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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. We don't use an actual curriculum for Bible but we read from the Jesus Storybook Bible and ask the kids questions to review what's going on. We also have this too and it's amazing: http://www.amazon.com/Thoughts-Make-Your-Heart-Sing/dp/0310721636/ref=tmm_hrd_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1396016913&sr=8-2


    The Jesus Storybook Bible actually does have a Sunday School curriculum if you wanted to check it out but right now we're getting enough just through talking through those two books I mentioned above. http://www.jesusstorybookbible.com/index.php?option=com_curriculum

  2. Seriously? If there's an actual reason for the divorce then own up to it. Or don't, it's none of our business. But to follow this doctor, who happens to be married himself, and says people shouldn't be together for four, five, or six decades? That makes absolutely no sense to me. I know plenty of people who have been married for 40+ years and are still ridiculously happy with each other. I look forward to celebrating 50 or 60 years of marriage with my husband. 

  3. I'd be okay with a 10 year old reading it as long as they're open to discussing things with you thoroughly. It is gruesome and disturbing but I think if you have a mature 10 year old who is willing to bounce their thoughts from the book off of you, it'd be okay. 

  4. I read half of Orange Is The New Black last night... I'm slightly groggy this morning because I stayed up too late. At least the kids helped themselves to breakfast when I wasn't up ASAP.  :blushing: I plan to finish it this afternoon and take a trip to the library. I'm a weirdo and need to have a paper book in my hands for a little bit. Too many ebooks make me crave the smell of ink and the feel of an actual book.

  5. The pushing is what would bother me the most. We just allowed our 6 year old to have her first sleepover with her best friend this weekend. My gut said it was 100% fine, we know the family very well and have been friends for years. Her child has spent the night at our house before. There's a good relationship and trust established. So I was comfortable with it though my mama heart wanted to cry a little at reaching that milestone!


    Would I let her spend the night with it being a situation like you posted about? No way in heck. If anything sends up red flags, you have every right to say absolutely not. Go ahead and let them think you're an overprotective homeschooler, you know what is right for your child better than anyone else does.

  6. Happy birthday, Shukriyya!


    Man, all of the talk of Orange Is The New Black made me go buy it in ebook form. I've watched the first season on Netflix, *cough*twice*cough*. It's ridiculously addictive!


    Finished up Jenny Plague Bringer and wasn't that impressed with it. It's fluffy, yes, but it felt like he was pulling in whatever he could to finish out a fourth book. I just started Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking. So it'll be that and OITNB this week! 

  7. Hah, we're all excited that it's 40 today so all of the kids who aren't napping are playing outside. It definitely feels like spring with the sun shining, snow melting, and the kids outside playing while the birds chirp.


    Naughty mom didn't make it to school today and we have a PT eval this afternoon so it's not happening. They'll just do school tomorrow instead of having the day off like they typically do.

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