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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

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    asking only $6 to cover shipping if you want this book. It comes from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks.


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  2. I found in the bottom of my freezer a package of minute steaks. They are from 2019....and have been frozen this whole time....but the meat is brown....so is that just freezer burn? Will it be safe to eat? What do you guys think?
  3. My doctor was just a general practitioner.... and she said nerve pain because the pain sometimes radiates arm. Would tendinitis be caused by me hitting my elbow against a door frame? I thought that was caused by over use or wrong use of a joint or limb. But maybe I am wrong.
  4. I tried ice tonight and it actually made it hurt worse... it almost felt like it amplified the pain. Where it never hurt just resting it, but with an ice pack on it, I was in pain. I lasted about 7 minutes and I needed to remove it.
  5. UPDATE: I went to see my doctor. She says it's nerve pain and suggested a cortisone shot, but she said it won't last but several months and I would have to get more. I didn't want to do that....so she suggested first trying Aleve. She said that the only permanent way to fix it was surgery. I guess I will see what the Aleve does....hoping it helps. thanks everybody for your help.
  6. I own a pen like that, so I will for sure do that.
  7. I do not plan on scanning anything. I don't have the right equipment or the time to do that. I am only hoping to divide the pictures I have and call it good. we are close enough to each (not physically) to be able to ask each other if they have a certain photo...or whatever. I am seriously not worried about giving everyone a set of the entire collection.
  8. I just received 2 huge boxes of photos from my mom. Luckily she has many of them in the original envelopes from the developer and many of them are labeled with a date. I have 2 brothers who want photos of us kids when we were young....so my desire is to sort them by date first and then try to distribute them into 4 boxes...one for each of us kids and one for my parents, keeping them chronological. I think that is a good plan....but if not, and someone here has done it successfully another way, I am all ears. I am also thinking there really isn't any need to keep negatives, right? I mean, that is another whole system of organizing. We are semi-sentimental and don't want to destroy the past, but we also are realistic and understand we can't keep each and every photo and we can't cry over the ones that either can't be replaced or duplicated. KWIM? What am I missing before I dig into this project? thanks for your help.
  9. I don't think it's tennis elbow, I have had that before and this is not that...I don't think. Trying to decide if I should see a doctor or not.
  10. About 3-4 weeks ago I smacked my elbow against a door frame. It never turned colors or became swollen. I figured I just bruised it badly. So I just waited for it to get better. It still hurts. Motrin doesn't help the pain. Symptoms: tender to touch, hurts to move it when I keep it still for too long, lifting certain things causes pain, reaching behind me also hurts. It doesn't hurt just sitting here. Sometimes the pain radiates to my hand. A friend thinks a chipped bone, but my symptoms don't match what I find on an internet search. What do you guys think?
  11. I bought some Velveeta Cheese a while back and put it in my pantry. Today I take it out and notice that the "Best by" date is March 08, 2022. Would you still eat it? If so...for how much longer. I have 2 loaves....not sure how that happened...we rarely eat this...but.....
  12. don't have one of those...as our kids are all in college....
  13. we don't have a costco...but maybe I can find it someplace else? Thanks.
  14. yeah, that was my thought too...but there are still bad reviews on Amazon wagons with big wheels in reference to beaches....but maybe there isn't a "perfect" solution.
  15. will it work at the beach though? That is my main reason for wanting to buy something like this.
  16. We are campers and we like to go the beach when we camp. I am looking for a cart or wagon that will easily travel over sand so we don't have to carry everything. Might there be some recommendations as to which styles work best. I have been looking on Amazon at the ones with big, fat wheels, but even those get mixed reviews as to how well they work on sand. And maybe there isn't a good solution to this issue....but I wanted to at least investigate. Thanks for any and all thoughts and ideas...
  17. thanks for the food ideas....I was just trying to decide what I was going to eat.... I am still in pain...and taking OTC pain meds....and I am not sure if that is ok...since my extraction was on Monday...but I can't tolerate the pain without them. The pain isn't getting worse....but it is still there....
  18. called the dentist....I can continue with OTC meds for another day or two....never thought about Ramen noodles....I haven't eaten that since college, a thousand years ago...lol....I did try mac-n cheese and that worked ok as long as I didn't chew (like you said)....but swallowing whole noodles freaked me out a bit too.... I have been eating yogurt, applesauce, pudding and ice cream....but that is getting old fast....and doesn't really fill me up. Oh well...hoping this doesn't last to for too much longer.
  19. I took a couple more pictures using a flash....and it shows some whiteness on my gums....but I don't know if that is normal either.....I can see the whiteness when I look at my gums...but it didn't show up on my first photos....I can also see a sore on the side of my mouth that might be adding to my pain...since I can't really tell where the pain is coming from... do you guys think anything differently after looking at these pictures?
  20. ok...great. The pain I have is more of an achiness....not sharp or intense....but the longer I stay off the motrin, the more pain I feel...so I am not sure if it's ok to take something or not. The pain is also part of the injection sites, I think....or the area around the socket....but it's hard to tell too. I have to be "on" today at my job for about 45 minutes....but other than that, I don't have to do more than that....sigh!
  21. oh, I do have sort of a bad taste in my mouth...but I think that is because my brushing the last couple days has been less than good. But I also know that is a sign of dry socket or infection. But you guys think my socket looks ok....so...I guess, I will just wait and see....
  22. yeah....and this is so hard when trying to find foods that I can eat that are actually more than yogurt and applesauce.... I am so hungry....but some of the "soft" foods I have eaten have gotten stuck in my socket hole. The dentist sent home with me a syringe that I could use to remove food....and I have had to so that a couple times....I have been very careful and there was no blood or anything when I did it...but I was scared to death during the process...but my dentist hygienist said it would be ok...if I did it slowly and carefully.... Can someone tell me....that if I did something that would cause a dry socket, would I know immediately? Or is it more of a gradual process...would my mouth bleed a lot too? What happens when that clot comes out?
  23. thank you guys so much. I just was so worried about the dry socket thing....my dentist is a hour away, so I can't just drop in if there is an issue...so prevention is super important to me....and I just needed that reassurance. You guys are the best!!!!!!!!!
  24. I just had a molar removed 2 days ago. I am so nervous about the whole dry socket thing....and I have NO idea what is "normal" as far as healing. My extraction site is still sore (which I know is normal), and I was told after 2 days of motrin/tylenol alternating, I am supposed to stop that....I haven't had any medicine since 3 this morning....and so far the pain is tolerable....so I guess we will see....but if you don't mind, can you tell me if my tooth socket looks "normal" for 2 days out....? thanks. And sorry if the pictures are gross to you...as they kind of are to me....and it's my own mouth...lol
  25. Thank you so much for these ideas...this gives us a place to start for sure.
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