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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. ...

    Maybe the music wouldn't bother me so much if I felt more at home in other ways.  I just really, really want to leave.  Not leave with hard feelings, just leave because I need a spiritual home and, as much as I like the people and as much as I appreciate the church's strengths, it's just not feeling like home to me.  I feel sad when I think about going to church - even though I like the people there.



    That tells me that you need to find a new church. You shouldn't feel uncomfortable or sad going to church. If you do, it's not the right place for you. 

  2. I had to go look up my book list from Goodreads. I've read 30 so far. My goal is to read 135 so I'm 14 books behind schedule. I'm sure once DH gets off work for the summer (he's a PS teacher), I'll get back on track because I'll have more time to read. I made it 4 books over goal last year (124 total) so here's hoping this year I'll make it too.


    And with that, now that I have kids distracted with other things, I think I'm going to go pick up American Gods.

  3. Our husky/German shepherd mix is Annabel Nymeria Puppia Kitty-Bunny Sugarwoofer Von Dog Dog McLastname. Generally known as Annie. Or Snell Bell.


    We're getting a dachshund whose name will be Princess Elizabetta Flower Butterball Lightning Von Dog Dog McLastname, otherwise known as Betsy. I'm sure she'll have other random nicknames too but we'll see what comes out when she's here in the end of May.


    Are you ok? I thought of you & your family over the weekend with your foster. :grouphug:


    Looking forward to hearing about American Gods. It's been on my-want-to-read list for forever.


    We're doing better than I thought we would be. The kids are kind of off kilter and keep asking when we're going to be able to see FS next. I keep reminding them that he's home with his mama now and that would be her choice when we got to see him. Frustrated with our agency because the worker has really dropped the ball on getting a signature to officially get him back home. Right now he's still legally our foster child because she's dropped the ball so badly. He can legally stay with bio mom through TODAY (4 days in a row is the limit) but if she didn't get the signature, we're in some deep poop... I hope she did get it today even though she's avoiding me, like always. He's staying with his bio mom though there has been a signature mishap because the worker said in front of my 4 and 6 year old kids that FS was going home on Sunday. 6 year old is having nightmares about it and all 4 of my young kids said good-bye on Sunday. I went all Mama Bear because it would confuse the daylights out of my young kids to bring foster son back home when they said goodbye only to say goodbye again in a couple of days... so for all intents and purposes, he's home for good. Just waiting for the 100% legal confirmation from the worker.

  5. Stacia, oh no, that sounds terrible. I hope you start to feel more yourself soon.


    I finished The Night Circus last night and really, really enjoyed it. It was amazing to get lost in the story for a while. I also started Neil Gaiman's American Gods which is interesting and bizarre in the first 50 pages or so. Good thing that I truly enjoy a bizarre story because I think this one is about to take me on an interesting ride.

  6. I'm not quite half through The Night Circus and I started it this morning. I paused to finish school that we didn't get to yesterday because I was on the phone non-stop with foster business. I'm really enjoying this one! In fact, I'm going to pick it back up again in a few minutes now that I sent the big kids outside to play after school. Such a fun story.

  7. I had a horrific day yesterday so I went to Barnes and Noble to roll around in books. Okay, so I didn't literally roll but I did come out with The Night Circus, Neil Gaiman's American Gods, Rebecca Skloot's The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and Sarah Dunnant's Blood and Beauty. Pretty much because it was the only other one on the buy two get the third free table that looked interesting. Now to slog through the Nora Roberts that I have been avoiding so I can start The Night Circus! 

  8. Hmm, I'll check out the Iron Druid series and The Night Circus. I'm up for anything. I'm really going to need the distraction because my foster son is being reunified with his bio mom this weekend. We've had him for over a year. Sucks. I wouldn't trade a single minute with him but yeah, I'm going to need to get lost in a good book for a bit!

  9. I'm struggling with Nora Roberts' Shadow Spell too. I usually whip through one of her books in a day and it's been a full week... and yeah, not even halfway through because I keep doing other things. I keep choosing meh books. I need a series or something that I can really dig into. 

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