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Everything posted by nmoira

  1. I'd be inclined to give her the fact chart so she can continue on (without a calculator) and practice facts separately. Some kids pick it up just from using the chart repeatedly. It would be a pity if she were to get the idea she's not good at math simply because she's having problems memorizing facts.
  2. In November, Ms Drown told me chapters would start appearing this month, but I always assume estimates are optimistic,
  3. Year round, though we think nothing of missing days for special occasions and spur of the moment excursions.
  4. I'd go with CWP and Primary Challenge Math. Singapore is too similar to RightStart to be considered a supplement, and RightStart is robust enough it doesn't need one anyway. If you're looking for software, you'll get more mileage out of the old Math Blaster games (Math Blaster Ages 8-9 would be appropriate for RightStart Levels C/D) and Cluefinders 3rd Grade.
  5. I highly recommend Mindset by Carol Dweck; it changed the way I speak to my kids about effort, success, and failure. I haven't read it yet, but I've also heard very good things about Raising Resilient Children.
  6. They do modify frightened; adverbs modify adjectives, adverbs and verbs.
  7. Everything after and including the "ref" can be omitted, but I don't think you have to. I do it to shorten the URL and get the junk out.
  8. I haven't used BJU, so can't do a direct comparison. I can tell you how I've more or less mapped out my eldest's near math future. She'll finish Singapore 5B then either do 6A/6B followed by Mathematics 6, or skip to Mathematics 6. The choice will depend on her level maturity at that time; she will have input. After Mathematics 6 will come some Art of Problem Solving courses. That's as far ahead as I'm willing to tentatively plan. We will also continue to supplement with the Zaccaro books.
  9. We selectively vax the kids and don't vax the cats because they are indoor. I would vax outdoor cats because I've seen FLV first hand.
  10. Joanna Hurwitz's Riverside Kids books, starting with Rip-Roaring Russell. These gentle, non-fantastical books increase in reading level as the series progresses.
  11. Yeah, most people on this board seem to do DD(child's age)... she's just my first born. :)
  12. I'm not sure this is how I'd characterize IP. Yes, there are some revision problems, but most of the problems are a more difficult than those in the text, or presented in a different or unexpected way. DD1 does very little, if any, of the workbook and uses IP instead because it's more challenging and keeps her engaged. I wouldn't recommend IP specifically for extra practice (these exist separately and are, I believe, called Extra Practice), but rather for kids who are adept at math and need the extra challenge. DD1 does IP and the "Challenging" section of CWP.
  13. Aside from some comments in this thread, I've not heard that it's remedial, but rather that it's not terribly challenging, especially for math adept kids. Since you've used it, maybe you could shed more light on the issue.
  14. With a math adept child, I'd work on finding other things to do then to advance using a less than challenging curriculum for the sake of moving on. What about taking a couple months to work through Primary Challenge Math by Zaccaro while you decide where to go next? It's a great book and might introduce a few new concepts. I also recommend Singapore. My 6yo is doing well with Singapore 3B; during the "boring" stretches, we just take things more slowly. Instead of the workbook, we use Intensive Practice and Challenging Word Problems (just the Challenging ones, not revision). I don't know how easy it is to ease into the program at 5th grade, but Jenny on the Singapore Math boards is very helpful and knowledgeable.
  15. MCT's language arts series is designed for gifted or language adept kids. The grammar series deal solely with the structure of language and assumes trivial mechanics will be picked up incidentally (one level of GWG did the trick for DD). Grammar Island is divided into four parts: word types, functions of words in the sentence, phrases and clauses. As it was originally designed, each successive book would be covered early in the school year and applied for the remainder. The practice books were introduced last year and proved useful to us. They consist of 100 sentences for analysis. There were a few tricks and twists I probably would not have come up with myself for practice. Grammar Island is best followed by Sentence Island and then the practice books. Later practice books also include vocabulary from the Caesar's English series. These books do not pander and I would not recommend them for struggling or resistant students. The elementary series are amusing and lighthearted, but the child must understand the content to get the jokes. I prefer his method of sentence analysis because I find that traditional diagramming methods are about tearing down rather than building up. There is no beauty of language, only function. Because MCT's system preserves the sentence, the beauty of language can still be appreciated. The four level sentence analysis works like this (they aren't lined up perfectly): I read the book to my cat. P v adj n prep adj n subj pred DO ......................prep phrase one independent clause; simple declarative sentence His language arts posters give you some idea of the simplicity and elegance of the system. As far as scheduling, DD took about a month per book (grammar, writing, poetry, vocabulary) and, after the writing book, analyzed 3-4 sentences per week until the practice book was done (she'd already finished Grammar Town as well, but the practice books came out so we backtracked). We'd have started right in with the next level, but she's doing a big push in Spanish and setting aside all she can to make time. She's on the young side and I'm in no hurry to have her forge ahead. She's content at the moment to work slowly through Caesar's English.
  16. Truly, Madly, Deeply... oops just saw that was mentioned by the OP.
  17. The bigger, 2lb model is more practical for a family. Yes. Bob's Red Mill grain in a Nutrimill grinder. Yes, though I don't do it often. The res of my family has a thing against dark, dense breads. The book I always recommend for beginners is The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook by Beth Hensperger. There's not much in the way of 100% whole grain recipes in there, but you can work up to them over time by substituting (I've had very gook luck with white whole wheat flour and extra vital wheat gluten).
  18. I'd talk to Rosine at Right Start before making up your mind. IIRC, her child is developmentally disabled and she might have some good tips.
  19. I'm a Canadian living in Portand, OR. I grew up in SW Ontario, and moved here in 1997. Livning in Portland is about as close to being in Canada as I could imagine in the US.
  20. I use IMDb frequently, but stopped contributing when Amazon bought it, what, 10 years ago?
  21. We're using the elementary series and love it. DD1 recently finished Practice Island (the workbook for Grammar Island and Sentence Island). She has also finished Music of the Hemispheres (poetry) and Building Language (the most elementary of his vocabulary series; Caesar's English is a big step up and we're working slowly through it). The grammar books do not teach rudimentary mechanics (e.g. capitalization rules), but get right into the heart of English grammar. I greatly prefer MCT's 4 level method of sentence analysis to traditional diagramming. Each sentence is analyzed according to word type, function in the sentence, phrases, and clauses. The books are fun and humorous, at least to someone who loves language. There is no need to buy the student books for the elementary series; the TM's will suffice. I did purchase a the student workbook for Practice Island, but you could just as easily write out each day's sentence on a white board or blank paper.
  22. Our experience is similar to Myrtle's. It's available and DD plays it at will.
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