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Everything posted by ahousefullofjs

  1. These are really pretty. I never thought of making them for washcloths, great idea. These are so much fun.
  2. I just love this type of project, so many styles to try and they work up very quickly. I made the Nubby Dishcloth lastnight. Thanks for the links and the inspiration. ;)
  3. Ooooohhh, that is so pretty! Thanks for the link. I can't wait to get started.
  4. I really like this idea. Anyone have a pattern? (It's been a few years since I've picked up a crochet hook, so a pattern is a must for me.) Thanks.
  5. Downloaded it today. Did level 1 with dd3 and level 2 with ds6. Both kids absolutely loved it!! I'm really excited about adding this to our lessons. A big thank you to the OP for letting everyone know about this. :)
  6. Weird,, this happened to Ds6 over Thanksgiving. He was playing with his brothers on the playstructure. It was the first time I'd ever let them play with Nerf guns. Well, from the upper level, he was being chased by Ds8 and decided the quickest escape would be to jump off. :glare: He landed wrong and his knees came up and hit him, one in the eye the other on the cheek. (Took me awhile to understand how that was even possible.) When he came in to show me, he had a cut in his eyelid, about an inch long, pretty deep (not all the way through to the eyeball though) but a very clean cut, and almost no blood. Being so close to the eye, I didn't want to take any chances (and it looked pretty gross) so we took him to ER. After about a 2 hour wait, they brought in the specialist to determine if it needed stitches. Fortunately during the waiting time, it had already started sealing up on it's own. They did a thorough cleaning, put antibiotic ointment on it and sent us home. They said it was good to have it checked out since it was the eye area, and the reason they called the specialist was because even the intern who examined him wasn't sure if they should do stitches, or the liquid bandage stuff. Thank goodness he didn't need anything but time. It did get puffy and bruised, poor guy looked like he had been in a fight, and lost. He's all healed now but he will have a scar. I can't really advise what to do in your situation. I hope by sharing our experience, it has helped some.
  7. I use RME here too and love it. I've tried SO many reading/phonics programs over the years but this is the one we've stuck with. We also use the CD, basically like ETC workbooks but the lessons tie in exactly with the program. It's a great combo. I also received an email from her (maybe a year ago??) With ready made printable letter and word cards to print out. Might want to check her website for those, makes it even easier. I highly recommend Reading Made Easy. I have no idea why it isn't mentioned more here.
  8. Are you having any symptoms? We were sort of doing NFP (not very well, obviously;)) and I knew well before my expected period. I never actually took a test this time, I think I started having nausea and a "baby bump" about 2 days after conception. :D
  9. I have one with Asthma here, diagnosed at age 2. I agree with others about the nebulizer. Regarding the bunk beds, our asthma guy was on the bottom bunk, and was absolutely miserable even though both top and bottom mattresses were completely encased, as were the pillows, all linens were washed frequently and dried on HOT. It's also important to do a regular vacuuming anywhere dust can settle. We were also advised to regularly dry any stuffed animals on hot for a minimum 30mins to kill mites there too. We did all of this but it wasn't until we moved him to the top bunk that his nighttime allergy/asthma attacks stopped. We heven't had a single nighttime episode since making that change.
  10. Worked for us. Ds#2 has had eczema since he was an infant, it was really bad for a while and we tried everything, prescriptions, steroid creams, and just about every lotion or cream available, nothing worked. We have many baby pictures of that little guy with cracked, bleeding and oozing skin. We finally tried coconut oil and it has helped him tremendously. It clears it right up. We also use it on mosquito bites to stop the itching. Great stuff. And no, it doesn't smell like anything at all. Good luck.
  11. Thanks for the info. The links are really helpful. It sounds like a fun time and a great way to get to know your neighbors. I'm sure I will have many more questions, this is all new to me. I really appreciate the help. :)
  12. So, when I call, if they say I can go there, what can I expect? I don't know anything about canning, but I'm very willing to learn. :001_smile:
  13. :lurk5: Thank you for asking about this. I've just starting looking into this, have located a local canning center, but have no idea where to go from there or what to expect. I will be watching this thread.
  14. We have two sets of these. Our boys have been using them for about 2 years (maybe a little longer) they've help up really well. Our boys are pretty rough on furniture, I've caught them hanging off the side of the bunk, swinging from the ladder, etc. This is really a solid piece of furniture. We've shuffled them from room to room a few times, disassembling and reassembling with no problems what-so-ever. The only issue we've ever had was when ds#3 was jumping on the bed and broke a couple of slats. We called the manufacturing company and they sent out new ones free of charge right away. I say go for it, no regrets here.
  15. Very helpful, thank you. I believe we do have Culligan here, will check that out today. Please thank your DH for helping to point us in the right direction.
  16. That's good to know. I didn't realize there would be a "taste" with either one, just assumed they would taste like nothing, kwim? Definitely something to consider. Thank you. :)
  17. Wonderful, thank you. I knew I'd find some help here on the hive.;)
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