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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. We are loving Hyper Blast and Hyper Slide. My son thinks Hot Potato is a hoot...no, these are not educational, but they are fun. We also got Apples to Apples jr....and that has been great too.
  2. I bought some horses for my DD9 from rainbow resource. They seem to be good quality and they are realistic looking. I will probably be looking for a stable for her for her birthday...we will see.
  3. My daughter was diagnosed with this on Wednesday. We were told to put her on Tamiflu and were given the option to get it for the rest of us. We opted not to get it for anyone...all 3 kids ended up sick...but by this morning we are all better...without Tamiflu and we are excited!!! I am glad we opted not to but unneeded medicine in our kids' bodies.
  4. oh I forgot to mention that each kid got a set of flannel sheets which they all LOVED sleeping on last night.
  5. DD9, Our generation Girl Doll (Eva), real accordian...she has been asking for one, Apples to Apples Jr. and Zoobs DS8, Hot Potato game, real guitar (just like dad's), Hyper Blast and Hyper Slide games and legos and the game mousetrap DS5, Lap Harp, legos, race track sets, and Caterpillar Scramble game all three got a microscope and the Liberty Kids DVD's. so far, no misses...although, there still might be some....everything is yet too new to know which ones won't be played with in the long run.
  6. Don't forget about the lack of hormones in raw milk. Wonder why girls are reaching puberty much earlier than they used to??? could this have something to do with it??? I believe so...
  7. So, instead of talking about the problem...can someone tell me HOW to FIX the problem...is there a certain protocol that needs to be followed...someone specifically that needs to contacted, etc??? I agree that there needs to be 3 separte boards...a curriculum one, a general HOMESCHOOLING support board and then just nicely girly chat board...where health, food, toys, and other such topics can be discussed. I would be willing to make the contact or whatever, if someone would just tell me WHAT to do. Kathy
  8. Is there a quick way to thaw frozen bread dough? I usually make my dough and bake the bread the same day, but I was experimenting and wanted to see if it would work for me to make the dough, freeze it in loaves and then thaw another day and bake. So right now I have 2 frozen loaves sitting in loaf pans, thawing. But I didn't know if I should put them someplace warmer or not...or just let them thaw, rise and then I'll bake them for supper. Any thoughts??
  9. Good for you!! I am scared to death of the water too. My parents never took us to swimming lessons as a kid and so I never learned. And now as a parent I am taking my kids every summer...but I feel like such a hypocrite but doing such...encouraging my daughter who is also as scared as I am....so I suppose one of these summers, I will have to do that too...but at the ripe ol age of 42...I feel like I am too old for such things...my husband really wants me too take lessons...I suppose the embarrasment factor of the whole thing is huge too.
  10. Does anybody here know if this is appropriate for a 7 1/2 year old boy?? I know NOTHING about it, haven't seen it...so please guide me. Kathy
  11. I HAVE received some very helpful advice...thanks so much. Does anybody have anything to say about non-floride toothpaste?
  12. these have all be awesome!! We were seeing a pediatric dentist...but after she told my son to "shut up"...(loud enough that I heard it in the waiting room)...because he was all upset about the x-rays (not to mention that he has sensory issues)....I decided that enough was enough....but I just didn't know how to go about finding another dentist...we live in a rural area and we just don't have that many options without having to drive 3 hours. So thanks. If anyone else has anyother suggestions...I am all ears!!!
  13. 1) if you were going to switch dentists for your young children (ages 9,7 and 5), what types of things would be important to you to try and find, what types of questions would you ask, and WHO would you ask (the receptionist, the hygenist or the dentist)? 2) if anybody here uses NON flouride toothpaste, can you please tell me why you feel that is important and any sites that you have relied on...and what brand of toothpaste do you small kids like to use? THANKS!! Kathy
  14. any other recipes....just looking to see a variety...thanks.
  15. I have the turkey bone boiling in water for a turkey soup...but I don't know what to do next...as far as spices and such...also, how long do I let the bone boil in the water? Thanks for any help you can give me. Kathy
  16. I was wondering if you guys could help me come up with good, not too expensive stocking stuffer ideas for my kids...mostly the boys ages 5 and 7...but I would love to hear ideas for girl age 9 too...thanks. Kathy
  17. It was the stomach flu plain and simple...although it acted differently than what we are used to. She is up and acting normal today...fighting with her brothers...etc. Thanks for all of your helpful words over the last 2 days...it was greatly appreciated!!! Kathy
  18. you sound a lot like me...I am a lysol fiend when it comes to even possibily having germs in my home...every time someone visits, as soon as they're gone..the lysol can comes out and I am spraying every where they were....just incase they brought in a germ. Now that my daughter is feeling better, I have been spraying everywhere as welll...actually I started yesterday morning and I haven't stopped. I probably need to take stock out in the Lysol company.
  19. I LOVE shopping, but I refuse to spend precious shopping time standing in a line and pushing thorugh crowds..I will be home tomorrow.
  20. I have some of the pampered chef bamboo utensils and I LOVE them. They have held up very well.
  21. What makes me think it might be constipation is that last Saturday, about 10ish she started complaining of a tummy ache...she sat by the toilet for about 20 minutes and then decided that she needed to go. She went..and then about 2 hours later she started feeling better, ate lunch and went out to play with her brothers. She was fine after that, until yesterday morning. The fact that she laid around for nearly 12 hours before getting sick and that she only threw up 4 times last night...usually my kids throw up every hour or so at first...and it comes on quickly. Do you guys think that past history with prior flu bugs isn't consistant with how their body normally would act?? However, she is also an award winning drama queen and so it is also hard to know just how badly she REALLY feels. UGH! Thanks for all of the replies. Kathy
  22. I know there probably won't be many of you on this board today, but I thought I would ask those of you who are here...my daughter is still sick. Last night at about 7:30 (after lying on the couch for nearly 12 hours with no symptoms other than a tummy ache and no appetite) she started getting sick. Obviously she didn't have anything in her tummy so when she got sick (sorry I know this is gross) she would throw up green (that's bile, right?). She only got sick about 4-5 times. So this is my question is this the stomach flu...or could something else be going on? One thing we are considering is constipation...would that cause her to vomit 4-5 times? Usually with the stomach flu our kids get sick every hours or more...and she didn't do that. So I don't know what to think...any ideas?? Thanks. Kathy
  23. on the positive note...now all 3 kids have had the stomach flu this fall...at 3 completely different times...and all I have to do now is hope that my hubby and I don't get it.
  24. SOme doctors will let you make an appointment without your child to visit with them first. Or, can you visit with the doctor over the phone? Just a thought. Kathy
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