about catching up with school when you've had a little more time to heal. I'd ask DH or a friend to get a lot of books from the library that are interesting and educational to toss in a basket. Look into Netflix documentaries and stuff like that while you're healing. 

  11. Jane, so swoonworthy. *sighs happily*


    Amy, I am so sorry. That is horrifying. My heart hurts for his daughter.


    I wonder what it is with the lack of focus... I'm right there with you ladies.


    Rob Rienow's Visionary Parenting was meh. Nothing terribly original there or new other than he reminded me that praying in the car WITH the kids is a good idea. I generally do pray in the car but those are quiet mutterings of my own. ;) Still slogging through The Book Thief because I feel like I should finish it. I have about 150 pages left which shouldn't take too long... if I can actually focus on it.

  12. I read Megan Abbott's The Fever last night and it was a good ride! Not terribly impressive but enough that it kept my attention. I picked up the first three in Dean Koontz' Frankenstein series and I'm not really feeling Prodigal Son. I also grabbed The Historian. I want something that is going to scare the pants off of me and I haven't found it yet. My brother recommended Clive Barker but my library didn't have Damnation Game which is what he said to get first.

  13. I do use YLEO but I'm not convinced they're the be all, end all to oils and I'd actually prefer to try some non-MLM oils. I'm thinking of ordering from Native American Nutritionals. I think essential oils do help and they smell great but they aren't going to "cure" everything and modern medicine has its place. :) The YLEOs that I have used do make a difference in the duration of illness and how frequently we are getting ill. Precisely the reason why we started using them because I was desperate for something that would make it so we weren't sick with something or another every other week for the entire fall/winter.

  14. Violet Crown, I'm so sorry to hear that about your DH. I'll pray for him.


    I'm still reading The Book Thief. I got bored in the middle of it and started Nightmares: Bedtime Stories For The Wicked by Mark Souza. A bunch of short horror stories that happen to mainly be set in Fall. What a coincidence! For banned books week, I'll read A Light In The Attic by Shel Silverstein with the kids. They've never read it before so they're going to be in for a treat!

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