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Posts posted by NoseInABook

  1. I'd think spider too but with that reaction, I'd strongly encourage you to get it checked out. My mom had something similar happen and she ended up in the hospital for days, almost losing part of her arm right before my wedding. She STILL has no idea what type of spider bit her but it was bad news.

  2. I was 19, he was 21. One of his best friends was dating one of my best friends at the time. They wanted to set us up on a blind date and I staunchly refused, stating that I could find my own man as I was dating a couple guys casually. A few weeks later, my girlfriend had gotten a new puppy and she wanted me to come over to meet said puppy at her boyfriend's house. I went over there and voila, there he was waiting with the puppy too. Sneak blind date. We hung out with the puppy, went for a walk in the woods with the other couple, and then DH wanted to take me out for a cup of coffee so we headed off to a local 24 hour coffee shop where we played cards and tried to make awkward conversation as we are both extremely introverted. I debated saying yes to another date because he had to bum $5 off of our mutual friend because he hadn't gone to the bank that morning. Hahaha. But, he was cute and I thought I'd give it another shot. I figured it'd be a summer romance. 10 months later, we were living together officially. Almost 10 years later, we're still together and have 5 kids.  

  3. Mine are that age, they can easily figure out what's too dirty to wear again. Generally, that's EVERYTHING at this age because my kids do a lot of art projects and play outside. Can you get a basket for dirty clothes and a basket for wear again clothes to make it seem like they aren't dumping everything on the floor? Have them toss the muddy jeans into the dirty and the clean sweatshirt into the wear tomorrow basket?

  4. Finished Dark Places. It started out strong and ended with a fizzle. Oh well, it was at least entertaining for half of it! I just picked up Sisterchicks on the Loose this morning. A friend of mine recommended them and I like chick lit sometimes so we'll see how it goes. My husband is on spring break this week (he's a public school teacher) so here's hoping I can get a handful of books read with him home to help with the kiddies.

  5. I need a spoiler tag. Are there spoilers here? *lol*


    Stony was raised from a wee little zombie baby. There was the zombie apocalypse and all of the other zombies were supposed to be killed so he was the only zombie around. People would still keep their eyes peeled just in case and would arrest/destroy them if they were found. Later in the book, Stony found out that he wasn't alone and there were weird zombie politics about what they should do to keep the zombie group from going extinct. Zombie political people, zombie jails for experimental purposes, etc. It was an interesting read.

  6. I had to pick up Outlander a second time before I could get through it. And then, yes, I loved it. There are parts that I rolled my eyes at and felt weren't necessary but... Hi, I'm Lexi, and I'm an Outlander fan. ;)


    Finished up Raising Stony Mayhall. It was interesting. I did enjoy it even if it was lot of zombie politics in the middle of the book. It was interesting to see a different perspective on the zombie, brrraaaaiiiins storyline.


    Starting Gillian Flynn's Dark Places. I've decided I'm going to be on a fiction kick for a bit even though I have stacks of non-fiction to read. I almost forgot how much I truly enjoy just a good story instead of gathering information. Now I'm adding a ton of the Aunt Dimity and the Jane triology to my Amazon wishlist. :)

  7. Writing With Ease 1

    Reviews from OPGTR and she will choose a reader each day.

    First Language Lessons 1

    Handwriting Without Tears (Finished 1st grade, into 2nd grade book)

    All About Spelling level 1


    That's what we do each day. My K4 and K5 kids do HWT and OPGTR at their levels and then join us for WWE, FLL, and AAS.

  8. I agree, read up on FAS so you have some clue of what might happen later on in childhood. But honestly, there is no possible way to know if your foster son is one who has issues from the alcohol and drug exposure or if he's going to have a relatively normal childhood despite it. You'll have to decide if it's worth it to you to take the risk of there being issues or if you're not. Don't you wish there was some magic way to figure out how everything will play out in foster care and in the future? I know I do! 

  9. Nope, it's jeans and a hoodie or a long sleeved T in the winter. Jeans and tank tops in the summer. I actually stopped attending church for a while because there was a period of time that I couldn't afford to get dressed up and people would treat you like dirt if you weren't dressed up in other churches in the area. I was really glad when God brought us to this church where even the pastor wears jeans because it had been a long time of no church family partially because of that issue.

  10. I'm nowhere near where I need to be. I finished up Orange Is The New Black and have read 1/4 of  Raising Stony Mayhall. I didn't realize the new Nora Roberts was out. I'm going to have to grab that though I wasn't impressed with the first book in this trilogy. It seems like she's run out of ideas. ;) However, I have two temporary foster kids who have been here since Wednesday. With 7 kids and the oldest being 6, there hasn't been much time for reading! 

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