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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. I am mostly a TV series kind of person. I figured if I was going to put time and energy into learning characters and plots, I wanted to watch something longer than just one movie....and often even more than just 1 or 2 seasons of a show. But I was running out of shows I wanted to watch on Hulu, Prime and even some of the Prime subscriptions. In order for me to watch the latest season of Heartland, I had to subscribe to Up, Faith and Family. I finished Heartland quickly, so I wanted to watch some other things during the month I paid for. I stumbled onto a movie that is actually one of 7 movies...so that is kind of like a TV series. I am watching #2 right now....and if they are all as good, I will finish the 7. So, my question is, might there be other movie series that I might find equally entertaining? I like wholesome, family stories that aren't too mushy or predictable. I also like things like Gilmore Girls or Parenthood. Those types of shows. I like medical dramas as well. Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. thanks for all of the replies. All 3 of my kids still have things here (including the oldest who is married....but only living in a tiny apartment). They all come home from time to time....on breaks...and maybe summers...(not the married child obviously). I guess I am just sort of dreading the quiet and the lack of not having a child's schedule to dictate at least some of our lives. Things will just be really different and I am not sure how either one of us will handle it. Time will tell, I guess.
  3. We are taking our youngest child to college on Friday. After 21 years we will be empty nesters. I know that for others, that time is much longer than 21 years....we had our 3 kids close together....and we went from a full nest to an empty nest in 4 years. Big adjustment fairly quickly. I have a part time job (16 hours a week) and lots of projects that I hope to work on....so I doubt I will have a hard time filling my time up...so I know that is good. I am wondering what the biggest (good, bad or in different) adjustment was for others (who still hang out in the hive) who have gone through that. thanks for sharing your stories.
  4. wow...thanks for this list. I agree with not liking the content of most current shows....
  5. Pluto has commercials, right?
  6. heavier, huh...that is interesting...I will check that out. thanks. Our Samsung will be 5G...but we live in rural America and rarely go to where 5G is available...so I am not worried at this point, anyway....
  7. I used to watch GG on Netflix, but we no longer do that....I haven't seen 7th Heaven since it was "real" TV....I will check out the other 2 also. Thanks.
  8. We are switching our cell service to Verizon and we are getting new phones. The rep we are working with recommended the following phones and I was curious if anybody here has had any experience with these phones. Samsumg Galaxy s22 Google Pixal 6a (this one is a brand new phone just released, so I doubt anybody has used it..but has anybody here used a google phone?) The google phone is for our 3 college kids and the samsung is for my husband and myself. We are meeting with our Verizon rep tomorrow morning to get set up. thanks for your thoughts and opinions.
  9. Just curious, if you are currently (or have in the past) watched older TV shows, what were your favorites? I am not necessarily talking old, black and white....just shows that are no longer on regular TV. Bonus if you tell me what streaming service you are watching them from.
  10. update: I am fine for handling the meat and one boy is fine and the other is asleep, but to my knowledge he is also fine...but the meat is in the trash....
  11. I will toss it. But I would think if it was spoiled, it would have had a spoiled smell or looked funny or something too. The meat wasn't slimy... just slimy/greasy stuff in the package...again, like bacon grease. I just found out that my boys each ate a few pieces before I decided what to do... guess I will know more soon enough, huh?
  12. so the score is 3 to 3....anybody else care to chime in??
  13. I opened up a package of bacon just now (yesterday was the eat by date) and the meat is pink, there is no icky smell (or any smell for that matter), but there is some slimy stuff in the package....but afterall, bacon is greasy, so how in the world are you supposed to know if it's slime (bad) or just grease (not bad)? Would you be concerned or not?
  14. no I don't they have and I was just thinking the same thing....she can't seem to eat much without getting sick...so I am wondering more and more about this. Where do we start to determine this?
  15. I do not know if they excluded all of those things. We live in Nebraska and she is in Michigan. I am not really involved in her care...but I hear about it from her parents (My DH's parents) and I worry. I am pretty sure Lyme has been excluded, but I am not sure. I need to ask her some more questions. I have also thought that she needs to start over....she has had many gastrointestinal system tests.... I am also wondering if she might have some severe food allergies that have gone undetected all of this time.
  16. Cleveland Clinic and the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. They just come away with a set of different meds, maybe a different diagnosis and a different plan...that never seems to end in a good place either.
  17. My SIL has been sick for over 10 years. She has been officially diagnosed with migraine headaches, IBS and fibromyalgia....but honestly, I am not sure if any or all of this is even correct. She has been on so many medications and dealt with so many side effects of the medicines....and then medicines to deal with the side effects....she has seen so many doctors and yet she is still very sick. Not every day, but most days. She hasn't had a job in over 10 years because she is sick so often. When I say sick, I mean throwing up, diarrhea, headaches, soreness and the like. I am beginning to wonder if she needs to start looking at a completely different way of dealing with this....and I have heard that chiropractors can help with things more than bad backs. Might this be worth looking into or am I chasing a dead end? Might there be another thought to consider? thank you for your thoughts.
  18. I want to buy one of these....if they actually are what they appear to be.... here is an example....but we aren't settled on any one specific yet. electric cooler If you have one that you like can you tell me more about that...and which one you own? Thanks.
  19. ProudGrandma

    ACT prep

    Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

    • FOR SALE
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    This set includes both the "Black Book" and the corresponding ACT red book. The tests in the red book have been removed, but they are included. These 2 books work splendidly together for a great ACT prep. These come from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks.


    - US

  20. Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

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    This book is the 3rd edition and I am only asking for shipping for this book. It comes from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks.


    - US

  21. Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

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    This set contains the text, homeschool test book, solutions manual, answer key and My Father's World daily lesson plans. These come from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks.


    - US

  22. Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

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    This book is in near new condition. It comes from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks.


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  23. Time Left: 4 days and 3 hours

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    Both books are in good condition, as are the DVD's. These come from a pet and smoke free home. I prefer paypal. Thanks. Each book is $50.


    - US

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