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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. Well, yeah!! Who wouldn't??😜😎ðŸ¥
  2. Hmm, never realized Booya/h was first declension!! I like that!!
  3. What is it about 6 year old DDs? Saturday night I am lying in bed, not falling asleep and all the sudden my 6 year old DD is standing by my bed. Scared the carp out of me. Her sister had crawled into bed with her and now she couldn't go to sleep. Sister was asleep. So, I walked her to her room, put her in sister's bed. And then I still couldn't fall asleep because I was afraid she'd get up again and come into my room and scare me again.😩
  4. Good Morning!!!! COFFEE!!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Monday!!😩😩😩 Slept better than expected!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠Kittens to the vet today so we don't get more kittens.ðŸˆðŸˆðŸˆðŸˆðŸˆðŸ‘ŽðŸ‘ŽðŸ‘ŽðŸ˜±
  5. I'm so sorry!! I want you to go home, too!! hope you both sleep well. I'm thinking I probably won't. I'm terribly stressed. Things aren't going well at all with Difficult DS.
  6. I love drama, too. Just not in my own life. 😜
  7. We us MP's Latin curriculum and I wouldn't have been able to teach it without the DVDs. I knew nothing about Latin and the DVDs are not particularly about pronounciation. They teach the lesson. I would watch the DVDs right along with the kids.
  8. Thanks for the recipes, Susan!! They look yummy!!!
  9. Don't be shy, JJM, tell us how you're really feeling about this!!😜
  10. And.... uh.... if you don't mind, Susan, what's your recipe for cream of broccoli soup?
  11. I should get up and make dinner or something. I'm feeling so unmotivated. Been doing some school stuff, called my mom, watched some Netflix...... I need something. Something. I don't know what. Chocolate perhaps. I had a bunch of COFFEE!!!!
  12. What flavor?? And what color frosting?? Sprinkles??
  13. I was watching Gone With the Wind. I quit. I hate the way it ends. Too depressing!! Scarlett O'Hara is an idiot.
  14. Yay, AMJ is back!! It's about time, girlfriend!!!
  15. I might go down the timeline and make sure I have a book from each major time period. I would probably look at authors and if there are some books by authors I'd read and liked I'd make sure I included those. It is difficult to choose, that's for sure,
  16. Very nice haiku!!!! I hope you get some rest this morning!!! It shows strength of character, when, in the midst of misery and insomnia, one can haiku.
  17. I love having a poet in residence!!!! Don't they say that a person's best work comes out of trials and anguish?? There you go. In Critter's case, it's insomnia. I hope you can get some rest later today.
  18. Good Morning!!!! COFFEE!!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Sunday!!!!👠Church!!!💒ðŸ‘
  19. I would love a pair of cowboy boots. And if I had the nerve, they would be red.
  20. I'll join you there in a minute. Rocco has to finish my foot massage and Roderigo is refreshing my cool drink with a splash more pineapple juice and a perky little umbrella.
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