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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. I found out when I was 16yo that my father was not my biological father. Until then I had no clue and I found out by accident...my parents had no intention of ever telling me. Honestly, it didn't really affect me all that much...no drama, no tears. When I confronted her she didn't want to talk about it either at first but I insisted. She said "Well, what if I told you that I had gotten pregnant as an unwed teenager and daughter of a pentecostal pastor in the bible belt by a man with a criminal record?" I said, "I would say I am glad you didn't have an abortion." Yet another reason why I am extremely pro-life. It was really more of an interesting story than anything else and it gave me a lot of insight into my mother's past. My two younger brothers did not find out that we had different fathers until about 20 years later. They were more floored than I was. You do have the right to know but keep in my mind that when parents keep secrets like this there is usually a really good reason for it so try to be sensitive to that.
  2. :iagree: That's how it is in our house too. Also, my boys are not allowed to get out another game/toy/activity until they put away the one they are no longer using. If they forget they get one warning that sounds like this: "If you don't put _____ away within the next 30 seconds I am throwing it away." I only had to follow through once before they knew I was serious. :D
  3. I think it is indicative of the fact that people are 1. watching less TV in general (and that time is being filled with the internet...facebook, myspace, chat boards, RPGs, etc. I know this is true at our house) 2. when they do watch they tend to watch reality shows more than sitcoms or dramas. Shows like American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser, etc. tend be very popular and suck viewers away from the other shows. I only recognize two of the shows on your list (Men in Trees and October Road) and one of those two I didn't care for (October Road). But I never miss American Idol so I may be one of the reasons those other shows get canceled. :D
  4. Thank you for the clarification. I am going there to be a principal in an international school that happens to be a christian school and, interestingly, there are muslim children that attend the school. :confused: I am not sure what's up with that but I guess I will find out soon enough!
  5. I get ya. My ds wanted to know why our family members are so against us going and all I could manage (without being derogatory) is "I guess they are just old-fashioned and set in their ways." which is a nice way of saying "They are really closed-minded and think that America is the only place on earth that exists. :tongue_smilie:
  6. Oh yes we have done TONS of research and we are aware of the pros and cons. We do not believe Malaysia is a perfect place by any means but it is also no worse than living in the Detroit area as we do now and have for most of my life. As a high school teacher I once had to disarm a youth carrying a gun, watched a girl beat another girl almost to death with a baseball bat right outside my classroom, been threatened by gang members for failing the star basketball player before the big game (they were gambling on the outcome), I could go on and on. So I am aware of what it is like to live in a dangerous area but I also know that there are just as many people in these areas that are just trying to live life, ya know? Feed their families, pay their bills, etc. And I wish that his comments had come from a place of knowledge and research but unfortunately they do not. He doesn't even know where Malaysia is on the globe. He is just a buffoon with a loud mouth. But I am grateful for your concern and welcome any prayers and well wishes as we will need them!
  7. Luckily my dh was not around at the time. I didn't tell him until we got home to avoid this very thing. It would have gotten ugly and I didn't want to ruin the party. But he was VERY angry.
  8. Warning: rant about to ensue. So we went to the 70th anniversary party for my dh's grandparents which I think is really cool. I mean, how many people reach their 70th wedding anniversary? All of dh's relatives were there....aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. We figured this was as good a time as any to let them know about our move to Malaysia. I was absolutely FLOORED by the responses we got. People have no class, I swear. If someone came to me and told me about a new opportunity they had and they were really excited about it (and it wasn't sinful or illegal) I would NEVER say the things these people said to us even if I thought it wasn't a great idea. My BIL was the worst one. His intial response? "Why would you want to do THAT?" I'm sorry but i thought that was in very poor taste. So then he proceeds to make one smarta** comment after another: - do they wear shoes in Malaysia? - will you be sleeping in a mudhut? - is the school underground so you can hide from all the terrorists? - etc. etc. Picture each of these followed by a hearty belly laugh. Then of course, because we adopted one of our boys from Korea, he asks "So you gonna adopt a Malaysian kid too?" I said maybe. He says "Well at least it will be cheaper this time since you won't have to pay shipping and handling charges." Which he thought was the funniest thing he ever said. Gosh he is so ignorant. And then there was the comment he made to my dh to "keep her off the computer" so I will quit coming up with all these "hare-brained schemes". Where is the smilie for me kicking my BIL in the head????? And a few uncles felt the need to wax political and show off their (lack of) knowledge about Malaysia. Telling us to be careful because that place is a warzone. WHAT? You know that saying about how it is better to have people think you are ignorant than to open your mouth and prove it? This is completely lost on these people. We get our education about other cultures in soundbites from the television and then we walk around with our chests puffed out talking about these cultures like we actually KNOW something and we don't. We think because it is on the news it must be true. And we look quite stupid because of it. So I have officially run the gauntlet and survived. :rant:
  9. Wow, this and the other posts are REALLY fascinating! So in a nutshell, because they were oppressed in the past, the Malaysians do not permit prosyletizing in order to protect a person's choice of religion? Am I close? So it is their own brand of "freedom of religion"? I admit that I do not understand about half of what you are talking about in regards to Islam (OK maybe more than half) but it is definitely eye-opening!
  10. Can I ask another question about this? In preparation for our move to Malaysia we have been doing a lot of studying. Malaysia is officially an Islamic country. If you are born there you are by law a Muslim. You cannot legally convert. And if I, as a Christian, were caught giving any kind of religious literature (i.e. Christian Bible or pamphlet) to a Muslim there I will be arrested and thrown in jail for a long time. This doesn't seem to coincide with your statement about Muslims protecting the People of the Book. Any insight on this? I truly want to understand more about it as we will be living in this Muslim culture.
  11. :lol: For me it is shoes. I need shoes that are professional yet comfortable yet good for hot weather yet good in rain since it rains a lot there. My boys need shoes that are durable yet good in hot weather yet good in rain. As does my husband. Then I am thinking about buying multiple pairs of shoes as my boys feet tend to grow pretty quickly. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Then I have to stop myself and think..they do wear shoes in Malaysia, right? So they must get them somewhere, right? I think I need a drink (but don't tell my pastor!).
  12. You ladies are so awesome and funny (I had tampons on my list of things to buy in bulk! :D). Remember my American culture thread that got everybody so riled up? Well, I think I've figured it out and it boils down to one word: convenience. We are a culture of convenience. You want it? You got it. And I think my fear is a lack of convenience. Is that pathetic or what? :tongue_smilie:
  13. My ds (who will be 11yo next month) just watched it for the first time and he LOVED it. He walks around the house singing "when you're a jet..." Of course, quite a few things went right over his head. :D
  14. Um...wow...how did you get into my brain? :D I AM obsessing with lots of small random details...like whether or not to join a church before I leave. I have an actual list of things to buy in bulk and they include a 2 year supply of all kinds of things. It's almost like I am trying to take the U.S. with me. I know part of it has to do with the fact that they are providing so much for us in terms of furniture, etc. and everything is going to look so different so maybe I will feel better if I have 24 bottles of my favorite shampoo? :tongue_smilie: I am trying to prepare for every possible scenario knowing full well that it is impossible. What is wrong with me? :willy_nilly:
  15. I believe in being a cheerful giver. Sometimes that means 10%, sometimes it means more or less. And I don't always give in the form of a check in the offering plate. For instance, last month we gave a donation to sponsor some kids to go to church camp this summer who couldn't otherwise afford it. And we often will give some of our tithes to charitable organizations. Our only stipulation is that it has to be a christian organization that is committed to spreading the gospel in addition to humanitarian aid.
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