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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. it's not that I would be responsible to replace the ones in the house and leave them there....they would be ours....but my quandry is that I already own a set...but is it worth bringing....I guess it's kind of like the stove too....it's a flat top electric and I have a wonderful gas stove....it's not mine to move, but I would certainly like to replace it....but I can't....there isn't gas in the house....so I will use what is provided...and try hard to remember it's a rental. I have no idea how long we will be there....we did just sign a year's lease.... the reason we are doing this is because we are moving closer to my in-laws who need help, but are still in their home and since we have no idea how long they will be around (they are in their 90's) we have no real idea how long we will live there...and in that house. thank you everyone for helping me sort this out.
  2. right....that is why it's "bonus"....however, if it works for a while, then that is time that I don't have to use one I bought....so...there is that.
  3. we are moving into a rental house in August. It has what they are calling a "bonus" item....washer and dryer....which if they die, we have to replace. We own a washer and dryer, but were considering leaving it because at the new home there already is one. The "new" washer's tub isn't as large as my current one is and it has an agitator and I am used to an open tub. But it seems to work just fine (I tried it when were last there). I am used to washing large loads but I could get used to washing smaller loads, The dryer works fine as well (but the door is hard to close....but it does close). They both seem fairly newish, but I have no idea for sure. If we took our current ones, we would either have to store the ones in the rental or our personal ones. Plus the cost of moving them 900 miles. What would you do? Take the ones we own or leave them?
  4. This was my exact experience.... very poor service....I can't understand how they are even still in business.
  5. This is good insight. Thanks
  6. Thank you for this idea too (for the many who suggested this)...I am going to look into this...I don't think his current university has something like this .... but where we are moving to, has a bigger university and they might, so even if he needs to take see how many credits transfer and he takes an additional semester, maybe this can happen.... thanks for the idea.
  7. These lists are very interesting... so many that I never thought of.... thanks so much!!!!
  8. I thought about these tests. He took several before his first year of college...we didn't do any paid ones... and we were no closer to knowing a possible path. Are the paid ones that much better?? Might be time to revisit this. Military isn't really an option either... and you aren't being harsh to suggest self supporting... which we would be pushing for if he stops school. We are just so sad he put in 4 years and has a lot of random credits... and I just wish he could get a degree... any degree....because we know that looks better on any resume. Thanks.
  9. So far he has lived at college and his grandparents are helping out financially for his school expenses. So, no, he isn't mostly self supporting. To also be fair, up until this summer we have lived in an area of the country where good jobs are hard to find... but this summer we are moving to a bigger city. So, if he decides not go back to school, there should be better job opportunities. I think this would be something we would stress if he didn't go back to school.
  10. Our 22 year old son has spent the last 4 years exploring possible career paths by taking classes at a college and he still has no clear path. He is musical and athletic, but prefers to participate rather that teach or coach... but he isn't good enough to make either one of these things a career. We aren't pushing college as we know it's not for everyone...however he doesn't have any interest in any kind of trade either. He simply isn't academic. He's smart and is a loyal employee, but he can't find a job he likes to do either... so he is loyal for a time, but then he is happy to be done at the end of the summer... for example. He's not self motivated, but I feel that at least part of that is because he doesn't have a direction. The most motivated I have seen him was last summer when he worked in food service. He didn't like the job, but he made a lot of money because of tips and he was wanting to buy a car... which he did. How do we help him find a path towards something? I feel like we have been running in this hamster wheel for 4 years with him.
  11. If you saw in my previous post, we are moving 900 miles at the end of July. The trek will take us 2 days of travel. Is there any safe way to transport frozen raw meat from our point A to point B? If we fill coolers full of the meat, will the fact that it's frozen keep it frozen for 2 days? Or will dry ice be necessary? Has anybody done something like this before? Thanks.
  12. we are moving 900 miles from our current home, so I am trying to use up much of our stash of hamburger as I can. I need creative, but easy recipes. However, I want something other than your typical tomato pasta dishes (as I have a ton of variations on that theme). Crock pot meals would be ideal as I am still trying to hold down a part time job until the move, but am totally open to others as variation is key. I am trying to feed myself, my husband and 2 college aged boys...so something hearty too. Thanks for your ideas.
  13. thank you. Makes me wonder what was wrong with that one person who wrote the review. I trust you guys here before I trust any amazon reviewer.
  14. can I carry this to another floor to use from time to time? What would happen when it's done on a floor that doesn't have the little home base thing....will it just stop? I just read a review that when the wheels get all sorts of hair and gunk in them you can't clean them....is that true? I have longer hair and I can see that being an issue...unless it's really not.
  15. both. I don't want to haul a heavy machine around and I hate the cord. I don't like getting tangled.....I don't like needing to find a new outlet because I went too far from the place I just plugged it....I simply just can not do cords. I will check into the roomba....maybe that would be the answer....I guess I could carry it up and down the stairs and set it to vacuum each floor. thanks.
  16. I would rather sweep over vacuuming any day...but because we are moving into a rental with LOTS of carpet I want to find a good cordless vacuum cleaner. I currently own a small cordless, but I know it's not the best in the world. The home we are moving into has 3 floors (upstairs, main floor (plus a very large sunroom) and full basement) and every floor is carpeted except the kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room and main hall way. The home is about 4000 square feet in total...so that is a lot of carpet. AND I hate corded vacuums. I have toyed with the rumba idea....but with 3 floors, I didn't know just how practical that would be. Does anybody have a suggestion for a good, cordless vacuum that wouldn't kill me to haul up and down stairs? I know I might be asking for too much....but I am hoping not. Thank you for any suggestions.
  17. the sun room will also be a sitting room, but it's probably a 3 season sitting room....so during the winter months it would be nice to have a cozy place inside to sit too. I have a feeling we will be arranging and rearranging multiple times until we get it "right"
  18. your thoughts on the table were my original thoughts until I noticed the light in the other room. AND my husband is not super handy when it comes to home stuff....so what might be really easy to you, isn't so much to us. maybe we could figure it out....But I could see doing your "plan B"....with a small table and 2 chairs under the light..... thanks.
  19. There is carpet throughout most of the house....but yeah, I see your point with the darker carpet in one of the rooms. We no longer have small children, it just my husband and me most of the time and we have 2 college aged boys and one married daughter. The sunroom is also carpeted.
  20. We are moving into a new (rental) house. I mention rental because we can't make any structural changes, so we have to work with what we have. Picture if you can....the kitchen is in the middle of 2 rooms that could function as dining rooms. There are doors from the kitchen to each room. One of the dining rooms (#1) is part of a bigger living room space and the other is not. The kitchen has a large serving window that opens to the dining room space (#2) which is not part of the living room. So, it sort of makes sense to put a dining room table in that space. (the lighting in that room is track lighting on the ceiling). However, dining room space #1, there is a hanging light from the ceiling that would indicate a table goes there. The house comes with a table and chairs, but we also own a very nice table and chair set that we are bringing with us...so we have 2 sets...one really nice and one just average. So....do we put a table and chair set in each room? If so, which one goes on which side? Also....to add to the decision.....there is a sunroom that runs the length of the dining room #1, kitchen and dining room #2 with entrances to both dining rooms. There is a ceiling fan in the sunroom that enters from dining room #2, which could also be a place for a table and chairs. So....if you followed that at all....where would you put 2 sets of tables and chairs? I would love to use the dining room space #1 as a sitting room, but that hanging lamp is in the way, so I don't know how that could even work since we can't remove it. I am completely open to any and all ideas that you guys shoot at me. We are moving at the end of July and this house is 900 miles from where we currently are, so we can't go back and forth between the 2 places for measurements or anything like that. I added 2 pictures to help you visualize what I am saying. thanks for your help!
  21. I need to find VERY good air mattress that is comfortable enough for either my very pregnant daughter and son in law to sleep on or for my husband and I to sleep on. It has to be something that can condensed into a small space when not being used. Please give me your best options. Thanks.
  22. I think so....because the parents want us to be that....but that is a good question....so maybe something without the name would be better.....I was also thinking about just putting a heart with the U! on the inside. Hmmmm.....thanks for asking this.
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