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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. Following along for ideas. Right now we have three bedrooms upstairs, one downstairs with a play room and a Lego/storage room too. Two of mine are in the basement bedroom, two are in an upstairs bedroom, one is the nursery for foster babies, and then the master bedroom. School is done in the dining room which is pretty much an open space for the dining room and living room with a counter cutting off the kitchen area. But it's a ridiculously small house and probably isn't going to work so well long term. 

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  2. Feel better soon, Chris!


    Jane, it sounds like you've had some amazing adventures!


    Mom-ninja, whiskey drinking and fighting! WOO! That reminds me I should grab some more books in that series. 


    I'm still reading Shifting Shadows. I didn't have much time to read this weekend as it was packed full of social things including a concert put on by an Irish worship band called Rend Collective. I've been catching myself saying things with an Irish accent all day long and then keep laughing at myself because though my last name is Irish by marriage and I love me some whiskey and potatoes, I'm definitely not Irish by blood! ;) Maybe I'll look up one of the silly Nora Roberts books that are set in Ireland and enjoy that. I've always had a special spot in my heart for Ireland because of all of those silly Nora Roberts books.

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  3. Mumto2, the book was Bella Forrest's A Shade of Vampire and it apparently is the start of a 20 book series. Was not feelin' it and I usually love vampires. And uh, oops, excuse my typo of Alexis Maccon instead of Alexia! Habit, as my legal name is Alexis though I never use it... Hoping you all feel better soon! 


    Stacia, congrats to your hubs but I'll be praying things smooth themselves out for you. That's a lot of change! Yay for Tina Fey. I have a total girl crush on her. Haha.


    Robin, ooohhhh, a cruise! I've never been but always have wanted to go on one! 


    Bwahaha, Amy, it sounds like a great time though. My friend laughed at me when we had a couple of hours to kill before a movie and I'm like, "Let's go to the LIBRARY!" 


    Pam, CLOSING?! Ohhhh myyyy goodness. I just panicked a little for you even knowing full well that you powered through that! 


    Thanks for the love, ladies! We're settling into a new norm which is kind of nice. I'm sure it'll be mixed up again soon when the phone rings with another babe waiting. ;) Until then, we'll enjoy this relaxed time with just four littles. I finished the Heartless and The Unhurried Homeschooler. I'm in the middle of Shifting Shadows now and enjoying it even though I'm not typically a short story fan.

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  4. Aurora TEAGARDEN! I love her, Kathleen!!


    I finished that really stupid vampire book and refused to read the other TWENTY BOOKS in the series. In the middle of Heartless by Gail Carriger because Lady Alexia Maccon is always fun. Almost finished with The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson too.


    I didn't get as much read this week because I was busy gathering all of the baby's belongings and getting things in line for court. It was a good plan because this time, after 6 months and 1 day, his grandmother was awarded direct placement of him and he moved first thing Thursday morning. It's honestly one of the only times I've seen the court rule in the actual best interest of the child so I am happy for him even if we're sniffly and missing him on our end. 

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  5. I finished up the Mercy Thompson series which was paranormal fluff that I read mainly because the characters are easy to fall in love with and then you want to keep up with what they're doing.


    Started Bella Forest's A Shade Of Vampire because Kindle Unlimited recommended it... I'm not that impressed so far. I also put the last two Alexia Terrabotti books on hold at the library so those should be fun. I finished up the Lysa TerKeurst book yesterday too to get it out of the way seeing that my husband was given a snow day. 

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  6. Stacia, glad the eyes don't require immediate help. I still am trying to read Don Quixote.. It isn't bad but the font of the book gives me a headache every time I pick it up!


    Happy belated birthday, Kim!


    Mom22es, I'm so sorry. Lifting you up in prayer! Fluff reading is perfect for the rough times.


    PeacefulChaos, the ladies in this thread have encouraged me to drop a book or two since I started posting too. I always beat myself up a little for doing it then feel relieved. ;) 


    Angela, praying for the babe and for your recovery!


    Still reading my junk food books and enjoying them. I have one more Mercy Thompson book before I'm through with everything in that series and I'm not sure where I'm going next. I have a stack of Christian non-fiction too but that's going more slowly... Sally Clarkson's new one, The Lifegiving Home, is lovely. Not feeling Lysa TerKeurst's More Than A Good Bible Study Girl but I'll finish it because I only have 3 chapters left. Voices by Steve Witt is good but I kind of stalled mid-book. Also have a fostering one hanging out there for a book club, The Beauty And Brokenness of Foster Care. Speaking of fostering, our little bit stayed longer yet again!! *laughs* His case is a total rollercoaster. We go to court again in a week and then we'll see what shakes out but they seem to think he may actually go home in March. We shall see. It's been he's going home in 2 weeks for the past 6 months. :p 

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  7. Coincidentally enough, I've been reading a lot of romance lately! I just opened Patricia Briggs' River Marked today. Over the last few weeks I read the 5 books in the NOLA Zombie series by Gillian Zane (warning: lots of explicit sex that even made a seasoned romance reader like me go OH MY!), the three books in Rowena Through The Wall by Melodie Campbell, and Jennifer Estep's 5 superhero romances. Actually, I think I've finished one book out of the 20 this year that WASN'T romance and it was a nonfiction on marriage so technically... that could count. Hmm. 

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  8. I finished Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs, Judith Arnold's Changes which I want to say Kareni recommended, and Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep. Not sure how it ended up on my Kindle but I enjoyed it enough to grab the other four in the series. It was a super cute and cheesy superhero romance. I'm onto the second book in the series, Hot Mama.


    I got my laptop back in time for the charger to give up the ghost and there's been no time to head to the store to fix it. Glad I finally got Tapatalk to work on my phone so I can catch up!



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  9. I've missed being able to tag along with these threads! My laptop came back yesterday so here I am to play a bit of catch up. So far this year I've read Nora Roberts' Stars of Fortune which was a Christmas present and almost four of the Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. I'm in the middle of Silver Borne right now. 


    Life is swirling about us as usual. We took a family trip to California then came back to find still have our foster son... he was supposed to move before we left then possibly when we were in California but he's still here for now. I'm just waiting to see what happens. My husband started school again this week and I have a couple of fun classes going (NOT full-time this semester with DH going back!). We're getting back into the homeschooling swing! So Patricia Briggs is right up my alley right now.

    • Like 13
  10. How many books did you read this year and did you meet or beat your own personal goal? I only made it to 70 this year. Didn't make my personal goal but it's been a crazy busy year so I can't say I'm terribly sad.


    Share your top 5 (or more) favorite books. I think Helen Oyeymi's Mr. Fox was my favorite of the year. Then I enjoyed the fours books in the Until The End Of The World series just because it was the exact thing I needed at the time. :) 


    Which books or authors you thought you'd never read and were pleasantly surprised to like them? I never would have picked up Guantanamo Diary on my own but I'm glad that I did. 


    One book that touched you - made you laugh, cry, sing or dance! All In Orphan Care made a difference this year. I wept through most of it because of how it made me view bio parents. 


    Share your most favorite character, covers and/or quotes? I think Rachel Morgan throughout the entire Hollows series.


    One book you thought you'd love but didn't? I wanted to love Sally Clarkson's Own Your Life but I wasn't a big fan. Shocked me because I usually love everything Sally Clarkson ever.


    What countries or centuries did you explore? Erm, ah, I'd have to really think to answer that.


    What books would you recommend everybody read? Finding Zoe was really interesting to me but I'm super interested in deaf culture right now.


    What was your favorite part of the challenge? I love being encouraged to pick up books that I wouldn't otherwise look into! My husband even got into it this year and wound up reading a lot of Murakami. 


    It's good to peek and see y'all. We've been hectic as the baby ended up staying longer. He's supposed to transition into his Grandma's house this week but we'll see how it goes... we fly out to California on Thursday so that should be a fun adventure to end out 2015 and start 2016 with! 


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  11. We do MUS (Beta for the 2nd graders, Gamma for the 3rd) and Noeo Science. They're doing Chemistry 1 this year, they did Biology 1 last year. A big reason why I chose MUS was that it was easy to explain. I'm not a math-y person but my kids are picking it up quickly. It also came highly recommended by an aunt of mine who is an accountant. She successfully used it for her children and one is in a math intensive major in college now. 

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  12. I am teaching 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, and PreK this year with a small baby in the mix. I agree, combine as much as you can. I tend to aim it at the student who is at a higher level and will tweak it to work with the younger ones.


    We start with the individual work where they just can't be combined. I'll have them all doing their level of math at the same time at the table while I'm working on the floor with my PreK kiddo between answering questions for the 3rd grader and two 2nd graders. Math is our biggest drama when it comes to school so we try to get it out of the way first. Then they go down the list of a page in their geography workbook, their 15 minutes of piano or violin practice, a page in Handwriting Without Tears, and their reading lesson. Each takes maybe 10-15 minutes minus math which can take an hour on a good day or HOURS if they drag it out.  


    Then comes the Mommy Must Be There work which is most of the language arts. My 3rd grader is on her own level and I usually get hers done while the 2nd graders are whining that they don't really want to finish their math. :p At this point, I sent up the PreK kid with Reading Eggs or Starfall. Not what I'd ideally be doing but it keeps him entertained and still learning. Once my 3rd grader finishes, she's free until I do LA with the 2nd graders. Typically takes 30 minutes each to get through WWE, FLL, and AAS.


    After that, we all get together for Bible, science, SOTW, and Latin. It usually takes us an hour to do this. We're typically done in 3.5 hours. Short lessons are my friend. They allow us to get in what we need to get in, the kids don't get bored (well, when it's not math), and we still have the afternoon for classes outside of the home, errands, appointments, cleaning, etc. Both SOTW and Prima Latina are on cd too so if I don't have time to do it at home, I can pop it in while we're in the van and we can at least discuss it. 

  13. Things have been crazy. I miss you ladies! I read Until The End Of The World today which was a Kindle freebie suggested by Kareni, I want to say. So good. I promptly downloaded the So Long, Lollipops (1.5), And After (2), and All The Stars In The Sky (3). It's exactly the kind of book I need right now as we're gearing up to say good-bye to a foster love yet again this coming week.

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  14. I half want to check out the Nora Roberts book but I may just wait until I get get it from the library. I'm sure it's going to be just like the other fifty million trilogies she has written in this vein but they're like comfort food.


    Halfway through the last Rachel Morgan/Hollows book in the series and it feels like the author has grown bored with the series and is tying up the loose ends for the fans only. 


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  15. I'm totally not up to date on the HoMW readings and I'm not thinking I'm going to catch up. *shame* There's just too much right now so it'll hang out on my shelf. ;)


    Finished Finding Zoe and was kind of disgusted by the unethical bullying of the bio father who wanted to raise the baby. Yes, she eventually wound up in a good place after bouncing around homes because the baby is deaf but it was just anger inducing. 

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  16. I've missed you ladies. Avast keeps shutting down WTM for me so I can barely get on. :( I'm currently reading Brandi Rarus' Finding Zoe about a deaf woman who is very active in Deaf community and adopts a little girl who is also deaf. I also have Gary Thomas' Sacred Influence and Sacred Marriage waiting for when I have a little more time. 


    Re: Calvin and Hobbes, we are huge fans here. DH and I both read over and over again when we were kids and it was a joy to introduce them to my kids. My 4 year old pretty much is Calvin, right down to steering his wagon into the road with his blonde hair flying... I often catch them with the books on their laps.

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