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Everything posted by Alessandra

  1. Oh, now I am envious of you too! I don't really know enough about different fish, but I have found a fish book by Mark Bittman that is arranged fish by fish, with simple recipes. What are some of your less common fish? From your name, I gather you are in Maine? Too far for me to come on a quick food run, alas. But the idea of a fish CSA makes me want to hop in the car, lol.
  2. I know I've read bits and pieces of things done in U.S. And not allowed in EU. I've yet to read a comprehensive list (I should), and chlorine washing wasn't something I knew about. But I have seen enough documentaries to realize that our food supply has serious flaws. On a more cheerful note, your post reminded me of spending time as a child in Long Island, where you are never far from the water. A local fish store carried fish brought in by local anglers. I was often asked to run down to the beach and collect mussels for dinner -- lots of rocks covered in mussels. For lunch we could get out a hibachi, run to the dock or go a few feet from shore in a rowboat, and return with flounders to grill for lunch. Family and friends who wanted to get up at 6 am to surfcast caught striped bass and red snapper in season, and bluefish (oily) anytime. (I never managed to get good at surf casting.) There were also lobsters and clams and a few oysters. Here in NJ, there are lots of streams, but worries about pollutants. However, there is a big trout season in early spring, when the state fish hatchery releases trout. Trout Unlimited does offer flycasting lessons -- perhaps I should try?
  3. Oh, I am envious. I used to spend a bit of time in East Angelia, and the fish shops all stocked today's North Sea catch. My favorite shop was The Fish Plaice. There are whole fish here, some in local supermarket and an amazing, but $$$, selection at local vegetable store. And there is a specialized fish shop. I am trying to learn how to look fish in the eye and judge freshness, but I have a lot of learning to do. I would live to get them right off the boat! I hope that eliminating the middleman helps the fishermen. I presume you are talking about small fishermen and not a giant conglomerate? I wonder how long it will be until Amazon gets into this? ETA I drive an hour or so to get fresh poultry. The actual farm is in a neighboring state, but they bring live chickens to their shop. No preservatives necessary.
  4. I'm hoping for another relaxing day. I opted out of multi-hour chauffering suggestion. 😊 I actually got a lot done yesterday, despite having no goals in mind.
  5. Night Elf, hope you feel better, and congrats on the cleaning!
  6. Thank you! I enjoy reading about your horses. I always wanted to live in a place where I could have horses, but I didn't realize quite how much work it was, until reading your day by day descriptions. But I do love the smell of a stable and the sounds of the animals.
  7. It's amazing how a good sleep and no urgent tasks can brighten one's day. We went to our town dump to drop off some metal or recycling. What an attractively neat and tidy place, lol! We meandered off to the local library, which was buzzing with lectures and a concert. The vegetable store was filled with fresh, bright produce. No, I am not on drugs. I slept late and am well rested. Everything is better!
  8. If you just need Law &I Order (SVU, I presume), the simplest way to get it would be to buy the relevant episode from Amazon, then stream it through your roku or whatever. The episodes are available the morning after the live broadcast. Schedule: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Law_%26_Order:_Special_Victims_Unit_episodes#Season_19_(2017–18) You can buy just one episode, if you don't need entire season: https://www.amazon.com/Gone-Baby/dp/B0758TYH7C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519504999&sr=8-1&keywords=Svu+19
  9. We had a cheerful, relaxing breakfast. I did the frugal housewife thing -- made omelettes with leftover roasted potatoes, plus shallots and herbs (and Brie for dd). Dd also had a TJ Irish banger (sausage, only stocked this time of year). I cut the remains of the wheel of Brie into easy portions for kid snacking. Weekend breakfasts always cheer me up, partly because we have wonderful M A Hadley pottery with farm animals on it. Mary Alice Hadley was one of a group of women ceramists in the 1930's. I recently got cute farm animal napkin rings -- colored resin, not too cartoony, but not in 'ghastly good taste' all-white ceramic either. Anyway, eating with a bunch of smiling pigs and cows always puts me in a good mood. (Why I am not a minimalist.) PSA: Sunday NY Times has a whole section devoted to puzzles, in addition to their regular puzzles. ETA Selkie, hope you are feeling better today.
  10. Quiet day here too. Appreciate it because last few weekends were full of scheduled things.
  11. Do you know that LC has a lifetime guarantee? https://www.thekitchn.com/the-amazing-le-creuset-perk-you-dont-know-about-253822
  12. Jean, hope you can get a nap. Selfie and Scout, feel better! Cool and drizzly here, so a good day for desk work and nice, warm cups of herb tea. I am trying to make this sound appealing, but I have to get to some things I have put off, so ðŸ™. My treat for today will be rearranging some pictures on one wall and trying out some new matting colors. This is the kind of thing I love doing. My local supermarket has had good looking whole snapper. And they will scale and clean it. (Scales fly about everywhere, Ime.) I have been reading a great Mark Bittman book on fish and will double check how to cook whole fish. https://www.amazon.com/Fish-Complete-Guide-Buying-Cooking/dp/0028631528/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519400243&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=Bitman+fish I ordered Selkie's book on How Not to Die. It's supposed to arrive today, looking forward to reading it.
  13. Jean, I hope you get time for a good nap! I have spent a good part of day at computer. I set up an email just for critical items like credit cards, insurance, medical, etc. Important things were getting swamped by less important. It took longer than I had expected to change the email notifications on all the sites. Then I started moving regular old emails into sub-mailboxes by category. Deleted the obvious, but still should go through the rest sometime. Considering that I do try to keep up to date with emails, it took a long time. But it feels good. I still have to tackle overall paper filing. And download online bills and year end statements, so that I can discard as much paper as possible.
  14. Paperwork. I need to clear out a lot of old things, so that I can find what I need more easily. Read very helpful book on picture framing at Logangraphics site. I skimmed it yesterday. Dinner is roast beef, because Ds likes red meat. Thinking of roasted cauliflower with Indian spices and roasted sweet potato slices to go with. May splurge on canneles for dessert, although we shouldn't. TJ has frozen ones that are almost as good as fresh, and our freezer is stocked. Fresh fresh canneles are so good that we eat them in the car outside the bakery, lol. Btw, canneles are a French pastry -- impossible to do homemade, imo, as they involve yeast, plus special molds lined with beeswax.
  15. Eggs in aspic is a classic French dish. But the egg is poached, and aspic is not sweet like jello. Kids and I encountered a jello salad at a dude ranch. I remember explains it and warning them in a whisper not you eat any -- and not your point and laugh.
  16. Treet?Just no. This thread made me go to Amazon and skim through the previews of Peg Bracken's I Hate to Cook book. Still feeling a bit nauseous. ETA I follow the Duggar family (as best I can with no tv). One daughter, living in Central America, remarked that you could only buy whole vegetables and had to cut them yourself. She sounded as though that was a weird custom, found only in second or third world countries.
  17. Lots of little things about the house and desk today. Yesterday, we *finally* made it to Goodwill. So, while we were in the car, I told dd that I'd cleared out lots of old books -- Magic Schoolbus, Magic Treehouse, Junie B. Jones.... Dd: Oooh, she's so cute! Me: Would you like to read them again before we give them away? Dd: Yes, and I might like to save them for my children, if I have any. Enabler (me) and clone. Junie is back in our house, about 24 books worth. Last week, when I decluttered, I threw away a lot of slightly bent poster board. Now I need a bit of old poster board to tape to wall in order to help with framed picture placement. Ugh, I am so completely incompetent with decluttering! Warm weather here, 60's, feel bad for those who are ice covered. Dinner -- fish, healthy, whatever looks best at the market.
  18. Exactly! I was starved the entire weekend, finished the Bagged salmon, apples, and other items I brought, then moved on to Doritos and peanut m & ms. Ugh! Even healthy sounding things simply have more salt and carbs than I am used to now. It's amazing how satisfying 'real' food is, even when it is not at all fancy.
  19. Oh, it sounds like a pretty landscape. Glad to hear that you are on a ridge. I have a relative in Houston who has always escaped flooding because she lives in a high area -- in Houston that means only a few inches higher, but it makes all the difference.
  20. It is such a relief to eat our own food. We had a late breakfast of scallion and fresh herb omlettes, made from good poultry farm eggs, and perfectly ripe TJ avocados, sliced, but unadorned. I feel so full and healthy. This last weekend we ate the free hotel breakfast. I have no idea what is in hot table scrambled eggs, but they left me feeling bloated and hungry at the same time. And I had to drink multiple glasses of OJ to wash down the sodium laden sausage patties and home fries. Which makes me crave salty junk food. Vicious circle. I never used to mind this stuff, but since we have moved to a more healthy diet, the difference is shocking.
  21. I was going to like your post, except for the flooding and Buttercup. Is the flooding due to rain only, or are there waterways nearby? It sounds awful.
  22. Got back from a mini vacation over the long weekend. Driveway was covered in slushy snow, easy to scoop up. Today will be in 50's, warmest temp in quite a while. Dd and I went antiquing over the weekend (yes, again). We were in a town that is a Mecca for antiques, but $$$. (Since I began going to auctions regularly, I have got quite picky about prices.) No purchases, but took a lot of photos of nicely framed pictures, ideas for my own framing. Then, on the way home, we drove through another town. Dd spied an old house with a glassed in porch that had windows lined with china and a small Antiques sign. I slammed on the brakes and turned into the little parking area. Oh, my! The place was crammed full of things at very low prices, which owner promptly discounted. We found, not one, but two framed needleworks for dd's room, one a sampler. And I wished that I had an empty wall -- there was a fair bit of blue and white transferware with American Revolution scenes, Washington crossing the Delaware, Paul Revere's ride, and so is on. Alas, I have no place to display that sort of thing.... Today is just stuff around the house. I did multiple loads of laundry when we got home yesterday, so that is finished and put away. ETA Buy some healthy fish and veggies for dinner. I miss my own cooking!
  23. A totally off the wall suggestion that may or may not work. And depends on having a superb and caring pediatrician. Our ped has called ER ahead of time AND called a specialist to 'drop in' to ER. This got us a quick appointment and worked with our insurance, as specialist was out of network. I realize this is above and beyond and will be forever grateful. It can be a way into the system when need is justified.
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