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Status Updates posted by nmoira

  1. Kickin' back and listening to Stan Rogers with the kids. Life is good.

  2. Lion cubs! Surprise public unveiling at Howloween today. So adorable. :D

  3. Love is handwashing your family's underwear. (We won't have a washing machine until next week.)

    1. beaners


      I'd show my love by buying everyone enough underwear to tide you over until then.

    2. nmoira


      I'd be inclined if the new washer weren't so darned expensive. They'd more than doubled in price since the last time we purchased one, so I still have sticker shock.

    3. beaners


      In that case, I'd just make everyone wash their own underwear!

  4. Love your avvie. :)

  5. Lovin' the hair. :)

  6. Matt Berry + Portlandia = Woo hoo! Too bad I don't have cable. Well, not really... It's an excuse to go over to a friend's with a bottle of wine.

  7. My "big" Christmas present just dispatched: Peep Show Series 8. I can hardly wait the two-ish weeks it'll take to get here.

  8. My almost 6yo asked me to honor her zombie-astronaut-reindeer-hummingbird-pirate-assassin. How could I refuse such an earnest and innocent child? :P


    ETA: I forgot vampire.

  9. My cough is almost gone. I think it thought it had found its forever-home.

  10. My eldest turns 12 tomorrow. *sniff* She's asked to try "cricket" sushi (there's a place... there's always a place) and for us to make (safely) edible cookie dough in lieu of cake. I don't know which sounds worse to me. :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. quark


      Warmest birthday greetings to all birthday kiddos!

    3. nmoira


      Grasshoppers consumed (she's not sure she'll order them again). Cookie dough made (big hit). Back from the play (meh). Friend over (yay!). My duties are done until dinner. Good birthday so far.


      Diane, I hope the girls have a great birthday and enjoy their pickles. :D

    4. elegantlion
  11. My eyes hurt. Feeling a bit like Burgess Meredith in that Twilight Zone episode.

  12. My youngest finally wore me down and I put Goblet of Fire on her Nook. I hope she can get to sleep tonight.

  13. Netflix PSA: Resist the urge to delete movies from your primary (original) queue. Just don't. No device lacking updated software (i.e. almost all devices) is going to see what is in your new queues.

  14. Nice chatting with you. Hope to do it another time with fewer interruptions. :)

  15. No... they'd never sit still long enough. Maybe for Halloween one year. :)

  16. Not starting Arrested Development until I'm caught up with Mad Men. Trying to get the family out of the house for 48 minutes for S04E13. The suspense is killing me.

    1. nmoira


      We were favored with a bit of kid-friendly sun. I've made it through S05E02. :D

  17. Nothing like hearing your kids sing Fairytale of New York while they decorate the tree to make it feel like Christmas.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. swimmermom3


      At least it was an accident at your house. Here, I have a mind like a sieve these days. The teens find it amusing and sometimes shocking to get music suggestions from a mother who was in college during the punk scene and who later worked in advertising with music promoters during the grunge days. I suspect I may not have understood some of the lyrics at that point in time.

    3. nmoira
    4. nmoira


      And they'd heard it before... just hadn't paid enough attention to grab the lyrics.

  18. Oh, it doesn't bother me to the point of irritation or anything, I just can't read that much bolded text so I don't. :)

  19. Oh, the year was 1778. How I wish I was in Sherbrooke now...

  20. OK, so I'm browsing through albums, filling in digital gaps. Three versions of Who's Next available! One is over 2-1/2 hours long, another an hour twenty. Serious, who needs that? Why? The original album was 45 minutes and perfect.

    1. nmoira


      And three versions of Live at Leeds. The longest one topping out at *four hours.* Thats insane.

  21. Orthodontist sticker shock. I think I need a drink.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. nmoira


      They're working with us to take maximum advantage of our flex dollars. This year is a wash for flex because we're all getting new glasses.

    3. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Dd just got her braces off--TOTALLY worth it!

    4. Chris in VA

      Chris in VA

      Dd just got her braces off--TOTALLY worth it!

  22. Outing to the pediatric dentist. Two unexpected referrals. One to an orthodontist (thought we had another year, but no). One to a speech pathologist for tongue thrust. The latter probably isn't covered. Bah. Humbug.

    1. lisabees


      Hey Moira - do some checking online. DD9 has a tongue thrust and I make her do exercises at home!

    2. nmoira


      Thanks. Have you noticed any progress?


      I have her doing some exercises at home because I won't be able to pay for therapy until April, should she still need it. The speech pathologist I spoke with was very understanding and helpful.


      It was a bit of a shock to find out that she's pushing her bottom teeth right out of her gums. :(

  23. Please don't schedule a meet-up ten minutes before I'm due to arrive at my coffee shop, desperate for my morning's fix. The line was out the door and down the block. And do young people these days drink *anything* that doesn't involve complicated preparation? Fortunately, one of the baristas took pity on me and slipped me a self-consciously plain coffee (I prepay), and dog and I slinked away. :P

    1. nmoira


      I learned earlier this week that "jade" is an archaic term for crabby or disreputable old woman. "Jaded" comes from this meaning. Now I know what it takes to jade me. :P

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