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ereks mom

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Everything posted by ereks mom

  1. This is evidence that you have an auditory learner. EK is too. :iagree:
  2. We had a winter vacation in the mountains about a year and a half ago -- the first in a long, long time, and probably the last for a very long time as well. I am lamenting the fact that we've only rarely had a REAL vacation in my kids' lives -- maybe twice? -- and ER has just graduated high school and is going off to college in a couple of months. I always dreamed of taking them to Disney World, but it never happened. Didn't mean to hijack your thread... Just wanted to let you know that there are others in the same boat.
  3. Yes, iI don't want that kind of example for my child. And don't for one minute think that the kids in these teachers' classes don't notice! I taught in a public elementary school for several years and I can tell you that even the kindergartners pick up on those kinds of things. If your child were in the class and you decided to talk to him/her about the "error of the teacher's ways", but decide NOT to say anything to the teacher -- well, your child is going to say it for you, either to the teacher or to other kids who will say it to the teacher. :) When I was teaching in PS, I heard all kinds of interesting stories from my students -- stories that their parents would be horrified to know I had heard. ;)
  4. unless you need to buy clothes or curriculum, join the $410 pool and use the rest ($90, although it won't go far!) for clothes or curriculum.
  5. That is, unless you really need the $500 your mom gave you to buy curriculum or clothes.
  6. We usually get a tax refund each year, and $500 of it goes into a separate account for me to use for books & curriculum, etc. And EVERY year, something else comes up that necessitates NOT spending that money as intended. This year it was our central A/C unit. In an ideal world, I would spend about $500 per year (more if I could get it :)) on books and such for my 2 dc (that's $500 total, not per kid), and would buy more stuff brand new. BUT the reality is that I wind up scaling my list WAY back, utilize the public library EXTENSIVELY, and what I do buy, I buy used -- not sure HOW my kids would react if I bought NEW, LOL! But you know what? I homeschooled ER from 1st grade through 12th, and he finished high school with a 4.0 average, got a 30 on the ACT, and earned LOTS of scholarships, even though I spent VERY little on curriculum over the years. And judging by her work so far, I think EK is on the same path as her brother.
  7. But NOW, I think I'm an excellent parent, thank you very much! :D
  8. ...do something I thought might be dangerous. I tend to be very overprotective. Usually, he did the 'dangerous' things with dh -- when I wasn't around. They would go hunting or ATVing without me. We have several acres, heavily wooded, with a 2-acre pond. ER enjoys hiking to the pond, and I would let him go down there alone after he was about 12 or so. I was fearful that he would fall in and drown, or that he would be bitten by a snake (LOTS of those around here!). Whenever he wants to do something that makes me fearful, I just have to realize that God is in control. I pray for ER's safety and I do my best to trust God to protect him when I can't.
  9. In the summer, we keep our house about 80° during the day & about 75° at night. In the winter, we keep it about 68-70° during the day & about 65° at night.
  10. I use it regularly -- several times a week, sometimes several times a day.
  11. EK isn't really a science buff like ER is. He loves all sciences except biology.
  12. ...he was probably 12 or so. I don't remember any bad language, but I don't really think a 6yo would "get it". Why? Because (correct me if I'm wrong) he is about the same age as "Calvin", and C & H is about all those amusing things that little boys that age do naturally without the remotest idea that it could possibly be funny to somebody. That's what makes it funny.
  13. The approaches of BJU & Saxon are SO very different. Have you used BJU all along, or did you try it for a short time and decide it wasn't working? (Sorry for being nosey!) I was just wondering why you were switching to Saxon.
  14. on your computer? Not that I want to do that. But I'm curious, and since you brought it up... :)
  15. I also tend to be a worrier. Dh says I'm a pessimist, and that I tend to see things in the worst possible light. Like if there's a 5% chance of something bad happening, I figure it will definitely happen because "that's just my luck". I'm trying to let my faith take over my fears and simply trust God.
  16. colorful "worksheet"-type pages plus cut & paste activities and experiments. It covers a variety of topics.
  17. I said, "It's Saturday." She said, "Oh, I wondered why there were so many kids in the store."
  18. I get an error message when I try to go there: "Http/1.1 Service Unavailable".
  19. ...names are shown there TO the people on the Today's Birthdays list??
  20. ...when dh & the dc are gone, I MISS them terribly! With ER leaving for college in 2.5 months, I am feeling 'clingy' with my family. I've literally dreaded the day ER leaves home his entire life!
  21. I'm working on scheduling EK's Latin for 8th grade & high school. I want her to do Latin; she wants to do Spanish. I told her that after she completed 3 years of Latin in grades 8-10, she could work on Spanish in 11-12 if she still wants to. I just need to know if my tentative plan (LP 1-3 + SYRWTLL 3) will work in the time I've allotted for it!
  22. Middle school level Latin Prep Books 1-3 = high school level SYRWTLL Books 1-2 in scope, but SYRWTLL moves a bit faster (so it covers the same material in 2 books instead of 3)?
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