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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. I have a college student who is an auditory learner and I was wondering if anybody here knew of any sort of software we could get that would "read" aloud he ebook textbooks or other books? I know that Audible has some audio books...but do they have textbooks and other kinds of things? Please help me figure this out. Thanks.
  2. my mom knows about that....I just don't know how much potassium is actually removed...so it is hard to make other decisions....
  3. yeah...we are starting to have this discussion too....my dad is 87 and has cancer...so....
  4. this is actually what we are trying to do....and then slowly add new things as recipes are found or whatever. how does one go about finding an online nutritionist? Just a google search? That seems sort of risky.
  5. what is umami? and yes, I think the DASH diet is what they said.
  6. you can do that and it helps...but it doesn't completely remove all of the potassium...but it does help.
  7. that's a good idea....why didn't I think of that...
  8. my dad doesn't seem to like the Mrs dash's blends. Cauliflower rice is a good idea. We have a general number to shoot for each day...it's just so hard for my mom to keep track of it all. But we are working on it. What's super hard is that I am about 1000 miles away and trying to help her from afar adds an extra issue. But we are trying to make it work.
  9. My elderly dad is on a strict diet because his doctors have told us so. He can't have gluten, dairy and needs low potassium and sodium. At first glance this might not seem difficult, but it actually is. In many cases when sodium is removed from foods, more potassium is added or vice versa. There are many fruits and veggies that are naturally high in potassium as are meats. Basically his diet needs to mostly consist of certain fish (Cod, Flounder, Perch and tuna are the ones he will eat) and poultry. He can have an occasional meal with beef and basically no pork. The veggie options are: peas, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, green beans, lettuce and raw spinach. Being a meat and potato guy, it has been hard to limit potatoes and veggies like squash. What makes it even more difficult is that when looking at books that are meant to help with this, they seem to contradict each other. AND, when books or lists say no to something you look at the nutritional labels and they say low or no potassium or sodium. For example: dried cranberries...how can one brand contain high amounts of S & P and another one say zero on both of those? One books says zucchini is on the low list and another one says it's on the high list. The doctors aren't much help nor is the nutritionist that they have met with. I am trying to help my mom come up with recipes that she can fix that are safe for him and yet taste good. He doesn't like strong or hot spices, but bland isn't fun either. Has anybody here dealt with anything similar to this? Any suggestions on recipes or sources of recipes? THANKS in advance for any and all help.
  10. thanks for this...those are good questions and they could add some great insight. Thanks.
  11. that makes me so sad for you. I don't want to be that parent....(nothing against yours, I am sure they meant well)...I hope our son knows we are supportive of his choice....unless it's illegal or immoral :) ....
  12. Could he? sure....but he absolutely doesn't want to......It's a very intensive program and he is not interested at all. My husband happened to have a quick conversation on the phone with my son just this morning...and in their conversation he asked him what he favorite class has been thus far and he mentioned the Recreation class he is taking called Programs in Leisure and Adventure activities...it's a theory class (not an activities class like bowling, but a real academic class in the recreation program)... and then a theology class. Anything music wasn't mentioned at all. So I thought that was insightful.
  13. that is a good perspective....we have been trying to look at one semester at a time...but I know the bigger decision is concerning him. It's hard at the age of 20 to try and figure out the rest of your life....it's almost an unfair expectation...but regardless....you have to do something....or nothing....but it has to be a decision made with a reason and a purpose. I mean, he can't just decide to bowl for the next year without a reason for doing it....although, at this minute, I know that he would like nothing more than to do that. He loves bowling, and he is pretty good...but not great...not the kind of great that would make him a pro-bowler or anything. And...my son is great at focusing in on one thing for a while....and really focusing....and then dropping it. So, we don't even know if this is one of those things....or in less than a year, he will loose interest and be onto his next "obsession". But thanks so much.
  14. yes.....he started out as a church music major...took music classes for a year and decided it wasn't for him....but the looming question is WHAT is for him?
  15. I don't think the reference was to a fast food place...it was more like....do you like being in charge or the one who is following someone else's lead.
  16. possibly, but the school is pressuring him to declare a major before the summer, so he can be assigned an advisor and register for classes for the fall. (By April to be exact). So, sure, we can look into this....and I think we will....but that doesn't help with the other pressure he is under....but it would give him something to look forward to for sure. Thanks.
  17. yeah....and that is our issue....he does not like math, science or history...the common subjects taken on as teachers who also want to teach PE. I do not see him doing special ed or adaptive PE....although a good idea. thanks.
  18. thank you for this. I like the idea of asking about a class he loved. If I were to guess, I would bet he would say "Racquetball, Pickleball or Bowling"...if we asked him what academic class he liked best, I do not know what he would say....but the answer would be interesting for sure. (yeah he was the kid who when asked in grade school what his favorite subject was and he would say recess...yeah he is THAT kid) The problem might be is that he has only really taken music classes (when he was a music major), and gen eds...other than those 3 PE classes. He is taking one class this semester that would fulfill a requirement if he were to go into that Sports and Recreation program (we suggested that class to get a taste of the program)....but haven't really heard what he thinks of it yet. Thanks for this though....it's good stuff!!
  19. isn't this more medical, thus being more academic? I do not think that is for our son if it is. If not, tell me more please...
  20. interesting for sure. But I was sort of thinking the same thing....I have heard of this type of situation before....so I know it's "a thing".
  21. this is a a good question to ask. thanks for that. This might help my youngest too...as he is a senior in High School....he as a general idea as to what he wants...but this might give some perspective.
  22. this was very useful. I think my son falls into the camp of "if I don't like it I don't have to do it"....and so maybe we need to address this. I also like the thought about not liking or hating your job or your major....but just doing it...and see what happens. Thanks.
  23. yeah, this is sort of what I am thinking too. I thought about Parks and Recreation for him....so I guess we will see.
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