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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. :iagree: Leather is too. hot. during the summer here in the Deep South. We HATE having out sweaty skin stick to leather seats. It's just as bad as the old vinyl seats from the 70s.
  2. After BJU Math 6 (average student) would you do TT Math 7 , or would you go skip Math 7 and go straight into TT Pre-Algebra?
  3. Me too! :lol: "I've got a special power that I'm not afraid to use..."
  4. We've already watched that one. EK loved it! She loved it until the final season, that is. She doesn't like Bella, or the new theme song, or the way Zane is the only character who still seems to be "himself"...
  5. It is my understanding that there are five states that do not allow collective bargaining for educators, effectively banning teachers unions. Those states are: South Carolina North Carolina Georgia Texas Virginia
  6. Thanks, everyone! Our whole family LOVES Psych--in fact, ER loves it so much that we wait until he's home so we can all watch it together. We did the same thing with LOST. The whole family also loves Monk and Star Trek TNG, but we've seen all of them. Dh & I watch Eureka; the dc watched it with us once or twice, but they didn't really like it as much as dh & I did. We'll check into some of the other ones mentioned. We're hoping to find something that's decidedly "female"--not a soap opera, but something clean with an ongoing story line and a little drama & romance. Thanks again!
  7. Please recommend a good, clean television series (multiple seasons preferred) available on instant play. We are looking for something that she and I would enjoy watching together on the evenings when dh has to work late. We want something that would be decidedly more of interest to women than men--but not soap opera-ish--and we want something that has a continuous/serial plot. We both like sci-fi as well as sappy romances. Any help?
  8. Me too! :lol: But I don't think it always works--maybe only until a certain amount of time has passed?
  9. :iagree: When people talk about the quiver-full concept, I think they usually mean that they are opposed to birth control because they believe that by using it, they are refusing God's blessings. They believe this because of the scriptures that say (paraphrased) that children are a blessing and that a man who has a "full quiver" is blessed. To me, however, blessings come in many forms, and children are just one of the ways God blesses His people. People who claim to be led by God need to realize that God wants us to use not only the parts of our bodies that make babies, but the common sense He gives us also.
  10. I wasn't trained as a special ed teacher, and I didn't know the strategies I needed in order to teach kids with learning and/or behavior disorders. I was often completely overwhelmed, and it was very frustrating for me because I tried and tried, but never felt successful. :iagree: Yes, this was exactly my point. This is exactly how I felt. While only a few of my students had IEP's, most did have learning issues, yet I was still expected to teach them the same material that the high achievers were taught. The same tests were administered to both groups, and of course, my students always scored low. :iagree: There are no teacher's unions in this part of the country.
  11. From what I can tell from the reviews: Through Gates of Splendor is a 35-minute documentary narrated by Elisabeth Elliot and contains original film footage of Auca natives shot by Nate Saint himself. Beyond the Gates of Splendor is a 96-minute documentary narrated by Steve Saint (son of Nate Saint) and each of the wives of the men who died, and it includes footage of the Waodani describing their way of life before the missionaries came. End of the Spear is a 108-minute feature film based on the lives of Nate Saint and the other missionaries who were killed by the Auca/Waodani people and is told from the perspective of the tribe.
  12. I am reading Nate Saint: On a Wing and a Prayer from the Christian Heroes: Then and Now series with the girls, EK (17) and HV (12). We have all enjoyed the story, and would like to watch either Through Gates of Splendor, Beyond the Gates of Splendor, or End of the Spear after we finish the book this week. All are available from Netflix, but which one should I choose? Our family saw End of the Spear several years ago and really liked it, but EK vaguely remembers it. We haven't seen the other two. HV hasn't seen any of them. Which movie would you recommend for us?
  13. Heehee! Don't worry about it. I figured it was just me. Nobody else seemed to have any trouble. :tongue_smilie:
  14. It IS unfair, but that's the way it was done when I taught in the public school. The teachers with the most seniority got to pick the classes they wanted, and of course, they picked the top classes. I had the low group every year for 5 years. I never had fewer than 24 students, and one year I had 33. Yes, 33 kids and no teacher's assistant, because our district only had assistants for grades K-3 at that time. (It is my understanding that they now only have assistants for kindergarten.) After 5 years, I quit. I was burned. out.
  15. I think it has a lot to do with the stigma that would be associated with being in the less able group. And don't think kids wouldn't realize which group they were in. To some extent, most schools do group by ability level. They compromise, though, and group by ability level within a given age group. This is especially the case in schools with a fairly large population, but you also find it in small schools in which there are only a few kids in a particular grade. When I taught 5th grade in a fairly large school, there were 4 classrooms of 5th graders. They were divided into 2 ability groups; I had the lower group and taught them English and reading, and the teacher next door taught math and science to that same group. The teachers across the hall taught the higher group. Even in small schools, there are often different reading groups within the same classroom; the teacher will often have a helper who takes one group while she works with the other.
  16. :iagree: And of course, I believe that my faith can withstand that test. I didn't accept it blindly; I know what I believe and why, and I want my children to do that too. If it couldn't withstand the test, it wouldn't be worth believing, KWIM? :001_smile:
  17. I think I'm misunderstanding the poll, so I didn't vote. The question asks, "Where do you stand on the issue of filtering porn on your public librarys' computers?" I started to click the first response: "I think it is perfectly fine & have no problem with it" because I DO think it is perfectly fine to filter porn on the library's computers. However, the response choices seem to be better suited to the question, "Where do you stand on the issue of the viewing of porn on your public library's computers?" Or maybe it's just me...
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