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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. as in individual slices?? interesting. Can I make a bundt cake in advance and freeze it?
  2. these are good ideas.....any specific brands of pans or dishes you might recommend?
  3. thank you so much for all of these great ideas. I forgot to mention she has food allergies and so the food ideas won't work very well. But i do like the out of the box thinking. If others have any ideas, I am still trying to come up with something. Thanks so much for trying to help me!!
  4. What are the best bake sale items that can be made in advance....either can be frozen or have a long shelf life? I will need to bake at least a week in advance if possible. Thanks.
  5. What do you get someone for Christmas when you don't know what to get....here are a few details....first off, my SIL.....we want to spend about $100 or so. 55 year old female....wife, mom of college students....no real hobbies to speak of. I think she has pretty much every small appliance she wants....unless there is something new out there that I am not aware of.....not super techy....but might be interested in something different....She is a teacher and gets all of the gift cards (and other teacher things she could ever want). They don't play games since the kids are all away. She is not a gardener or a crafter. They live in a rural area...so an "event" type gift would only make life difficult since they would have to drive for hours to get anywhere and then spend more money to spend the the night.... They live thousands of miles away, so it can't be something I do for her or make for her (food wise)....in otherwords....Amazon is my best friend in this case.... :) Clothes are a no.....she is picky.... I am really stuck...please shoot me your best ideas! THANKS!!!!
  6. I have been doing that every year....as well as those little boxes of fun cereal.....so yeah....I was mostly trying to decide about the keepsake part of my question.
  7. When my now adult kids were born, my MIL made each of them HUGE stockings....it's the kind where she sewed a bunch of beads and felt to make a santa scene or something....they were kits....but they were A LOT of work. Now that the kids are college age or older, I am trying to decide if it's time to put those away as keepsakes and buy more reasonably sized and age appropriate ones for the future....or if, for nostalgia sake we keep using them? What would you do?
  8. so....I contacted Amazon....and simply said something like "Why do I need to pay the same amount for Prime as my family who live in Austin, TX, but they get their orders in 1-2 days and I have to wait a week or longer for my order?" Long and short of it....I am getting a full refund for last year's prime as soon as I pay for this year's. Granted the price went up...but I am getting this year's prime for a lot less. I never expected that to happen...but I won't complain. Sometimes it pays to let companies know you are not happy with something. It would be nice if there were different price tiers based on location or something...but I suppose that would be too difficult. Anyway, just wanted you to know. "why do I have to pay the same subscription price as my family in Austin TX, where they get their orders the day they ordered it or maybe the following day and I have to wait a week or more for my order to arrive.?"
  9. so I might have access....but it's not free is what I am gathering. Would that be correct? That still stinks. They should have a different (lower) subscription just for Prime Video....
  10. so in other words....no Amazon prime subscription, no prime video? Well, shoot. Prime is going up in price....and I do not feel like I am getting any benefit to their shopping service any more....it really stinks. I am not sure why, since I didn't move, in 2020, when the world fell apart, so did their 2 day shipping (and arriving to my house) service went to 2 day shipping, but arriving in 2 days plus a week shipping. GRRR!!!!!!!!! My SIL in Austin can order something in the morning and often expect it to be there that night or the next morning. I do not expect that kind of service...but I am paying the same as she is and getting way worse service.
  11. Is it possible to pay for just a prime video subscription without paying for Amazon prime? I started paying for Amazon prime when I actually received packages within 2 days... that is no longer the case and I haven't moved. It takes a week or more for packages to arrive and I am trying to figure out why I am still paying for prime. The only 2 things I use are prime video and ordering through Amazon. So, is it possible to only get prime video? If so, how much is it? Thanks.
  12. When it comes to your spouse and kids buying you gifts.....for your birthday or Christmas...do you give them a wishlist or do they just get you something you need or want? Or something else?
  13. this is a specific sem for a specific denomination. there is no changing that plan (nor would I encourage them to do so...explaining more than that would be too long and complicated here). What they are considering is reasonable and nice...we were just trying to decide how to handle the finances with them...thanks for all of the input. I appreciate that.
  14. I did not know this...so I am so glad you shared this. thanks.
  15. this particular one does not have housing for married students....just dorms for unmarried ones.
  16. right, that is part of the thing....after 4 years they will be moving to a new location....but that being said, selling the house to another sem student coming in is something that apparently happens all of the time. So...yeah...that is certainly a consideration.
  17. So, my daughter (age 22) and her husband of the same age will be needing to find a home while her husband attends seminary for the next 4 years. My daughter hopes to have job, but her husband (obviously) will be mostly going to school. Where they will be going, it appears renting an apartment is way more expensive than buying something so they are considering buying a small home. My main question is if you were loaning money to your kids to buy a home would you charge them interest? (less than a bank would, but interest none the less) or would you just let them to pay you back dollar for dollar? I can go both ways....on one hand charging extra would teach them something but on the other hand, not charging them would give them more money in their bank account for their future. what would you do??
  18. UPDATE: we have decided to pass on this one...and wait.....I just don't feel good about it......I have all winter to keep looking. Thanks for helping me with this...I greatly appreciate it.
  19. yeah...I think you are right...gas or electric. And big view windows are something we would like too.
  20. the fireplace is just a gas one....and it's not to really heat the camper, but rather just to "take the chill out of the air" on those crisp fall mornings. It's also just a nice atmosphere thing. Definitely not a need, but rather a want. we started with a pop up....outgrew that....moved to a hybrid.....outgrew that...went to a bunkhouse....and now we are changing yet again.
  21. right...so I was wondering if there was an "out of the box" solution to those issues....or if it was even worth bothering with.
  22. camping later into the fall and earlier in the spring is something we hope to do more of....so this is good to know. My gut says I will hate not having more storage but I was thinking maybe I was acting spoiled or something. The fall and spring camping is another reason why we wanted a fireplace and a nicer, more spacious living space. But, it's only the end of September....and we won't be able to go camping until spring...so we have so much time.
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