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Status Updates posted by nmoira

  1. Been listening to Lorde all morning. Just can't stop. Is that a character flaw?

    1. elegantlion


      At least it's not Jack Johnson or whoever that Jack dude is.


    2. nmoira


      LOL. I haven't had the guts to YouTube him. Probably for the best.

  2. It's been a field trippy week: mummies (second visit), swimming and exploring at Lewisville Regional Park, penny arcade this afternoon, tide pools at the coast tomorrow. I don't want summer to end.

    1. funschooler5


      We went to see the mummies on Monday. So cool!

    2. nmoira


      Definitely one of the better traveling exhibits I've seen at OMSI. Usually I grumble about having to pay the premium entry. :P

  3. What a horrible day. Our dog was attacked on our afternoon walk, slipped his collar and disappeared. Thankfully he came home, but not before many tears (many mine). He's a sweet, shy, formerly terribly neglected shelter dog we've had for about eight months. So the good part: "home" IS "home" to him, and he wasn't badly injured. Gotta keep telling myself that. Phew.

    1. Stacia


      How scary. So glad he found his way home. Hugs to all of you.

  4. Shoot. Rain and cold. So much for Not Back to School Day at Oaks (Amusement) Park today. At least it's open next weekend, so we'll make up for it then.

    1. nmoira


      That explains yesterday's downpour. I hope you're managing a bit better than the sky. *hug*

  5. My youngest finally wore me down and I put Goblet of Fire on her Nook. I hope she can get to sleep tonight.

  6. OK, so I'm browsing through albums, filling in digital gaps. Three versions of Who's Next available! One is over 2-1/2 hours long, another an hour twenty. Serious, who needs that? Why? The original album was 45 minutes and perfect.

    1. nmoira


      And three versions of Live at Leeds. The longest one topping out at *four hours.* Thats insane.

  7. DD the Elder is at camp in the San Juan Islands for the next 10 days. Without a single book. Camp she can handle, but book withdrawal? We'll see how bad she's shaking when she gets back.

    1. Unicorn.


      What kind of mother lets her child go to camp w/out a book! lol

  8. Please don't schedule a meet-up ten minutes before I'm due to arrive at my coffee shop, desperate for my morning's fix. The line was out the door and down the block. And do young people these days drink *anything* that doesn't involve complicated preparation? Fortunately, one of the baristas took pity on me and slipped me a self-consciously plain coffee (I prepay), and dog and I slinked away. :P

    1. nmoira


      I learned earlier this week that "jade" is an archaic term for crabby or disreputable old woman. "Jaded" comes from this meaning. Now I know what it takes to jade me. :P

  9. Not starting Arrested Development until I'm caught up with Mad Men. Trying to get the family out of the house for 48 minutes for S04E13. The suspense is killing me.

    1. nmoira


      We were favored with a bit of kid-friendly sun. I've made it through S05E02. :D

  10. Finally doing our taxes. Blech.

    1. Dana


      Go, go go! You can do it! (taxes are one place where I find diagramming sentences to come in handy!)

  11. I'm out of bed finally, but feeling like the Walking Dead. It's going to be a long, slow day, but that' s OK.

  12. I scored three pounds of Parmigiano Reggiano today for $10 a pound. Oh, the (culinary) places we can go...

    1. charcat13


      Sweet. Or should I say a bit salty.

  13. Zero unread items in Google Reader. Zero unread items in my inbox (and a plethora of new filters to help keep it that way). Ha! Starting my New Year's resolutions early.

    1. ILiveInFlipFlops


      Good for you! I discovered the beauty of email filters myself a few weeks ago. So helpful! Don't you love starting with a clean slate?

  14. Shakin' all about. :)

  15. Ah, you know about the "sock gap." :D

  16. Happy Saturday. :)

  17. Haven't run into you in awhile. Just popping over to say "hi."


    Hi. :D

  18. Jenny, how much time are you giving to The Elements?

  19. Thanks for the Reader's group invite. :)

  20. Nice chatting with you. Hope to do it another time with fewer interruptions. :)

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