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Heather in Neverland

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Everything posted by Heather in Neverland

  1. That is awesome! Are you using all 3 volumes in the series? Does it have any end-of-chapter questions? activities? teacher's guide? etc. Thanks!
  2. This looks pretty good! Do you think it is too difficult for middle school? It looks like it is commonly used in high school.
  3. So far it looks like Streams of Civ or maybe MOH would be closest. It needs to be something that is more history focused and not unit study as the classes are separate at that age. Any other ideas?
  4. So you may or may not have read about my nefarious plan to convert the school I work in to a more classical model. So far I have changed the entire k-12 science program to a cyclical plan a la WTM....AND my 1st-4th grade classes started using SOTW this year for "social studies"!!! Well TODAY I got the middle school (grades 5-8) to buy into a 4-year history cycle as well PENDING appropriate resources. So I am looking around and the things I am finding are not for four-year cycles (or don't have it ready yet). Like the Mystery of History only has 3 years done and no idea when the 4th will be ready. SO I NEED YOUR HELP. What are some great resources/books/series to use for the 4 year cycle in grades 5-8? It does NOT have to be a christian resource (although that would be great). PLEASE HELP BEFORE THEY CHANGE THEIR MINDS... :D
  5. Have you lived abroad or did long-term (6+ months) travel? I have lived in Malaysia for a year and 2 months so far. Where did you go? Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong What was best/worst? the food and the weather are the best things. The traffic is the worst thing. How did you support yourself financially? We work at an international school Did you homeschool during this time? yes Any experiences you'd like to share? you can read all about it on my blog (link below) What was reentry like (if you came back)? still in Malaysia Any advice for someone who was considering doing this? DO IT!!! It's a great experience. And what are cost of living differences between the countries, or between any of them and the US? it is just or slightly more expensive to live here than in the US
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100913/hl_nm/us_mercury_autism Sounds legit but how do you know what to believe any more? All my kids are vaxed and no problems but my BFF will go to her grave swearing it caused the autism in her ds. I don't think I trust the media one way or the other...
  7. Oh I forgot Karen Kingsbury. Yeah, I can't read anything by her either. yuck. And all Danielle Steel books should be banned.
  8. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Time Traveler's Wife Outlander pretty much the last 5 or so Sookie Stackhouse books
  9. http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/parenting/message-to-parents-getting-louder-no-screaming-babies-allowed-2388887/ Let the games begin.... :D
  10. I know. Gen Petraeus was quoted saying "It is precisely the kind of action the Taliban uses and could cause significant problems."
  11. Not sure what the news coverage is in the U.S. on this but it is BIG NEWS here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11223457 This guy is out of his mind. Not only is it a disgusting, distasteful thing to do, it puts people like us in serious danger. And during Hari Raya? It is just nuts! We just got home from a staff meeting where our employers told us to pray that someone stops this guy before he goes through with it. And if he does go through with it we are to "lay low" and not go to public places or flaunt the fact that we are americans, etc. for a while. It could get very ugly as it is already all over the news here that there are protests brewing and the police are prepping for riots. :glare:
  12. Well, when I first got to Malaysia last year I put on weight FAST. The food here is delicious and FATTENING. I didn't realize it at first but then I went to the hospital just before christmas for a minor surgery and when they weighed me ..WOW. After that I started watching what I eat more and I am down 22lbs as of yesterday. I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds and I'd be really happy but that might require exercise...yuck. :D
  13. What she said... I also find that the older I get the MORE I like tea. :D
  14. Absolutely. Or at least we should be able to sue for educational "malpractice".
  15. they would have to pry my children from my cold, dead, kung-fu grip before my kids would go to public school (from someone who taught in public schools for 14 years).
  16. I am trying really hard to buy into the cultural relativism idea and it works for a lot of things...like the way people drive around here, the idea that personal space doesn't exist here, the lower sanitary standards, etc. We spend a lot of time telling our kids "It's not wrong, it's just different". But bigotry? Sorry, I don't buy it. Racism "used" to be culturally acceptable in the U.S. too. And although it is far from over I thank God I don't live in the era of the Jim Crow laws.
  17. And I am 40 with an 8 month old baby! Life is full of surprises! I will post the article (giving credit where credit is due of course!) and let you all know....
  18. Unfortunately, racism is a big problem here between all 3 major culture groups and the government makes it worse by actually having laws that gives one race special privileges over another. And the Indians here seem to have it the hardest. It is really sad.
  19. And this is exactly why my heart hurts today. I am coming face-to-face with the reality that it probably won't go away and it won't be the last time someone says something ignorant. I know it is al esson in grace and forgiveness...but it is a hard lesson. :(
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