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Everything posted by Titus.Two.Five

  1. My 10 yr old dd never did learn cursive in PS. :glare: Anyway she is doing very well with Abeka cursive workbook. My 7 yr old son will begin cursive next year, but I am undecided between Abeka and Reason for Handwriting...though I am leaning towards Abeka.
  2. How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? This is my 6th year. K4 - 4x + current K5 - 2x 1st - 1x 2nd - current 3rd - 1x for 1/2 year (came home in Feb) 4th - current 6th - 1x for 1/2 year (came home in Feb) 7th - 1x for 1/2 year (came home in Feb) + current 8th - current Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I knew by the time my oldest child was 3 that I would homeschool. Due to divorce, however, that didn't work out after she was ready for grade 1. Now after years of praying, my desire to homeschool my three children has turned into homeschooling my FIVE children. :001_smile: Our 2 little boys have been home since the beginning, and we added my three olders this past Feb. Were you homeschooled? No Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Abeka and Rod & Staff What method and materials are you currently using? I am using 'The Well Trained Mind' as my guide. King James Bible Abeka Math K-3, Saxon Math 5/4 + up w/Dive Cd, Singapore CWP as supplement First Lang Lessons 1 + 2, Rod and Staff English 3 + up Explode the Code and Ordinary Parents Guide to Reading Spelling Workout and Vocab From Classical Roots Memoria Press Latin products ABeka Handwriting K-3 Fallacy Detective Private Piano Apologia Zoology 2 (will begin 4 yr rotation next year with all: Biology) Old Testament History and some Church History (will begin 4 yr rotation next year with all: Ancients) Adding next week: Writing Tales for my 4th grader, Classical Writing for my 7th and 8th graders, and Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry 2 for my 7th and 8th graders, and Writing with Ease workbook 2 for my 2nd grader. What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? The Well Trained Mind, Teaching The Trivium, and Ruth Beechick. What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Having older kids join our homeschool vs. homeschooling from a young age. What aspect has come naturally for you? Spending hours, day after day focusing on kids.
  3. I completely understand what your saying. :001_smile: I would have to add my own .02 though, SWB is very obviously an accomplished writer and teacher, so I feel that her rec's for her own grammar/writing books is a very smart choice for HS moms *if* they are a good fit for their family. PS. I personally prefer R & S English 3 to FLL 3 though, hands down! So I'm definitely not a blind follower there. ;) PSS. I do hope that SWB does still list *good alternative* rec's in the 2009 version as she has been.
  4. What I meant by 'outdated' was that there are newer things now recommended in the WTM vs. the 1999 version that Lori has. :D I didn't mean to insuinuate that outdated = no good for today.
  5. I like it too. The only thing I would change is that last 'but' to a 'yet' as Ellie mentioned. I think she did very good. :001_smile:
  6. I had to loan her my 1999 edition, cause I am reading my 2004 one. :001_huh: I can't WAIT until the 2009 edition comes out! Did you all notice the NEW cover photo? :)
  7. EFTTC vol 1 is the book to use first, while vol 2 follows, I believe. Remember that the older version of the book you are reading has outdated curric recommendations. The recommendation for grammar now for Em would probably be Rod and Staff English 3 (my preference) or First Language Lessons 3. While Ty would be doing First Language Lessons 1 + 2. (love it here) FLL 1 + 2 FLL 3 Teacher FLL 3 Student R&S English 3 Alternatives are Abeka Grammar or Voyages in English + a writing program (writing strands is recommended) If you use R&S no seperate writing program is needed. If you use FLL, then Writing With Ease is a nice writing program compliment.
  8. Lori!!!! Howdy! It's *me*. Glad to see you here. :lol:
  9. How many? There are 7 of us, and then Dh's 2 adult sons and their wives, plus another family of 9. So 20 people. Menu: We are providing - turkey, ham, beverages and desserts while the 3 other families are bringing a dish to pass. I know one is bringing chips and home made cheese dip and the other a green bean casserole, not sure about the 3rd wife. Depending on what she says she will bring will give me a better picture of what all I need to inlcude. ;) I will definitely want mashed taters, sweet taters, corn, and biscuits.
  10. You say she is behind in writing...is she maybe not ready for outlining ? My dd10 is not ready for outlining at. all. I do have her writing written summaries and some dication though. (she just came home from public school this past spring) Would having her give up 1 or 2 of the above motivate her to do better school work so that she can prove that next year she is ready to try again? Do you feel she has learning disabilities? Or is capable of the work? If she is capable, I would seriously cut out the outside extras (except: church and piano) until she can develop more responsibility at home first. :001_smile:
  11. Maybe she is feeling uncomfortable with all of her changes. ;) I would try to talk to her as best you can, love on her, tie some serious heart strings, have fun, bake cookies, have a girls night out, etc....big time and regularly. This is going to become more and more important as she keeps growing up on you.
  12. For us it needed way too much supplementation in all areas: spelling, phonics, and grammar. I also felt that a different program would utilize my time better in teaching reading. I felt that I could teach my child to read in much less time with a different phonics program. I really liked the idea of LLATL, but implementation wise, it was quite lacking for 'us'.
  13. Golly how many times would she like to do it over? :D Let her take all day if she wants, Saturday's too, but she can do it over and over....that worked for my son. If you *know* that she is capable of better work, then simply do not accept it until it is acceptable. Then Let Go and let her deal with the consequences.
  14. Daisy, Do you have issues with just math, or other 'tough for your dd' subjects as well? Your answer to that would most likely reveal if a math change is in order, or some serious discipline is needed. ;)
  15. I too am a slave driver. It is 5:30 pm here and I have 1 still practicing piano, 1 doing math, one that *just* finished his reading lessons w/mom, and another finishing her TWO English lessons. <GASP>
  16. So far, we have been unaffected, personally. However, we are gonna start busting hiney to pay off our home ASAP.
  17. If he is babysitting, I would say not a good time. I would need to be home, personally for that to happen. But I would probably certainly give her a 'chance' at the right time to come over, meet you, and hang out semi-supervised. Could just be a friendship.
  18. Just my opinion/preference: piano first, then move onto their personal interest for instrument 6 - 12 months later.
  19. Ordinary Parents Guide To Reading for both each day Explode the Code for both since DS5 enjoys writing, a few times per week Spelling Workout A for DS6 daily A Handwriting program, just a few minutes per day Math 4 days per week (Saxon, Abeka, Singapore, etc) Story of the World volume 1 for both a few times per week Some good science reading together a few times per week and simple experiments now and then
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