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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I'm smack dab in the middle of The Golem and The Jinni and have lost my steam. Definitely could have been edited down because I feel like we're reading pages upon pages about the same darn thing with nothing new introduced. Let's move on now. C'mon, author! I might have to speed read through a little bit and see if it draws me back in. 

  2. Why, yes, The Strange Library was bizarre. But I enjoyed it! I'm going to have my husband read it next. 


    I also finished Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern but it's more of a guide to have at home so I dunno if it counts. Eh, I'll count it. 

  3. I finished a A Few Demons More last night. Woo for actually finishing a book instead of bouncing around. I got two essential oil books in the mail and have cracked open Gentle Babies by Debra Raybern already. It should be interesting to see what she has to say. I read a couple more chapters in The Golem and The Jinni last night and I think I'm going to try to stick with this one as my fiction book until I'm finished. 

  4. A Walk In The Woods made me belly laugh. I loved it! 


    Uff Da! Praying you find an awesome church.


    Tress, exactly! I must finish books too. Even if I hate it and I remark to my husband about fifty million times, "Why am I doing this? This is killing me. I hate this book." I still MUST finish.


    I agree with Pam on the bad wine. ;)


    Stacia, my kids were thrilled with their package today. My three year old kept saying, "My Stacia, she sent this just for me! It was my Stacia!" Apparently you now belong to him.


    I also got a package with Sally Clarkson's Own Your Life. Wee! I'm expecting two books on essential oils this week too. I know, I know, I'm drowning in books to read and I keep getting more. It's a sick addiction but a lovely one as well. ;)

  5. Happy birthday, Melissa!


    I did exactly what I thought I'd do... run around in circles, read a few chapters of each book, and not finish anything leaving me going, "Why am I doing this to myself?" :p Hopefully I'll be able to nail down one or two to finish this week. 

  6. Happy belated birthday, Rosie!


    TeacherZee, thumbs up on the satire unit! I have a hopeless crush on Jon Stewart. *laugh*


    You said it well, Mom-ninja. ;) That man is smokin'.



    I have The Stand waiting on my Kindle too. I was hoping to get to it in October and that didn't happen.


    I've never run out of likes before. Now I wonder if I'm going to because I said this... 


    I am reading 9 books right now. This is probably very dumb because I'll read a few chapters from each and then get frustrated that I'm not getting anywhere. At least three of them are supposed to be spread out through the entire year (Bible, HotMW, and WEM) but I'm still feeling antsy that I don't have enough time to read. Cranky, teething baby isn't helping matters much. :p

  7. Love all of the talk about seasons and weather. I lived in Arizona for the first year of my marriage. My husband and I had both grown up in Michigan and were used to four very distinct seasons. I. Was. Miserable. I look forward to each season with delight and there is beauty in all of them. I was just lamenting to my husband that while we have 4 inches of snow, it's not enough and I was hoping for the 12" that was "threatened". I'm one who wants to enjoy every season to its fullest and then say goodbye in 3 months. Fickle, perhaps..



    Welcome, Maela! I read Cleaning House last year and thought it had a lot of great ideas.
    BushMommy, I don't have a formal list... I just grab things and look at the stacks of books in person and on my Kindle. Whatever speaks to me at the time is what I pick up.
    My husband picked up Murakami's The Elephant vanishes for himself because he loves short stories. So even he's getting stuff from this thread when he's not an active member. I have IQ84 here and I'm thinking I'm not even going to start it because I just don't have it in me to read that huge of a book on top of what I'm already reading. Still waiting for Kafka On The Shore and Strange Library to come in.
    Mommymilkies, that is a fabulous birthday celebration! 
  8. Tress, I just had a conversation with a friend of mine that books can never be clutter! She says they can be. Blasphemy! ;) I may need more bookshelves... but they're not clutter. 


    I have the crankiest baby in the world today. I would like to read now that the big kids have finished school for the day but if I pick up a book, he screams at me. Nooo, fussy baby, nooo! 

  9. So, I'll admit I was a little nervous about starting History Of The Medieval World because history doesn't tend to hold my attention that well. However, I'm so glad I took the leap because I devoured the first two chapters. I'll hold back and read it at the rate that we are as a group but I'm actually really enjoying this! Yay! 



  10. TeacherZee, I  completely agree, there are positive adoption stories and she could have focused more on them. I think a lot of people don't realize just how corrupt adoption practices can be and she was trying to bring that into the open. However, not all adoption = corrupt and unethical. There are ways to have an ethical adoption for sure. Sorry, I'm 1 handed typing while feeding the baby. One we hope to adopt if needed funny enough. ;) Anyway, it took a while for me to process that one too.

  11. Fiona, I'm so sorry to hear that. 


    Felicity, we love Fortunately The Milk! 2014 was my Year of Gaiman where I read a bajillionty of his novels and it all started with Fortunately The Milk. ;)


    Re: Handmaid's Tale, I've read it several times. I know a lot of college professors ask you to read it, so maybe that's part of her popularity in America? It was a basic lit class requirement in at least two of the colleges I went to. One in Arizona, one in Michigan. 


    Eliana, I read Sunshine years ago and remember enjoying it too. It made me want to eat a lot of baked goods. :p


    Dawn, I'm going through WEM and going to start Don Quixote too. It's on my end table right next to me as we speak... I just haven't picked it up. ;)


    TeacherZee, I read The Child Catchers last year and had to stop a lot to catch my breath again. It was a rough one to get through, especially knowing that I used to support the Campbells. Uuugh. Regret. 


    Look what came in the mail! WEEEE!



  12. I'll read Vonnegut with you ladies. I've read several and my husband is a huge fan so we have stacks of Vonnegut in the house.


    Still trying to get through The Golem and The Jinni and 10 Ways To Destroy Your Child's Imagination. I just started Jen Hatmaker's 7 and the fifth book in Kim Harrison's Hallows series, For A Few Demons More. The husband is going to bring on the Murakami for me and I'll choose which one to read when I get a feel for them. I asked him to grab The Strange Library, Kafka On The Shore, and IQ84.

  13. I'll join you in History of The Medieval World. I'll go order it now! I am also going to go through The Well Educated Mind and start Don Quixote. My Bible plan of this year is the ESV Study Bible year round plan. I haven't banged out anything else yet other than I want to read more classics (which WEM will help with) and I'd like to read more poetry. Aaand now I'm off to go stalk the library's site to see what Haruki Murakami they might have.

  14. Nan, I love your thoughts on turning 30! Seeing that I've been in love with the same man since I was 19, married for 8.5 years and we enjoy 5 beautiful children together, turning 30 wasn't a big deal. ;) My 20s were busy and full of good things, I'm excited to see what the 30s bring. Isn't this when people are supposed to start viewing you as a grown up? *laughs* 


    JennW, Into The Woods was great! I've loved the show for years so it was fun to see a new version of it. Meryl made me cry with her performance of Stay With Me. I could have done without Anna Kendrick as Cinderella but she was one of the "hot names" in Hollywood so I can see why they chose her. Same with Johnny Depp who I usually adore but I wasn't that impressed with. I've been singing the music non-stop since seeing it!


    Tam, happy belated birthday! I completely understand on the Christmas-birthday phenomenon. My mother used to make people unwrap my birthday gifts as a child and re-wrap them with birthday paper instead of the inevitable Christmas paper.


    Thank you ladies for the birthday wishes. I'm glad I stumbled upon this thread and that you all welcomed me with open arms! I'm looking forward to starting the 52 at the very beginning of the year with all of you this year. 


    I didn't get to finish my book because I had more important things to do like rock my poor sick three year old in the ER and then have my six year old son brought up to me too. We were there most of last night and there was talk of hospitalization before my three year old finally was able to breathe properly after oral steroids and two different types of breathing treatments. *whew* We're home though and the boys are on the mend today. Praying the girls and baby don't get it because DH and I are feeling kind of blah now. Actually, knowing that all of the kids are fast asleep and DH fell asleep reading on the couch, I might bust out said book and see what I can do before midnight.

  15. I can't do Wuthering Heights. I tried. I swear, I tried. I threw it across the room never to pick it up again! :p This was when I was about 15.


    Today was the big 3-0 for me! I celebrated with the family and now I'm about to head out to see Into The Woods with my best friend. Super excited! I hope that when I return,there will be just enough time left in the day to curl up with a good book under a warm blanket. :)

  16. DD 7: A pink lion Beanie Boo that I searched everywhere for on her birthday but did not find in stores until NOW. Also, Lego Friends.


    DD 5: Beanie boos and Lego friends as well. Heidi Hecklebeck books were a hit too, she sat down and read 3 chapters the second she opened them.

    DS 3: PlasmaCar and Tonka truck for the win!

    DS 4 mo: Wrapping paper... and a taggie blanket. 

  17. I'm laughing so hard at the Christmas crackers because I was sitting over here with this confused look on my face going, "Like Ritz? What?" D'oh. I'm glad they were linked because now I have more of a clue! Clearly, I've been deprived.


    We're spending a lazy Christmas day at home in our jammies. Two out of the five kiddos have strep throat and are miserable little sickies so I'm glad we are going to chill for the entire day. The kids got everything they wanted and the oldest three are happily building Legos right now. The 3 year old is in the bathtub squealing over bubbles while the baby plays on the floor happily. It was a successful Christmas morning! I'm thinking about taking my Kindle and tucking into bed to read under the nice warm covers. 


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