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Everything posted by KrissiK

  1. We use it, sort of. We're using the Middle Ages this year. I took some stuff out and threw in some "Famous Men of the Middle Ages", and some videos from the History Channel on-line, and I happened to have Great Courses "History of European Art" DVDs, so I'm throwing in some of those for the Renaissance. I think the curriculum is a great spine, but it's really inconsistent with the daily workload. Some days it just have them do a little outlining and some map work, and then some assignments there's a ton of writing and reading. For example: they have the kids read Charles and Mary Lamb's Shakespeare for Kids and write 3-4 page summaries for each story. Some assignments they have them read 3-4 "plays" (The Lambs took the plays and reworked them into narrative stories in modern English) and then they have to write the summaries. Well, some of those I assignments I split up, and I also put it down to a 1 page summary. Basically, I bought the PDF version and cut and pasted the whole thing. Then I added what I wanted to add (for the Famous Men stuff, I added discussion questions and then she has to write a good paragraph or two of the person, I also found Primary Source stuff on the Net and added that, too. Yesterday she read "Dinner with Attilla the Hun") and cut out the stuff I wanted cut out and reworked a lot, too. It was a huge job, but I think I am happy with what I ended up with.
  2. Actually, I think she robbed a money-carrying train.
  3. Good Morning!!!!! COFFEE!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Saturday!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘
  4. I loved them both. Of course I loved the older one better. It was built in 1965 and has all the built-ins and such. It has bigger bedrooms. One problem is that it is on a corner. The two streets aren't horribly busy, but... not like our quiet street. The other house is on a cul-de-sac. Now I just have to convince DH.
  5. I just got home from teaching our homeschool group an eclipse class. We're getting together again on Monday morning to "watch" the eclipse through our pinhole viewers.
  6. This should go in the ITT Hymnal. Say, when are we gonna have an ITT Sing-a-long with a campfire and s'mores and scary ghost stories and all that.
  7. Oh my stars, we are meeting with a realtor tonight and seeing 2 houses. Aaaaack!!!
  8. Right next door. I hope you don't mind that we will be perpetually borrowing your gardening implements and not returning them and listening to loud, rock'n roll music at 2:00am. Actually, it's a couple blocks away. For reasons not to be mentioned on a public message board, we feel like it would be in the best interest of our family to get a few more bedrooms. We haven't really seriously been looking because $$ and we do like our house and neighborhood. But the reasons have been getting more intense, so I was looking in a real estate website in our town and fell in love with a house. It's quite a bit older than ours, but I don't know.... For some reason I just loved it. It's only a few blocks away (our town is smallish, so houses not too far away from each other can be 50 years apart in age) and it looks like it's been fairly well taken care of.
  9. Good Morning!!! COFFEE!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ Friday!!ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠Our first Fine Arts Friday - Limbourg Brothers and Bach!!!😎👠Eclipse Class!!☀ï¸
  10. I think I am out of printer ink. But, that's ok. I've printed all the things. I found a house I want to buy. I put in an inquiry with the real estate agent. Ikslo, watering plants at Lowes sounds wonderful. See if they'll hire us both. Renai, I have no suggestions. Just hugs! But not Huggies. Or Pampers. or Luvs. Slashie, we don't have HBO. They do not impress me. Hugs for Susan!!!!! Hugs for Angi!!! I'm going to bed now!!!!
  11. I am so sorry, Renai!! That is stupid. But bureaucracies are seldom rational, logical or efficient.
  12. On many levels, I completely agree with you!! Will continue to ponder the matter!!
  13. Reading doesn't make him anxious, he's just got generalized anxiety. Period. But it's like, he loves the books I've chosen, and they are all over the board....this year we've read "A Wrinkle in Time", "The Witch of Blackbird Pond", "The Perilous Road", "Carry on, Mr. Bowditch", "The Outsiders", "Dave at Night", "Farmer Boy", "Out of the Silent Planet". And he has loved every one of them, but he would never have read them himself. I never realized he had this "problem" reading because he always read aloud to me when I homeschooled him. And he did fine. But in 7th grade he had to do a book report. He claimed to have "read" White Fang and cut and pasted the book report. Ha!! That didn't fly with me. Thus, me reading to him commenced.
  14. He doesn't have a documented disability. And I'm not sure what it is. He definitely has anxiety, which manifests itself in his behavior and an inability to settle down. He can focus on some things. He can play legoes well, he sits well in church, he will listen to me read (or a book on tape or audio theater). We are working on the anxiety end of it with his doctor and are hoping to get tested. The problem is, we don't have insurance. And it's $200 for an initial consult at this place our doctor referred us to. :crying:
  15. My goal is for him to be able to do the assignment. And I want him to be as well-read as possible. It occurred to me that my reading aloud to him in the evenings is a form of homeschooling. Especially since I read to him quality literature. And, I think you are right, that an audio recording is legit.
  16. Hmmmm.... well, I'm not sure if that makes me feel any better or if it makes me think you're waaay too easy!! :lol:
  17. My goodness we're getting spammed today! And that is a Booya/h with a side of Korean spam.
  18. Ok, girls, I need honesty here. DS has to do outside reading for his English class. And he has to do a report on it or something. He doesn't read. He knows how to read. He's a good reader. But I don't think he can focus enough to sit down and read a book. I've done all his book report reading for him. Aloud. He listens, of course. And actually, he loves to be read aloud to. He will listen for an hour if I'd make it that long. And I read aloud to him every night, whether it's warranted for school or not. Right now we're in the middle of CS Lewis' "Space Trilogy". So, the question is.... do I read aloud his outside reading to him? If I made him do it by himself, he wouldn't do it. He just wouldn't. He doesn't care enough about his grades. If I read it aloud to him, then he would know the story, we could talk about it and then he could do the report. So, I'm leaning toward doing that.... actually, I will do that, but then, the question is.... do I mention this to his teacher? The assumption is that he would read to himself. What high school kid's mom still reads aloud to him? But, I'm afraid if I ask her, she'd say he has to do the reading. And then he wouldn't. I don't want to be deceptive, but I feel like her purpose is for kids to get into literature and I think for the most part, if I were reading aloud to him, that would be fulfilling that purpose. So, what do y'all think?
  19. Hmm, we finished school pretty early this morning. I hate that. I mean, I like that, but that makes me wonder if I'm too easy on them. Oh well! Not going to complain. I changed my door wreath. No more Patriotic Wreath. Now, I have my late summer wreath. It's not quite autumn-looking, but not super summery, either. Just kind of in the middle.
  20. DS had a good first day of high school yesterday. For all his fretting. I am relieved. He was fine and ready to go this morning!
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