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Everything posted by popmom

  1. What is the cause? That’s sad. When I lived in south Texas, we had oak wilt. It moves through the soil extremely slowly, but our neighborhood had lost a lot of beautiful, old live oaks.
  2. I appreciate your perspective and I agree with you both. They absolutely deserve better compensation. I do think something needs to give with car prices. I think there would be a market for an old school no frills car. I mean, there are definitely some safety features that I don’t see as a “frill”—like back up cameras and airbags… Dh has been priced out of pretty much any full or mid size truck on the market. He has to buy new or nearly new every 3-4 years due to the requirements of the Runzheimer program. His company dropped the requirement several years ago that he had to buy a truck, so last time he got a Subaru Forester because they are much less than a truck. He likes it, but he doesn’t drive around quarries in it like he did when he had a truck.
  3. I have not read or heard anything about it. I’m always surprised to hear when anyone has a pension they are so rare now.
  4. I routinely knead bread dough for long periods with my mixer because I use freshly milled whole wheat. Much longer than 10 minutes. I upgraded from an older KA (not a top of the line) to an Ankersrum a couple of years ago when I started making bread regularly.
  5. My husband has never had it. My youngest has never tested positive, but she did have a flu like illness this summer that may have been covid, but she tested negative. My husband was the first to stop masking, and he has the most exposure risk due to traveling for work and being in the office. He is very averse to masking--always has been. And yet he is the only one of us that hasn't had it. He has had one cold. He tested repeatedly because we were all like... this HAS to be your time, but nope. He had the initial vaccine plus one booster- that's it. Similar with my youngest. She had the initial vaccine but no booster. So out of the 6 of us, 2 have never had it.
  6. Congratulations! I love the name. Does your dd live nearby? This is definitely exciting! So happy for you!
  7. Big Three automakers offer record 23% wage increase, but UAW insists it should be more. All I can think about is the trickle down affect to consumers. New cars are already obscenely expensive. https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/gm-makes-new-offer-uaw-sees-movement-all-key-areas-2023-10-20/
  8. popmom


    I know exactly what you are talking about. It’s how a lot of political polls here work, and it’s infuriating. That does not seem to be how these survey questions worked. This organization seems more scholarly???? Not sure if that is the correct descriptor, but definitely more scientific than your typical CNN, USA Today type poll.
  9. popmom


    Actually I have read a poll/survey as recent as June or July with numbers slightly higher in support of Hamas. And agree that it’s not cut and dried. It is far more complex than the typical political hack would have us believe. After reading these in-depth surveys, I am more sympathetic to the Palestinian citizens. I am certainly not more sympathetic to Hamas or even the Palestinian Authority after reading these polls, but the average ordinary citizen just trying to live life. I had seen a number—86% of Palestinians supporting Hamas as a legitimate governing authority. But I can’t find that info anymore, so I’m dubious. And as you mentioned there are other armed groups getting support. They are mentioned in the surveys. I’m sharing a link with the caveat that I have not researched this organization as to their legitimacy or any inherent bias. If nothing else, it shows the degree of complexity in such a small region. Definitely not cut and dried. https://pcpsr.org/en/node/944
  10. popmom


    That’s kinda what I meant when I said I don’t know what to make of it. I need to see the source of the polling numbers being reported. But I tend to believe it is somewhat accurate based on all of the celebrating that went on across the world after the initial attacks.
  11. popmom


    But it appears that they (Hamas) have the support of the vast majority of Palestinians. I’m not sure what to make of that.
  12. popmom


    Egypt is currently repairing and paving the road to the Rafah crossing to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.
  13. popmom


    There may be a strategic delay on Hamas’ part.
  14. Are you talking about those can lights? It shouldn’t be difficult to find those—just the fixture without the bulb. We had that type installed with our basement den remodel. Maybe instead of Lowe’s y’all could check with a lighting specific store.
  15. I think it is pretty much the same here.
  16. Does his family have a history of heart disease? If not, I wouldn’t be terribly worried about that.
  17. It really IS scary! @DawnM did you contact your friend to let her know she’d been hacked? That’s so terrible. eta: I got scammed once buying on FB marketplace, too. I bought a 12v Dometic refrigerator a couple of years ago, and it turned out to be stolen merch. I got a call from law enforcement from a neighboring county. I had to turn the fridge over to them. The woman was convicted, and I was recently contacted that I should receive restitution when she is released from jail--if she gets a job. It can happen to anyone.
  18. U.S. banks won’t cover that type of fraud either. At least I wouldn’t think. I think the coverage is more specific to stolen cards or card numbers. If PayPal was used, there might be some buyer protection though.
  19. popmom


    This isn't getting headlines? I don't think that is why the effort isn't getting much support. Maybe I misunderstood.
  20. popmom


    Wow. That is a significant development--especially considering the king of Jordan's "red line" statements. Is it feasible for Scotland to do this? Just wondering aloud (in writing). https://thehill.com/policy/international/4262981-scotlands-first-minister-says-country-willing-to-take-gaza-refugees/
  21. fwiw my dh recently lost a lot of weight, and he never really changed his eating habits. What I mean is--he didn't start eating a wide variety of fiber rich, colorful veggies and such. He still eats a good bit of processed convenience foods. He was eating those little frozen sausage biscuits every morning--4 of them--which is a lot of calories. He switched to the Jimmy Dean Delites english muffin sandwiches. He skips lunch or just has a protein bar. Then he eats whatever I cook for dinner--typically the only veggies he eats in a day. He did cut out snacks and eating out. He used Noom, and he found it to be really helpful. Interestingly, just within the past month he is getting more interested in nutrition. He may actually start using Cronometer to see what nutrients he is lacking. I think it really has to be their idea. Or their decision.
  22. That is so interesting. She said cash or cash app--which I have never used. I do have Venmo. And thank you--I have no regrets. Her hair went from wild, curly, wavy, some straight, all of it frizzy to looking like Kate Middleton! Quite a transformation. The stylist said it should last for 6 months. And she can wear it straight or leave it natural/curls. This is the first stylist we've seen that is truly knowledgeable about her type of hair texture.
  23. That’s what I did. She does accept tips. I think she just feels bad for my dd being a broke grad student. lol Weird thing was they couldn’t add it to the transaction, so they could only accept cash. I just happened to have that much cash because I’m traveling. Her hair is spectacular btw!
  24. Update…I texted my daughter who comes here for her cuts, and she said that this stylist never lets her tip. I thought that rule about owners was antiquated, so I guess I’ll be super awkward and just ask. So my daughter is having her hair done by a “master stylist” while we are in Maryland visiting my older dd. She’s having this expensive keratin treatment. We’ve been here for 4 hours. It’s going to be $$$. More than I have ever spent at a salon by far. And it just hit me…the tip. This stylist is the owner of the salon. I normally do 20%, but I may cry after this. Now that I know what the process is called, I am sure I can find someone in my lower cost of living city to do it for less next time. I guess another 20% won’t matter much in the long run. 😭😭😭 Gosh I had no idea hair could be so expensive!! What would y’all recommend? Is 20% enough??
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