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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I definitely had to ditch the idea that school had to be done first thing in the morning. When my 1 and 2 year old nap is when we have the best chunk of school time. If they aren't sleeping, I'll often let them play with toys that are off limits otherwise, give them a bath because our school room is oh, three steps from the bathroom, or try to include them in what we're doing the best we can. Sometimes a movie in the babyproofed playroom will hold their attention too.

  2. Add me to Real Science 4 Kids. I bought all of the prelevels expecting to love it and hated it. Not enough information for my kids and they are all well within the age range of the prelevels. I also did the same with Life Of Fred. I heard enough great things that I bought the entire elementary set. Yeah, no. My kids kept asking when we'd do real math instead of this. Maybe I'll pull it out again this summer but they were not fond of it last summer.


    Teach Your Child To Read In 100 Easy Lessons was miserable for us too and I gave it away instead of trying to sell it.

  3. I loved Alaska: The Last Frontier too! I do fantasize about homesteading. I was super into the show until I learned that they live just out of town and it's not quite as dire to hunt food as they say it is on the show.


    I'll admit to Pretty Little Liars as well, I totally have a mini-crush on Ezra because he reminds me of my husband (cute, nerdy English teacher, not creep-o sleeping with a student and killing people... LOL).

  4. ASD is autism spectrum disorder. 


    The only cheaper option is through foster care and there are no guarantees in foster care. It's an emotional rollercoaster and I wouldn't get into it simply because it's cheaper. You have to be willing to do the hard work and stick it out for the kids or else it'll steam roll you early.


    ETA: I'm a foster mom and I love it but you have to be realistic about what you're going into. I just reread what I wrote and realized it sounded very negative. Fostering is a beautiful thing but there are so many factors that come into play and you will likely have to send several children back to their bio families before there is one available to adopt. But if you think you can handle the ups and downs, by all means, foster to adopt!

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