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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. This morning I heated up water on my stove. When I turned off the burner (gas, not electric), I forgot that the burner was hot and I placed a plastic ice cream bucket (with dry oatmeal in it) on top...needless to say, it melted...and now I have plastic (and dry oatmeal) on my metal burner...does anybody here know how to get it off....PLEASE help!!!
  2. oh, I feel badly...I thought that the gum thing and the Dangerous statement went together...I will check out the book...thanks. Kathy
  3. THIS would be VERY dangerous...but thanks for the idea!!!
  4. I was looking for somehting more along the lines of something OTHER than drill sheets, flash cards etc. I found some interesting ones on amazon, but I was hoping someone here could say, "this is what we used and it worked like a charm....OR...this is what we tried and it was a bomb..."
  5. My 9 year old daughter is not a math person by nature and is struggling with the multiplication facts...I have considered some fo the more expensive books (times tales etc), but then I started looking on Amazon and noticed all sorts of books aimed to help kids learn their facts, but I have no idea if any of them are really any good. Does anybody have any thoughts on the subject for me? Thanks. Kathy
  6. 20Q....that is a great idea...thanks. Kathy
  7. I am bumping myself...please help me with some more ideas!! It doesn't at all have to be a toy...I am open to ANYTHING! thanks.
  8. thanks, but he isn't into transformers, or similiar toys...any other thoughts???
  9. Talk to your Priest. That is what he is there for...to help and guide you help and guide your children. My husband is a Lutheran minister and he would love NOTHING more than to talk to a mom of young children who wants to teach them the faith. If that is not possible for whatever reason, is there a Catholic day school near by...talk with one of the Sisters there...if nothing else, they can direct you where to go. Blessings to you...and good for you to be doing this...your children will be so much better for it!! Kathy
  10. I need to find a really cool $10 gift for an 8 year old boy...suggestions?
  11. If you have one of these especially the first one...can you tell me what you think about it...(a previous thread got me thinking about this) City Creek Press - Storybooks, music, and software for learning basic math facts with pictures. or Multiplication Tables - Learn your Times Tables Fast!
  12. is it fair of me to bump my thread one more time this morning hoping others will have some really cool ideas for me. thanks.
  13. we got this one for Christmas...although not top of the line, it appears to be pretty good.... Elementary Compound Microscope AP0408 (004941) Details - Rainbow Resource Center, Inc.
  14. I think these are great too...so I actually bought one of those $20 ones for Christmas last year and I was the one playing with it...not my kids...sometimes they are SOOO frustrating...just when you think you the perfect thing....
  15. oh PLEASE give me ideas....my kids are tired of my lame ideas!! This is one of the reasons for my previous post..the magnetix might be one of those ideas...would they work in the car???
  16. Twice a year we take long car trips (7 hours x4 )...we have a DVD player, but refuse to let the kids sit and veg in front of it for 7 hours...I have in the past spent lots of money buying each kid (3 of them) about 10 $1-$2 things...actually mostly junk, in hind sight...so I have decided I would rather spend the same amount of money $60...on several better items that will not only keep them happy in the car, but also will last longer than the junk that was trashed upon arriving home (if not before)...but I am looking for some great ideas....the ages and gender of my kids: DD 9, DS 8 and 5. SO if you have any fabulous ideas that would be awesome!!!! Oh, we are traveling in mid-Feb. Kathy
  17. we actually have legos and they get played with once in a while. My daughter also has a small box of zoobs and a few CHEAP magnetix pieces. She asked for the zoobs for Christmas...I don't think she played with them much...she has also asked for more magnetix pieces..but I am nervous about spending the money and having her not play with them either...so I was just curious about what your kids like. SOmeone mentioned the magnatiles...which I have seen in catalogs...but not in person...does anybody else know about these???
  18. which one would get played with more? Can anybody here tell me if (or not) one of these gets played with at your house?? If it is a magnetix type toy...with several different brands available...which one is the better for the money??? THANKS...have a birthday gift to buy. Kathy
  19. So, like for example...the History Pockets...it would the just what the kids need and not the teacher stuff??? I haven't used much of their stuff...but I thought most of their products are workbooks..ready to use. Kathy
  20. This week we had the kids do cave paintings -- on the wall, by candlelight -- and even the two year old was having a blast with it, and enjoyed telling us his story afterwards! :D wish I would have thought of that...so fun!!
  21. We have a 9, 8 and 5 year old inour home and we do SOTW...and our 5 year loves it every bit as much as the older kids....he listens to the story, colors the page when he wants to and he loves answering questions at the supper table when we talk to Daddy about our history class. He is learning right along with them...it is nothing but GREAT!!!
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