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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Mumto2, the YA spin off must be why my husband found it in the teen section of our library. I was kind of surprised to see it there with all of the steamy scenes! 


    Festive In Death was pretty good. Nothing new for the series but it seems like after the first handful of books, it's pretty formulaic but I enjoy hanging out with the characters for a little bit so it's always worth it to me to pick it up. But I'm not at the bookstore the second it releases to buy it. ;) I'm starting Kevin Hearne's Hexed this morning. 

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  2. Gail Carriger's Soulless was so much fun. I enjoyed most of the characters which is surprisingly, because usually there is one that I kind of want to kick that I'm supposed to be rooting for. ;) I wanted to drink a cup of tea while wrapped in a blanket the entire time I read the book. I'll definitely be looking for the rest in the series.


    I cracked open J.D. Robb's Festive In Death this afternoon but was promptly interrupted from sitting down with it as I saw my 3 year old feeding our 10lb mini dachshund half a bag of (MY) chocolates. Arg! 

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  3. Janet Evanovich's Top Secret Twenty-One was a fun piece of brain candy! Totally worth the 3 hours. I'm cracking open Gail Carriger's' Soulless now on mumto2's recommendation. Most of the books that I had the husband grab for me were from all of your suggestions so I'm excited to spend time with my nose stuck firmly in a book for a bit.

    • Like 7
  4. TeacherZee, praying your head feels better soon!


    Maus, I'm having a love affair with everything Sarah Mackenzie lately. What did you think about Teaching From Rest?


    Beckster, yikes. Praying he finds something quickly.


    Melmichigan, I can totally relate to your string of craziness. I hope it all smooths out in the very near future.


    Still poking through the Rachel Morgan/Hallows series... I need to get my hands on a couple of books that make me want to tear through them. I think I'll hit the library tomorrow. Any suggestions on what I should get?! I'm looking for light hearted kind of stuff because I had to say good-bye to my foster baby today. :( 

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  5. Super sad about Terry Pratchett. I'm picking up Good Omens tonight because of his passing. It's been on my Kindle waiting for a while and I just hadn't gotten to it yet. Being a super crazy fangirl, my first thought was, "Oh no! Neil Gaiman is going to be devastated!" 

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  6. I liked Where She Went more than If I Stay. I spent my entire morning reading the book, drinking coffee, and listening to music while basking in the sunshine streaming through the windows. *sighs happily* Both were YA and easy reads, each book took about 2 hours to read with the occasional kid distraction. I needed it even if I ignored almost all of the parenting and school this morning. Eh, we'll have this afternoon to crack the books after we grab the baby from his weekend away.



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  7. If I Stay sucked me in. I started reading a little after midnight expecting to crash out after a couple of chapters... 2.5 hours later, the book is done. Again, it was rather depressing but good! Looking forward to seeing how Where She Went is tomorrow. I'm thinking it will be another quick read too.

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  8. Miramont's Ghost wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. It moved along quickly enough but was kind of depressing. I gave it three stars even though I kept wishing for good things to happen to the main character. 


    I picked up If I Stay by Gayle Forman today at the recommendation of a friend. It was cheaper to do it in a bundle so I also have Where She Went waiting. I'm hoping to get through both this week. I need to make reading more of a priority instead of checking Facebook so often. I'm also still poking through White Witch, Black Curse but I'm getting distracted easily and spending more time focusing on other things.

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  9. I can't stop giggling at the reading stories. That happens here quite often. My mom did the same when I was growing up. One of the first times I remember really relating to her as a mother was when I had three small kids bugging me to do something and I said in complete exasperation, "Can I just PLEEEAAASE finish my book?" Then I flashed back to a time where I was about 5 and my mom did the same thing. *snort* 

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  10. Still reading Miramont's Ghost and am about halfway through. I took my 7 year old to go see Ivy + Bean the Musical and she cracked me up because she kept leaning over to whisper, "Mama, that was NOT in the book." That's my girl. :p I also got to see Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood in concert this weekend so it was a crazy busy weekend full of live performances which is amazing. I have to say that three of my favorite things are good books, live theatre, and music so I got it all in there!

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  11. Angel, funny that you say that you could never give them up again. That was totally my stance too! We kind of landed in fostering after saying that we'd never do it though we planned to adopt. *laugh* They're worth it though. How can I not love them when they need it and deal with the heartbreak (and oh boy, it's a doozy) when they return to bio family? Anyway, I have a feeling that this one will return and possibly permanently but it's not going to be the straightfoward path that I'd prefer. ;)


    Mellifera, we did square foot gardening when we first moved into our home. My husband l-o-v-e-d them but I'll admit I like crawling around in the dirt of a garden so it wasn't as fun for me. 


    Mom-ninja, go for the Austen!


    Ooh, Rose, YAY! 


    Karini, I use little drawings my kids make me as bookmarks... or, ah, *shame face* if it's a cheap paperback... I may dog ear them... *shifty eyes* 


    I'm caught up on HotMW and am enjoying Miramont's Ghost! I'd love a block of time to just sit and drink it in... I might have to sneak off to the bath when my husband gets home from work.

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  12. Robin, the cover of Miramont's Ghost made me go look it up on Amazon and it's free for Prime users to borrow. So I downloaded it! We'll see what it's all about.


    Happy birthday, Kim in Appalachia! 


    I finished Outlaw Demon Wails and have White Witch, Black Curse ready to go. I'm going to pick up Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson. I've had it waiting and I love everything Sally has written, so it should be a good one. I'm several chapters behind on HotMW but I'll catch up! Y'all reminded me that I need to get my hands on JD Robb's latest (and uh, the one before...)!


    It's been a long month full of troubles so I'm hoping that I can get a couple more books read and then shut the door on February for good! We had a carbon monoxide fiasco on Thursday which led to the baby having to stay overnight at his parents' house for the first time while we replaced our furnace. It didn't go so well for him but he'll be staying there more frequently as he needs to adjust before he moves back in mid-March. Good thoughts and prayers for his safety would be awesome.

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  13. I started super young with mine. We broke out actual curriculum at 4. My older three knew their letters, numbers, shapes, etc before they were 2 so I just figured we'd keep going at that pace. They're way ahead of where they should be now and I kind of regret it in the case of my newly 5 year old. Now if she pokes around with math and takes forever, I get frustrated because I feel like she has to keep at the pace that she set before without thinking, "Hey, she just turned 5. She's FINE." I'm taking it much more slowly with my fourth bio child who is 3.

  14. Robin, I need to get my hands on the latest In Death book. I don't think I read the last one even... oops.
    Rose, Spillover sounds utterly fascinating!

    Michele, happy birthday!!
    I'm behind in History Of The Medieval World. I should catch up today if I can.
    Ooh, in the quiz I got  â€œTrigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances†by Neil Gaiman! I haven't read it yet and y'all know that I have a fangirl crush on Neil. I almost picked it up the other day but couldn't justify the price at B&N. 
    Still making my way through the Rachel Morgan book. I keep falling asleep. Too much going on to focus. I'm ready to be able to rest and focus again. Someday, it'll happen. :p
  15. Jenn, woohoo for college boy!

    Stacia, I love the Hot Dudes Reading. Awesome.


    I finished Parenting The Wholehearted Child and hope to finish up The Outlaw Demon Wails today. My aunt passed away on Wednesday so I spent my entire day yesterday at my mom's trying to keep her together. The funeral will be Monday so we still have a lot ahead of us. February is not my month.

  16. Eliana, congratulations! That is so exciting!


    I'm halfway through Jeannie Cunnion's Parenting The Wholehearted Child. The Kindle says I'm 30% into The Outlaw Demon Wails. I'll confess I'm watching too much TV on Netflix and reading too little. I'm super distracted lately which is probably why. We went to court for our little foster baby and found out they're sending him home next month. If you're a praying person, please pray. This is very, very bad news for him. However, I should be getting more reading done because pretty much everything out of the home has been wiped off of my schedule today as my van broke down! February is not being the kindest month to me. ;) 

  17. I read half of Life Drawing and skimmed through the rest. Not feeling it. Still poking through The Outlaw Demon Wails. I'm not getting much reading done and haven't gotten the chance to catch up on the thread yet! Too much craziness in life right now to keep up.

  18. I spent too much time cleaning and decluttering this past week instead of reading. I only got a few chapters of The Outlaw Demon Wails done as well as enough to keep up with HotMW, my Bible plan, and a bit of Don Quixote. I'd rather be reading! 

  19. I finished Jen Hatmaker's 7 and Releasing Emotional Patterns With Essential Oils by Carolyn L. Mein. I still have Sally Clarkson's Own Your Life and Parenting The Wholehearted Child by Jeannie Cunnion waiting but I'm really feeling like going on a little fiction kick instead. What I'm going to read, I haven't decided yet. I could go back into the Hallows for some more Rachel Morgan because I have like 8 books of that series left or something else. I'll go look at my Kindle next or browse the paper stack.

  20. I finished The Golem and The Jinni! I FINISHED IIITTTT!! AHAHAHA! YAY! I really enjoyed the first 250 or 300 pages. Then the last 200 pages. But in the middle there was 150 or 200 pages of OH MY GOSH JUST EDIT THIS OUT ALREADY! I also read chapter 3 in HotMW and a few chapters on Don Quixote. At the risk of sounding old, the font in the book is kiillng my eyes. It's this tiny, smudgey mess and I always end up with a headache reading it. I've been forcing myself to read a couple chapters at least once a week but bleh.


    I'm still trying to get through Jen Hatmaker's 7 and 10 Ways To Destroy The Imagination Of Your Child. I'm quickly getting bored of non-fiction again because I tend to jump to it, roll around it in for a while, and then get ridiculously tired of it. Sadly, I have one sitting on my end table and one in the mail right now so this isn't a good thing. 

  21. Still working through The Golem and The Jinni. I hope to finish it tonight, I'm getting cloooose. I still am kind of going WTHeck?! But it's picking up a little bit. They're at least not wandering around going, "Gee, I'm a Golem. Oh my, I am a Jinni." Yes. I get this. :p

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