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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. I wanted to put a couple roasts in the crock pot over night. I forgot to thaw them and some of the plastic wrap from our butcher shop, was partly frozen in the meat... so I put the roast in the microwave to partly thaw to remove the plastic. But some of the meat started to cook on the edges. Is that still OK to toss in the crockpot or will that risk being unsafe?
  2. I have a daughter (22) who is allergic to corn. But also has something called Oral Allergy Syndrome to nearly every raw fruit and veggie known to man. I want her to start taking a whole greens powder supplement, but there are so many on the market with such a variety of price points that I don't even know where to begin. If someone here is using this type of product, I would be so grateful for your input and recommendations. Of course, tasting decent is a bonus for sure....or at least ways to hide the unpleasant flavor. THANKS!!!!
  3. thank you guys! I knew you would come up with some great ideas for me. My list is long enough to take us into next fall. (we don't meet during the summer). THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I am a librarian and I meet with 3 different groups of special needs students every month. Each group is a different age and ability. When we meet, I usually like doing a craft and some sort of food related thing. I want try to stay away from too many sweets (although it seems sort of difficult) and currently there are no food allergies to deal with. What I have found that works the best is recipes where they can each make their own snack....rather than one big something (in a 9 x 13 pan sort of thing). So far we have made things like homemade pop tarts, apple bombs (apple pie filling inside a grands biscuit), flour tortilla shells cut like snowflakes, with butter, sugar and cinnamon on top, baked in oven. air fryer donuts, grilled cheese roll ups, garlic bread snowmen, fruit and mini pancake kabobs...those types of things. I have access to a full kitchen. I can do different things with different groups. The ability of the groups is: 1) grades 1-6 (ability 3rd grade and under) 2) bio age of students is 12-21 (ability is 7-8 year olds) and 3) same bio age as group 2, but ability is more like 9-10 year olds....maybe a bit older). So one tricky thing is finding things that are easy, but don't appear babyish for that last group for sure. If you guys have any ideas for me, that would be great. I do have a budget to work with too....but I am fairly open to exploring all options.
  5. so, because it's not an anti-perspirant....is that an issue? I mean, I don't sweat a lot....but sometimes our summers get hot and humid....
  6. Over the years I have tried many different brands....and I have yet to find one I think works for me...and I end up going back to a "regular" brand. Maybe there is a trick to making the natural ones work....or something, because I always seem to detect BO (even though my husband says I don't stink)....but I don't make him smell my arm pits. 😁 Have any of you found a brand you swear by or a method in knowing which one will work without spending so much money only find yet another brand you don't think works? Thanks for any and all responses!
  7. interesting....too bad the job is from March to July....what we need is May-August....but yeah...this is interesting.
  8. that's a good idea. It doesn't help our cause that his friend did this 2 years ago with "great success' and is not pushing our son really, but highly encouraging him with the "fun" stories....and we are trying to pull him back to reality. Our son has made some "not so good" decisions in recent years....nothing illegal or immoral or anything like that...but like wasting a lot of money and being somewhat lazy....and we didn't want to add this decision to THAT list....but he is the kind of kid who sometimes has to learn things the hard way....so we are of the mind set to help him get the information needed to make this decision....and let him make it....and deal with any consequences there might be.
  9. Thank you for this.....I didn't quite put all of this together like you said.(the Covid related stuff) ...but that all makes so much sense. I appreciate this perspective more than I can say....
  10. First off...thanks for all of the responses....I am glad to know that I am not out of my mind to think this is not the best, smartest idea my son has ever had. I also appreciate the alternatives shared. That is what we have been trying to do for him....come up with alternatives. He shares a car with his younger brother (which works great at college since they are at the same school), but if one boy goes one direction and the other goes another....who gets the vehicle? Last year my older son work in our small town as the summer town lawn mower....but when July hit, we got no more rain....and the grass stopped growing and there was no mowing to be done, so his job basically stopped. He doesn't want a weather dependent job because of that. (he had the same job the year before and we got so much rain he couldn't mow because the grass was always so wet....) We live about an hour away from any large town...and the smaller ones around here can only get minimum wage and he wants more than that. (both boys do actually, but my younger son is happy to come home and figure something out. ) We see that Walmart is always hiring....at $18 an hour...so that is a possible job...but no adventure in that. To work at a place like Cedar point would be fun...but lodging is an issue... But thanks again....I greatly appreciate your thoughts. You guys are always great.
  11. My 21 year old son has the opportunity to work on Fish N Chips food truck this summer in Wyoming. We don't know a lot about the situation yet, but this is what we do know. There are 4 guys to a truck and he is pretty sure he and 2 of his college friends plus one more. 3 guys go out at a time (a week at a time) while the 4th guy gets a week off. The guys are responsible to buy all of their food the whole summer. When they are working, the company pays for a hotel room (not sure the quality of the hotel room), but not on the weekends or during your week off. There MIGHT be a possibility that the boys can stay with someone one of the college friends knows, but we don't know yet...and if not, we don't know what they will do. The one friend did this 2 years ago and at the time the truck's homebase was close to his parent's home....but they have since moved further away and that is not an option....and we are even further than they are. If they can stay with the friend's friend....my son won't know them...and on his week off he will be in this home (without his own transportation) without his friends. Knowing my son, that might be really awkward. The pay was (and maybe still is) $9 and hour plus tips. So not predictable, but potentially really good. My son worked as a checkout person at a store his senior year of high school and hated standing in one place the whole time...his feet really hurt. I am not so sure this job is going to be much different, will it? I also know that as a 21 year old guy he doesn't want to come home for the summer and he is looking for an adventure. But he also wants to bank as much money as he can. The potential for money at this job is pretty good....but there are those hidden costs...and what if the tips are crappy this summer (compared to his friend's experience 2 years ago)? I think about the heat inside the truck and the long hours....some days driving for 6 hours, then setting the truck and selling for 8 hours. Then the next day you do something similar...drive to the next town and do it all over again. But....I also am sure I don't know all of the story....so if anybody here has had any experience with this, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks.
  12. We are a tiny tiny tiny rural library. We hardly have room for a tables. bookcases and the cabinets that house the STEM items I am specifically speaking about. we do not have big tree houses or slides or other such things. Although there is a library 45 minutes away that does have those types of things. I don't want to be an alternative to a park, but I did want to add items to assist with the specific needs of the special need students in our community. I do not feel like they lack literacy at all. The teachers come in weekly and check out HUGE piles of books and the older ones pick out books themselves. I have been doing my Summer Reading type BINGO cards with the students...to encourage reading a variety of genres and topics....they love that. I really feel I have discovered a healthy balance between books and reading and using their minds in other ways as well. I provide a monthly program with them as well so we cook, do art projects, learn skills etc. I am pleased and content with my relationship with them. Thank you for all of your thoughts and ideas you have shared. I greatly appreciate all of them.
  13. right...these items will be available for ALL patrons to use....but since the grant I received was supposed to be for a certain population I chose the Special Ed school knowing full well that others will also benefit.
  14. thank you for this fantastic list. Lots to choose from there.
  15. They come to the library every week and check out books and take back to the school. I am looking for games and learning activities for the students to engage in at the library but also for the teachers to check out and take back to the school. The items I am looking for are all based on a form of learning. Does that help in your understanding? Many of the students are on the autism spectrum or have other behavioral issues. I think we have a pretty healthy balance between learning activities and books.
  16. I have thought about some puzzles too (all I have are the shape puzzles...individual shapes)...so 48 pieces maybe. I found a busy board with switches and lights etc....so maybe that might be fun. Also in my cart are magnetic translucent disks for the light table. Just in the gathering stage....I am looking for books.... I have board and card games...but maybe something more active? Not sure what that would be. thoughts on any of that?
  17. Might you guys have some titles for me? I also think this is a good idea.
  18. I think the school owns these. this is a great idea....I will look into this. these are interesting too. What would go with the big plastic tweezers..or how might these be used?
  19. I am a librarian of a small, rural library. We were given a grant to buy items with our special education school in mind. I have a great working relationship with the school, teachers and kids. The students are ages 5-21. I am doing most of my purchasing on Amazon. I have purchased and returned....purchased and returned multiple times now because the items were either not of good quality, they weren't what was pictured or just not a good fit for my students. I am just want to finish this up. Successes: dot books, light table with accessories, sensory gel items, logic games, magnetic marble maze, sound puzzles, spirograph, latches board, magnetic faces, Large magnetic balls and rods, microscope, cookbooks for teens. Items still on the way: floor piano keyboard, 2 beginner coding toys, car puzzle toy (where you put the grooved pieces together to create a track for a car) and bead maze. If you guys have an area of learning that I am missing or a type of toy I am missing, please help me. I have about $90 to spend. Thanks.
  20. this almost makes me not want to deal with etsy....I am kind of surprised it's as popular as it is when the customer service is this bad.
  21. My son started an etsy store about 2 years ago. He was only 16 at the time, so we had to put it under my name and hook it to my bank account. No biggie. My son is now 18 and wanted to hook his account to his bank account...but before we had the chance to figure that out, I got a message stating that we had to verify MY account. So, I went in and did that one day last week...maybe Wed...and it's still saying it's "pending verification".... I can't seem to figure out how to connect with anybody from etsy...I have sent multiple emails and no response. Does it really take this long to verify the account? How do I reach customer help? This is very frustrating for me. Does anybody here have any experience with this? Thanks.
  22. ok...thanks. It doesn't smell or is slimy....just a bit soft....I think I will cook it and then taste a little bit...to see if it tastes "normal"....I would think it wouldn't if it was bad, right?
  23. how do I know if a butternut squash is not ok to use? I have one left in the basement...it's not moldy or anything, but the outside is wrinkly and the inside is not as firm as it should be. OK to cook or not?
  24. where can I get Turing Tumble? I looked on Amazon....they didn't have it. I found some used ones on Ebay, but I dont' want used....
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