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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. So you think I could use cheap acrylic yarn or cotton yarn to test out the craft? I just didn't know if using the wrong yarn would make the process harder...or even different enough that it wouldn't be a fair test.
  2. Where do you buy your yarn? Is it expensive?
  3. So, a friend of mine, knowing I am looking for a new hobby, gave me a loom for knitting socks. But I have no idea what kind of yarn I should get. And, i am assuming i shouldn't use just any yarn because it would knit differently? Help!
  4. so this makes me now want to ask the lady who I buy eggs and honey from if she has insurance. Her daughter also makes cupcakes and sells those....and I know they don't have a commercial kitchen...hmm...and then there is a guy in our area that makes pizza from his house and sells in mass quantities of 50 or more each time he makes them....wonder if they have insurance....the list could go on and on.
  5. my friend added to this idea...what if Aunt Mabel takes your gift (because she already has several dishcloths) and gives it to another friend or donates it to a charity....then what? Can that dishcloth be traced back to you somehow?
  6. I know...that is why I am asking....but what if the person isn't selling....but rather gifting....is it still important? Or what about items like hand sewn baby bibs or crocheted dish clothes or leather key rings? Is insurance still needed? How can someone hurt themselves on a crocheted dishcloth?
  7. I just have a hard time thinking that the Amish, for example, (who sell at roadside stands) have insurance....but maybe they do.
  8. I am going to ask the question first and then give you the back story. Question: If you make homemade products (especially edible, consumable or used on skin or hair or product that you claim does something specific like all natural cleaning supplies) and you sell them on any level do you have any kind of insurance to protect yourself from someone not following the directions or having a reaction regardless of labeling etc? Back Story: In our little town (of literally less than 400) we have a little store that sells homemade items made in our state. We also have local farmer's markets all around. At both of these places people sell everything from wall hangings to candles, to lotions and soap, hand sewn items and so many other things...and at the farmer's markets, they sell produce, but then also home canned items. One of the ladies who sells her soap at the little store said that she feels it's important to have insurance in case someone sues her for whatever. She went on to say that even if she just made her soap and gave it away or only sold on a VERY small scale (like to her family and friends) she would still feel like she would need insurance because what if one of her friends gave it away to someone else as a gift and it caused a reaction or something etc.... So, thus the reason for my question....do all homemade items that are sold or gifted need to come from an insured creator? What do you all think? What about items that are sewn or knitted, wood working etc? I am just trying to wrap my head around what is the purpose of making things for others that if put in the wrong hands could cause unintended harm...another example would be my daughter years ago made well over 300 sock monkeys while in High School and she donated them to a hospital to give to little kids coming in (and they also started giving them to elderly people too) for care. So, was it wrong that my daughter wasn't insured in case one of her monkeys came apart and became a chocking hazard? (I never even gave that a thought and that was 5-7 years ago now). I think people are "sue happy" these days....and many refuse to take personal responsibility or lack common sense.... So I am curious as to what your thoughts are on the matter. Thanks.
  9. couple questions: can you see the screen outside? How long does the battery last in between charges?
  10. interesting....never heard of this one....I will check it out.
  11. you made other things with the looms besides hats? Can you tell me more?
  12. I am looking for a new tracker that is no more than $150, but prefer cheaper. I don't need it to do a lot, but I am looking for a square or round face that isn't super large....one that can be seen in the sunlight and notifies you of calls and texts (are there any that also notifies you of messages on messenger?) Not an Apple watch If it's more "pretty" than sport like I would like that. I would like to read the texts and the phone call name on it...but I think that is fairly standard now, right? What do you have and love? thanks.
  13. There is one size that is smaller than the tailgater, it's called the ranger and it has no legs....might that be what he has?
  14. have you seen the tailgater? I have read reviews were the legs were pretty flimsy. So that is a bit concerning to me. Might you be able to address that? Thanks.
  15. the kids and I are considering getting their dad (my husband 😊) a Treager Grill for his birthday/Christmas gift. We are looking at the Tailgater specifically because it's not crazy expensive, it doesn't sit on the ground, but can be used at home and can be taken to the camp ground when camp. I know very little about these...other than we have eaten some meat cooked on one and it's always been very good. So if you have had experience with these grills, will you please chime in here and give me your thoughts....good and bad. Thanks.
  16. I have tired that....but it's not enough for my hubby to be satisfied.
  17. I could try that....but I am not sure what "additive" I could use that is natural and smells like "clean".....suggestions???
  18. never thought about using less....that might be the ticket.....I will at least try that since I just bought a new jug of Gain. Can't hurt....and our clothes don't get super dirty because of a job or something....
  19. I have tried several all natural laundry detergents over the years (including the one the essential oil company I use puts out) and my husband complains that it doesn't make his clothes smell "clean" like Tide or Gain or other commercial detergents do. I am trying to make my home as all natural as possible, but this is one hurdle I am having trouble getting my husband on board with. Has anybody here had this issue and were able to over come it with the "perfect" solution. I don't need to nor do I really want to make my own because there are many more natural products on the market, I just can't afford to buy each one to test them out. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks.
  20. that is a good way of looking at it....thanks.
  21. Wow.... you do a lot of really cool things... love it. I might have to ask you for some patterns if I find one of these ideas works for me. Thanks so much!
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