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Everything posted by MAIMOM

  1. Thanks for giving me the name of another curriculum to consider. The state of AK will pay for her supplies and lessons as long as I have an approved "curriculum" to list on her student study plan for the year. I know they are paying for it but I did not want to waste money on something we would not use. I think we will look into the masters curriculum and see if that one can be funded.
  2. thank you for input. My daughter really enjoyed the idea of finding a style she liked, copying it out and working from there. She has been practicing and has improved a lot in just a few days. I think letting her pick the style encouraged her to have ownership.
  3. thanks for input....it is very helpful to have ideas to research
  4. We are looking into Atelier art. Has anyone used them? What did you think? Any other suggestions for online art?
  5. oh thank you for this thread. My son and husband went Salmon fishing and we have a freezer full but I was not sure what to do to it other than grill or bake with basic salt and pepper. I am going to try all of these in the coming days.
  6. I wish you the best with your research and decisions. It is not easy to evaluate all options and pick the best one for your situation. I am taking my oldest two to college this summer which has caused me to do some evaluating. I realized the last few years I have spent a lot of time worrying about academics and credits. However, when they were graduating I was thinking more about maturity and character. Most of the things I have really worried about the past few years can be addressed by and app or a program....poor spelling...spell check....budgeting they can use quicken....poor reading skills there are books on MP3 that can be read to them etc.... However character has to be internal. Our son has been home this last year working to pay for college. Academically he has always been very advanced. This year we have spent a lot of time talking him through logical choices and responses to life. I guess I say all that to say do not hurry your son's time at home along. You would be giving up your last year of parenting with your son. This age our jobs as parents are less about instruction and more about coaching them. That does not make it any less important. I had no idea how vital the last years at home are until we walked through this last year with our son. Watching him choose schedule and jobs and friends on his own. Managing his money......or spending it recklessly for 3 months.....looking at his spending with him and seeing his eyes open wide in realization of how easy it is to overspend using a debit card. Coaching him in using an envelope to help him dictate where his money goes. We had prepared him in so many ways and yet so many things he still has to learn. I wish you and your son the best. These next few years are so exciting and rewarding for all.
  7. Thank you all....this gives us a lot to consider. The recommendations are all so helpful. I love the idea of letting her pick a style that interests her. She is very creative and does a lot with henna tattoos.....I bet she would enjoy calligraphy...had not even thought about that.
  8. I am looking for suggestions on American history curriculum for my 9th grader. Has anyone used Notgrass or My Father's World? What else is out there to consider?
  9. What is the best curriculum for teaching cursive to a 13 year old. She has been in public school where she learned a bit but they did not focus on it. She has asked to learn this year. Best curriculum for older students?
  10. I am not sure where to post this question. My DD needs help preparing for the Math section of the ACT. We have several test prep books and pretests... What I am looking for is an online math act prep class....does anyone know of something like that? She has been strong in math and was scheduled to take pre cal in 10th grade but with our move she did not take a math. Then we moved and she already had the math she needed to graduate this May. Now we realize she has not had math in 3 years.....help appreciated.
  11. My DD 13 has been sleeping on the floor for sometime. I wonder if it is just part of their growing cycle? It seems many of us have teen girls that sleep on the floor. My oldest DS slept on the floor for weeks and will still at 18 make a pallet on the floor and sleep there for days. I have no idea why! My DD used the mattresses from her and her sisters papasan chairs.....she loved it. Eventually she took her mattress top and put it on the floor, where she is still sleeping.
  12. My husband has built several gaming computers for us. He bought the components from New Egg as he found the bet price from them. then he went online and found step by step videos for set up. on New Egg. He followed those with no difficulty. Last year we bought our son the components to build his own gaming computer and he followed the same videos with minimal help from dad. The key here is the word "gaming". Gaming computers need larger power supplies and larger graphics cards as well as more memory. Encourage him to research on New Egg the videos available. What a amazing experience for your son!
  13. Thank yo7u for your recommendations. I am going to check into them all. I like the drops idea a lot. I think everyone would agree to those and actually use them. They recommend at least 2000 a day up here as we have so much darkness for months at a time. I think we need more though. I have a lot to think about now...thanks
  14. All I can say is what the printing place down the street told me a few years ago. He said buy one when it is on sale...many times you can get them for less than the cost of the in cartridge. Walmart routinely has them on sale...I bought a basic inexpensive canon and it has worked fine these last two years.
  15. It is that time of year....we are headed to darkness and I am thinking my family would benefit from taking vitamin d. I think I asked about this last year....forgive me but I cannot find the post. I know people have done a lot of research about the best absorbed vitamins. Please pass on your knowledge. What brand do you use? We will probably need to take 5000 a day at lease that is what the doctor told my son he recommends to patients. I just do not want to waste money on a vitamin and have it not be effective. More importantly I do not want my family to suffer from lack of vitamin d I know that can impact health in so many ways
  16. Opry Mills mall has a cool restaurant that has a HuGE tank in the middle where divers get in to feed the sharks. It is called the Aquarium link here http://www.aquariumrestaurants.com/AquariumNashville/. We had dessert there which made it more affordable. Dinner was deli copious too though. They also have a sting ray place where you can feed the sting rays. My kids really liked that. Those are a little different idea but they were a hit with my kids.
  17. oh yeah no cotton close to your skin. We were told cotton kills when we moved up here. It keeps the wet of sweat close to your skin and makes you colder. Have another fabric close to your skin.
  18. I say buy hand and toe warmers...seriously I tried toe warmers for the first time yesterday and they were amazing. It was actually above zero and my family thought I was crazy to,wear them yesterday when I did not wear them at -30 or lower but my feet were cold yesterday. Also layers and wool socks. take a warm blanket and wrap it around you to keep out wind and make a cocoon of warmth for you body. A thermose of hot cocoa? If all else fails you can go sit in your car with the heater running to warm up. I bet another mom would join you for some chit chat. Hugs as you work to stay warm.
  19. we are playing games eating junk food. Happy 2014
  20. Thanks, it is fun to see what other families do. Hopping johns? I am thinking pancakes? I love the idea of everyone making an activity suggestion and then all participating. What fun. My family are all computer gamers but I grew up with board games. I put them all on notice last week that I respect their desire to game a lot over the holidays and will expect their respect to board game with me for New Years Day. They are getting excited about that. Compromise has made us all happy :)
  21. Have you seen The Ultimate Gift? We love it, plus there are good lessons we have later used as jumping off for discussions.
  22. I am with you. You have gotten some good ideas. few weeks ago I got an egg cooker for the microwave. thishttp://www.pamperedchef.com/ordering/prod_details.tpc?prodId=41548&catId=9&parentCatId=9&outletSubCat= My HS make themselves eggs for breakfast many mornings. I was not sure how well it would go over but they love it. They can make them scramble and add ham and cheese or just make it fried.
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