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Everything posted by ProudGrandma

  1. yes, he plays some intramural sports and loves that. There really isn't a general studies or a liberal arts degree. I know there is a disabilities office, but from what I have heard, they are not very useful.
  2. there actually is a SPorts and rec program...and we are encouraging him to check it out. I think he is scared to "fail" again...even though we have told him 1000 times he is not failing...he is exploring....like so many kids do. But he just isn't seeing it that way. But we are still working with him.
  3. he isn't 3-6 credits of a business major....what I meant was if he majored in the Sports Management program, THAT program would have so many business courses required that he would be shy 3-6 credits of a business major....and I know business is not for my son. Does that make sense?
  4. they do, but they are freshmen advisors. But I am going to look into that further too...I think there HAS to be someone who can help him. He can't be the only student in this situation.
  5. it does have a sports management program...but it's a lot of business classes, which he didn't like...in fact so many that it's literally like 3-6 credits shy of a business major. But that was a thought we had.
  6. it is most certainly ok with us if he needs to go longer....so we are open to lots of options and possibilities. Thanks for asking the question.
  7. oh my...wow...I posted, went to take a shower, came back expecting 1 or 2 responses....and wow...so many more. I will try to address some of the things you guys so graciously suggested. Yes, I think he is putting a lot of pressure on himself to find the "perfect" program. His sister did and so did her husband, as well as several good friends he has. So...yeah.... I like the idea of getting a degree using the "path of least resistance"....I think getting a degree, any degree is way better than no degree. We have thought about the physical therapy and similar careers, but yeah, the whole medical, biology, etc isn't a fit for him. But neither is a business degree. The idea of volunteering seems appealing....the town the college is in, is small but has several schools...a private and public. maybe instead of playing inter-murals he could volunteer coaching.... He doesn't have an advisor because he hasn't declared a major.... his previous advisor (in the music department) helped him through registering for this semester, but then dropped him. That is another reason he needs to declare something so he can register for next semester. We have looked through the majors in the catalog, nothing really jumps out at us....outside of the sports ones....so I want him to look at those more closely. We have offered and talked about a gap year...but if he thinks he is lonely now, at school, here at home would be worse....so... We have looked at other aptitude quizzes....but not that one. I will do that. He had a job as a store clerk his senior year of high school and hated it. He stuck it out, but he did not like it at all. Last summer he helped our town maintenance person...he mowed, weed wacked, painted a little bit, trimmed trees etc. He didn't hate that job, but he didn't like it and doesn't want to do it again this summer. There is a YMCA about an hour from us, he is considering applying there for a summer job. Which I think will be good for him, if he gets something. But that doesn't solve our problem today of needing to pick a major...but maybe we are closer than we think. THANK YOU guys so so so much for your thoughts...I can't say enough how much I appreciate it.
  8. many of you might have read my posts over the last year or so about my 19 (now nearly 20) year old son. He did go back to the private college this fall as a sophomore....taking basic general ed courses because he didn't have a sense of direction. Because Covid really screwed up his Freshman year, this fall was almost like his freshman year (socially) that he never had the previous year. He made a few friends, and one friend in particular who was very fun to hang with, but was a total goof ball and my son just didn't bother to turn in assignments early on because he was having too much fun playing. After he realized his error, it was too late. He withdrew from a couple classes at the last minute....but his GPA is still quite low. At Christmas time he was pretty sad....depressed and very lost. We asked him if he wanted to go back to school....and he decided to go back. We helped him set his schedule to be one for success. And so far school wise, he is doing really well,..so we know he can do it if he puts his mind to it. He dropped this one friend...but now he is more lonely...which doesn't help with the depression. But this is not why I am asking for help. He is lost....very lost. Doesn't know what he wants to major in and because he is in the 2nd semester of his sophomore year, the college (and rightly so) is pressuring him to no longer be "undecided". He started out as a church music major (he is very musical) but he realized that he didn't want to do that for a job. He also really loves sports. As a homeschooler in a small town with no opportunities for homeschooled kids, the only organized sport he played was spring soccer in an AYSO organization. He loved that. But he is athletic. But not so good of a player to make playing a sport a profession (not that many people can really do that anyway). And he knows that, but doesn't like that fact....because right now playing sports is something he does well and enjoys much. He told us on the phone last night that he is torn as to what he wants to do....including does he want to quit and come home. (the problem with home is that we live in a tiny, rural area with little to no opportunities for him to "find himself" here....so he would end up with a job like working at Dollar General or some place, which I don't see helping him). More about my son....he has VERY mild undiagnosed Aspergers, not very academic..he can do it, he just doesn't like to, quite, shy in most situations (unless it revolves around playing sports), he is competitive (in sports), natural leader (although he doesn't see it), he is sensitive and caring about others. He lacks confidence and isn't very secure in his own skin (unless, again, he is playing sports). He is fun loving young man. The Aspergers doesn't effect him too much...except in area of some black and white thinking, strong focusing on certain things (it's sports and music for him), some social interactions are tough, but not a lot. So, it's not like it's a big thing..but it's there enough to not be ignored either. He has thought about coaching.....but that is rarely a full time job, right? Usually where I have seen coaches are in a school or town setting where they are also teachers or have other full time jobs and then coach on the side, as a volunteer or as part time. I am hoping I am wrong with that...but I just don't know. The college our son is currently attending doesn't have a "coaching major"....they do have it as a minor, but that still means he needs to major in something. We have talked to him about being a school PE teacher, but he didn't seem overly interested in that and I know that there are some downsides to that too...although we (his dad and I) think he would be good at that. He doesn't like talking in front of people, although, we have seen him do that when it came to sports topics and he does well...he just doesn't believe us or something. But we also found out that the college wouldn't allow him to just study to be a PE teacher, he would also have to get a degree in another subject like math, science or history....and none of those interest him. So, I am beginning to wonder if we are looking at this the wrong way....right now we keep looking at programs from the view point of what kind of jobs that program will lead our son to....and I am wondering if we need to find a program that he will love being involved in and see where it leads him. I feel like that is the less responsible route...but right now we are just spinning our wheels...and getting no where. One more thing, he really isn't interested in going to a different college....for a variety of reasons...so although that might be an option, he would have to have a really good opportunity before he would consider it. We believe he really wouldn't do well in a large (or even smaller) state school...his faith is VERY important to him and right now that is one thing that is helping him through this time...being in an environment where the majority of the student body (about 1200 students) share our faith. So although, there might be other secular options "out there"....like I said, unless there is something we have no idea exists, going to a different school would be super hard for him....but not impossible if there is a good program for him to consider....like a coaching major for example. That might be worth exploring. Not to mention that right now his GPA is very low...and he may not even be able to transfer to a different school. What would you guys do if he were your son? Thanks for your thoughts, opinions and any out of the box ideas.
  9. well, I just bought several sweaters from them last night....less than $50 total...so I guess I will see what I think when they come. Thanks for your thoughts.
  10. If you have bought or sold on this site, what has been your experience? Good, bad, indifferent? And can someone explain their return policy....I have read it and I can't figure out how it works. Thanks so much!
  11. thanks for these ideas. Not sure what will happen here...but this does give me something.
  12. My son is looking at majors at the college he is attending. There is something called "recreation and sports studies". Under than umbrella are these 3 majors: Recreation and Sports Management, Sport Communication and Recreation. The first 2 seem fairly self explanatory...but the last one, not so much. In the handbook it is described like this: Create professional programs focused on healthy and balanced lifestyles for community and privately-based recreational programs. Community programming and recreational administration are two areas in which students may apply courses in recreation program design and programs in sports, leisure and adventure activities, as well as recreation and sport facility management. What Jobs do you think this might lead a student to if they explored this major based on that description? I could list the classes, and if someone thinks that would be helpful, I will do that. Thanks.
  13. that is a super good question. I believe, yes they will. They have another friend who often brings food for them, but lately they have either been gone or sick, so the food isn't coming as often as it did. But I am really glad you asked the question.
  14. good idea on the meal prep trays. I will look into that. Also I like the ham idea. If forgot to mention my father-in-law does not like pasta of any kind.
  15. My in-laws (mid 90's) still live in their home, but they are over 1000 miles from us. We are going to visit for a few days between my daughter's wedding on the 31st of Dec and the first day of college for our oldest son. Making meals is a difficult thing sometimes and they often go out or my father-in-law will go get food and bring it home. So, I am thinking that while we are there for a couple days, we will make some easy freezer meals that she can pull out whenever they need it. But, I am lacking ideas. Please give me some ideas that would be easy to make and then easy for her to cook later. It doesn't have to even be full meals...but maybe just meat. Thanks.
  16. this is the kind of thing I was looking for. I bought the monster cookie, peanut butter cookie and macadamia nuts cookie dough. I plan to put a chocolate star on the peanut butter ones....would the pretzel thing work with the monster cookie? thanks??
  17. thanks you guys for not making me feel lazy or lame....I greatly appreciate it.
  18. but I am super short on time this Christmas...not only am I doing Christmas related stuff....my daughter is getting married on Dec 31st and I need to take as many short cuts as I can. I need to make some cookies for a Thank You gift to a group of people and I was just going to make some of those frozen cookie balls you can buy at the grocery store...but I was wondering if there is any way to make them "look" or taste more homemade. Please share your secret if you have one. thanks.
  19. several of you mentioned card games....do you guys have any favorites that are cheap?
  20. thank you so much for helping me out here. My list of option is much longer now.
  21. Forgive me if this has already been a thread this year....if so...send me to the thread...otherwise, can anybody help me with ideas? I just need some interesting, unique ideas that won't cost me a lot of money, but are better than a pen, lip balm and silly socks. Thanks.
  22. I have taken an empty jar and filled it with M & M's and slid the gift card in the middle. The recipients have always been pleased with the whole gift.
  23. sorry to hear about your dad...that is so tough. we don't have a BB&B close to us, but I can try and call them. I will call Amazon too. thanks.
  24. almost always is the key phrase....because I agree with you....except in my 2 situations. I looked for the tag in everyplace...but I couldn't find it. I will try and contact them to see if they will tell me.
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