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Everything posted by chrissymama

  1. Thanks guys! I am really excited! Robin, thanks for the idea about Paperbackswap. I should have thought of that before we just gave boxes and boxes and BOXES of books to Goodwill. Ah well. We are Christian, and it is not that I want to completely secularize it, BUT I don't want everything to be completely from a Christianity-is the-only-best-looking down on every other religion-way? Does that make sense? I want to study ancient history (and all history, for that matter) in a more objective way. Can't wait for it to get here!
  2. I have been going back and forth between SL and TOG and trying to create my own secular version. I had pretty much decided to try TOG and last night I was on the site putting it into my cart. I don't know how often they have this, but I was able to get a $59 discount on Year 1 by getting a combination of old and new printing styles. The information is all the same, but apparently they changed printing styles and still have some of the old style left. So, that made my decision. I'm equally excited and freaked out! I can't wait for it to arrive so I can start planning and deciding which books to buy!
  3. Waffler here too! I can't decide between SL, TOG, or to try to create my own secular program (which I do NOT want to do).
  4. Hmmm, I am still in the very early planning stages. What I'm thinking is... Math- Singapore 1A & 1B Language Arts- She's a beginning reader, but I really want to find a good phonics program for her. Not sure what yet. Then maybe FLL and WWE 1. Science- Trying to decide between REAL Science Odyssey and Elemental Science. History/Geography- I'm going to do some sort of Ancient History with my 4th grader and Lilah will surely follow along (as much as she wants to). Sewing- http://www.amazon.com/Sewing-School-Projects-Kids-Will/dp/1603425780
  5. I have heard that it is easy to make SL secular, but when reading the catalog, it doesn't sound like it to me. We were reading the description of Core 1+2, and a lot of it seemed VERY slanted towards a Christian world view. My husband, particularly, was not thrilled with it. I'm going to search and see if I can find yahoo groups for secular SL and TOG. Thanks!
  6. Have you tried History Odyssey? I was just looking at it online, and it looks close. I wish there was something just like TOG (what I've seen of it anyway) but secular. Sigh.
  7. I posted here a month or so ago, trying to decide which of these 2 to use next year, and after a lot of helpful discussion, I decided to go with Sonlight. But now, as I'm trying to figure out the details, I am getting so frustrated and unsure again! Here is the situation.... In the fall, I will have 2 school aged children, Noah will be in 4th grade and Lilah will be in 1st. Until then, we will have mostly followed a Waldorf curriculum, although this year we have used quite a few more Classical resources with Noah (Singapore Math, FLL, WWE). We have not done much in the way of formal history, although we have spent several weeks this year on Native American history. I LOVE the idea of being able to combine the 2 in the same time period, ala TOG. Lilah loves to follow along with whatever Noah is doing anyway, and Noah would also probably follow along with Lilah. So, doing 2 time periods (or Cores) would be 2 history/geography... for them both. When I try to figure out a Core to go with, I get stumped. I had thought that the SL Cores were not necessarily numbered to grade (like K doesn't have to mean Kindy...), so I was originally planning to do Core 1+2, but after posting on the SL forums, I get the impression that this will not be enough for Noah. BUT he has had very little world history and even less geography. We could do 3+4, but he and I would both rather start with World History and Geography. I'm starting to feel like since I didn't start with SL in Kindy (or at least 1st grade), that maybe I missed my window. THANK YOU if you have read all this! I'd love any input! :)
  8. Thank you! For those of you that use REAL Science AND want a totally secular science program, do you feel like it qualifies?
  9. Thank you for all the recommendations. I really like the look of Elemental Science!
  10. We haven't done much (any) formal science yet, and I would like to start next year. I definitely want it to be secular AND very easy for me to use (I don't mind getting supplies, but I don't want to have to a lot of planning other than buying things). I am leaning towards REAL Science, but would love opinions. Thanks!
  11. No advice, but I'm subbing because I'm thinking of doing SL Core 1+2 with my 4th grader in the fall.
  12. I agree. The number one goal dh and I have for our children is that they are happy, whatever that means to them. We do think education is important, and we will strive to give them the best education possible, but, by no means, do we think that an Ivy League education is a necessity.
  13. We're using it this year, for third grade, and have no complaints.
  14. I am hoping to find a Core to use with both the 1st grader and 4th grader. The advanced 2 readers are what he read last year (2nd grade).
  15. I am seriously considering using Sonlight next year. My kids will be in 4th grade, 1st grade, and then 2 littler guys (4 and 2). The Cores I'm considering are 1+2 or 3. We haven't done a ton of world history yet, so 1+2 sounds good. I did use Sonlight's reading list last year though, so my oldest has already read all of the readers. Core 3 sounds really good too, but we have spent a good bit of time on Native Americans this year. What would you do?
  16. My 9yo, 3rd grader is learning cursive this year, with HWOT. After reading this thread, now I am considering teaching Lilah next year, when she'll be in 1st grade.
  17. I am nowhere near decided yet. I'm not going to buy anything for a few more months, so at this point it's all in my head anyway. It seems like as soon as I think I've decided, I start rethinking it all again!
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